2021.8.0: Feel the energy ⚡️

I looked at the source and not an expert in Python yet but confused by your comments in the code below:


def _turn_away_mode_on(self) -> None:
    """Turn away on.
    **Somecomfort does have a proprietary away mode, but it doesn't really**

** work the way it should. For example: If you set a temperature manually**
** it doesn’t get overwritten when away mode is switched on.**
self._away = True
# Get current mode
mode = self._device.system_mode
except somecomfort.SomeComfortError:
_LOGGER.error(“Can not get system mode”)

        # Set permanent hold
        setattr(self._device, f"hold_{mode}", True)
        # Set temperature
            getattr(self, f"_{mode}_away_temp"),
    except somecomfort.SomeComfortError:
            "Temperature %.1f out of range", getattr(self, f"_{mode}_away_temp")

I believe I ran into that on my integration so I setup the away through my phone app and just use the toggle to go from an Away preset back to running the schedule.

well was hoping someone here using the Aeotec Siren 6 could help. Kind people on Discord explained the base service to use, but I feel my device is unreachable. It keeps hissing and emitting the light Led. It has been removed, but still hissing and lit. No way I can reset it (pressing the button over 20 secs)

Guess I need to wait for the backup battery inside to deplete…

There’s an open issue for the TPLink add-on - HASS becomes unusable if you have too many entities enabled (I can’t enable more than 10-15 or so before HASS slows to a crawl). If you disable polling in the Kasa System Options HASS will work, but it won’t reflect state change when someone manually turns on/off a Kasa device, and power values are only updated when you turn a device on/off via HASS.


Funny i had 4 HS300 with the new change they made just that from that integration i’m getting more than 200 entities

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Same - 6 HS300s, 216 entities


Hi team, I am moving from 2021.5.5 to 2021.8.5 and have issues with yeelight ceiling1. Alexa no longer can dim the lights. Work fine in HASSIO. I notice on developer tools state all the yeelights have change to supported_features: 44 (instead of 47 as in 2021.5.5). I search through the release notes for any breaking changes to yeelight cant seem to find it. Would someone point me to the right direction.

Hi there!
I’m new to the community and HA, but today I had exactly the same: AttributeError: module 'hass_nabucasa.remote' has no attribute 'is_cloud_request' after upgrading to 2021.8.5 from 118.5.
I managed to fix it or at least workaround by changing the line 77 in /srv/ha/lib/python3.8/site-packages/homeassistant/components/http/forwarded.py to the following:

if remote is not None and remote.is_cloud_request is not None and remote.is_cloud_request.get():

(I understand, that it’s a bad practice to edit site-pachages manually)
Hope it will help!


I get this :-

Each one I can call using siren.turn_on and get a different tone.

I’ve been pulling my hair out trying to get my Fronius data to make sense - can anyone shed some light?

I seem to only be able to get 2 energy readings from the Fronius integration - one is PV generation, and the other is home consumption (ie regardless of whether it is from the grid or self-generation).

Obviously, it’s possible to calculate energy to/from grid if you know those two things, but that doesn’t seem to be happening with my setup.
Do some of you have separate CT clamps measuring each instead of total consumption?

I’ve tried messing about with scope / device numbers but it doesn’t seem to change anything.

  - platform: fronius
    - sensor_type: inverter
      device: 1
    - sensor_type: meter
      scope: device
    - sensor_type: power_flow

Any ideas?


I’ve got the same problem this morning after upgrading to 2021.8.6. Your workaround did help, thanks!

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My Fronius meter is at the feed-in point (i.e. in the switchboard directly after my utility meter). Is yours? And in the Inverter is it configured as such? There should be a value for all those sensors, to me it seems like yours is configured as a consumption meter?

Thanks for checking in - mine is configured with location as “Consumption Path” - so sounds like you’re on the right track.

I’ve just changed it to “Feed-in point” and will see if that makes any sense.

As long as that is actually where your meter is installed, otherwise the numbers aren’t going to be accurate :slight_smile:

I have the same Fronius options and have everything working fine with the set up posted here:

From the Energy Configuration page I set the required inputs to the following sensors:

[Electricity grid] (requires Smart Meter):
Grid consumption: sensor.energy_real_consumed_fronius_meter_...
Return to grid: sensor.energy_real_ac_minus_fronius_meter_... (or use ..real-produced.. instead)

[Solar panels] (from inverter)
Solar production: sensor.energy_total_fronius_inverter_...

These sensors all provide cumulative totals of energy flows (as required, which the new UI cards process to generate their required output values).

I’m using the ‘standard’ Fronius platform sensor.

It’s a very welcome addition for tracking energy use:

Thanks - Looking forward to mine working like that…

I’ll find out tomorrow when the sun comes up, but I suspect I might need to move the CT clamp, and change the datamanager config to match.

If my clamp is on the house side of the inverter rather than the meter side - that would explain why I have 0s in one direction…

Had the same problem upgrading to 2021.8.6. Your solution helped. Thanks a lot!.
Probably it is good to mention that cached .pyc file needs to be erased.

Thanks for posting! To be sure: this is with core Z-waveJs add-on and integration ?

Are all 30 tones available ? Have you just disabled them ?

After a factory reset a renewed include now shows me more than before, but not all sounds yet;

And a few hidden by default:

Ditto, saw this on first update to 2021.8.6 but another restart of HA fixed it.