2021.9.0: More energy, USB discovery, template ❤️

I stand corrected. :slight_smile:

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I didn’t know either way. I had to look it up after you posted. :laughing:

So HA can’t find my LG WebOS TV after this update (2021.9.3), I keep getting Updating webostv media_player took longer than the scheduled update interval 0:00:10 every 10 sec in my logs. I see * Activate mypy for LG webOS Smart TV (@milanmeu - #53958) (webostv docs) under all changes, could that be related?

EDIT: Downgraded Core to 2021.8.8 and it’s working again now…

Hi! added grid in and out, battery in and out and solar production. But in the energy menu, I can only choose grid input and solar production. Nothing else. Doublechecked the enteties and everything but can’t understand why?

If you check each of your new sensors under development tools are they increasing in value ?

Yes they are. Maybe missing some attributes in the enteties?

What if we look to the possibilities to make an integration of it :thinking:

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I still have the errors with 2021.9.4 so I’ll do some investigating

Hi to all,
I checked the new versione before install it and I recived this error message:

Command ‘[‘hciconfig’]’ returned non-zero exit status 1.

Someone can help me?
Thanks for all

The integration sensor should add everything in needed, should look something like this;


Do you have anything in your logs ?

how do i erase energy data to start from scratch ?

I just tried to add my own integration sensor.
It is not available to select as a source on the energy dashboard


 - platform: integration
   source: sensor.light_power_total
   name: Light Energy
   unit_prefix: k
   round: 2

Attributes from Dev Tools States page

state_class: total_increasing
source: sensor.light_power_total
unit_of_measurement: kWh
friendly_name: Light Energy
icon: mdi:chart-histogram

Tried adding in customisations for last_reset and device_class attributes which didn’t help.

Thoughts ?

Instructions here:

Although it seems to be for one entity at a time

I do similar in that I wait until around 2w after release to upgrade. I find rpi_clone is excellent and have the next SD card in a USB port in my rpi4.

In case of upgrade prob or any other issue, I literally just power off and swap the SD cards to roll back.

Since I have the ‘next’ SD card already, the only extra cost was the SD-usb adaptor. Buy a good metal one though. Cheap £2 ones overheat and break.

How can I remove an auto discovered entity?
Before it was possible by removing the device from the known_devices file.

Has the sensor produced any power yet ?

If you go to config > entities > find the entity and open it you can disable it in there

Can someone point me to which repo has this blog post in it?

I noticed in the homekit controller changes there’s a typo. “platfrom” instead of “platform”.

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I do explain in the post how you can use wildcards - I even suggest that people do a query and test their wildcard prior to moving into the danger zone!

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