2021.9.0: More energy, USB discovery, template ❤️

Yeah, I took a quick look, does not seem to show anything for beta, but I figure the info has to be somewhere.
Anyway, this all just reminds me that I need to buy a Pi4. Is the Pi4 about the ‘gold standard’ or is there something better/different that I should look for, if I’m gonna go ahead and buy something anyway?

A NUC or NUC-like amd64 PC.

For anybody seeing the same issue as me, issuing a ha core update --version 2021.9.0 command succeeded, even though the update utility showed the latest version as being 2021.8.8


Seems as thought they haven’t tagged 2021.9.0 with stable so the Supervisor isn’t seeing the update.

21-09-02 13:46:34 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.updater] Fetching update data from https://version.home-assistant.io/stable.json
21-09-02 13:46:34 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.evaluate] System evaluation complete

I did get a notification for the upgrade this morning…


Updater	release_notes: https://www.home-assistant.io/blog/2021/08/04/release-20218/
newest_version: 2021.8.8
friendly_name: Updater

2 Machines in differet locations, full reboots, OS reboots, Supervisor restarts… Nothing.

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I still see it tagged but see this in the supervisor panel now:

and the json file shows 2021.8.8 as well.

Yep, hasn’t been tagged stable it seems.

Oh contraire:

(They have backed it up in the json file though)

Ahhh, ok. So just the version manifest/file needs updating?

Yeah but I think they’ve pulled it for now unless you deliberately pull it with ssh… I’d guess when people start waking up we will see .1 come… I am seeing no issues with .0 though. One of the betas threw me into a boot loop too…

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I ran the beta on a Pi 2 (alongside my regular HA instance) If I had encountered boot-loops I would have reported them, but I did not see any.

I just wanted to say thank you thank you thank you for fixing the bug that was making Lovelace constantly refresh at random in iOS devices that can’t update above v12.5.4!

I know it wasn’t specifically mentioned in the release notes but there are a lot of us out there that have been waiting for this fix since 2021.5.5 and it is suuuuuper appreciated. You guys rock.

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So far no 2021.9 on my supervisor, still seeing the old 2021.8.8… strange… restart without any luck

Read 5-6 posts above, you’ll see why.

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Love the updates on energy monitoring! @balloob Would it be an interesting idea to sit together with the guys over at https://www.energyid.eu to see if you could work together on the energy part? I can bring the team in contact with one of the developers if needed.


Have you ever worked in an enterprise environment?
Even with multiple 100.000$ devices from a giant company. a software upgrade can always break stuff.
that’s why backups are so important. and with HA it’s just too easy too revert. Just flash the sd. start HA and upload the snapshot. This is the most easy way to revert from a crash.

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You are right, “brick” might not be the right word. I do make backups but restoring them if HA is not working correctly is not as easy as one might like. I run HA on a SBC with eMMC storage. Tinkering with the bare files is a pain and time consuming. The previous time the supervisor update was to blame and caused my ODROID to be completely inaccessible. It has taken me hours to recover. Another thing is that this is not increasing the WAF (Wife Acceptance Factor) of the smart home.

The fact that these bugs can cause so many issues with a lot of people might be a clear sign that the ‘Check Home Assistant configuration’ add-on should run mandatory before each update. Yes, it is slow, but it appears it is necessary. Why isn’t this add-on installed by default and run before each update in the first place? If I’ve known about this add-on before hand it could have saved me a lot of grief.

Anyway, I was able to restore the backup, but I will not be installing .0 versions in the future and I’ll be using the ‘check configuration’ add-on from now on. Thanks to all of you who have suggested fixes and help others in their struggles.

I do scheduled backups daily, but that is not the issue here. I run an SBC with eMMC storage. To get to the storage I need to take the cover apart. This is not a 2 minute job. Maybe the monthly release cycle is forcing the developers to rush things. I would not recommend installing .0 versions on the day of release. It has been proven that HA is not mature enough, and for most of us, HA is a critical part in our smart home lives. Most of us don’t like to spend their evening restoring from backup after they have pushed an ‘update’ button.

My normal procedure since a year when I had a crash:

  1. Run “Check HA” when x.x.1 is out
  2. wait for x.x.4 or 5
  3. check the breaking changes meanwhile
  4. Check the backups
  5. Upgrade

Never had major issues

By the way: If a backup don’t work: I have a clean copy of the complete config folder in the cloud.
That helped, when I had my crash.