2022.10: All over the place

Here’s one I’m excited to buy now.

With this release, can I use my homekit enabled bluetooth smart relay with esphome relay through homekit controller?

Relay is connected to the esphome esp32 which is added to the HA with homekit controller integration?

@laxarus I am using my BT enabled smart lock using HomeKit Controller and ESPHome BT Proxy. I used USB adapter before, however after a moment of not using the device, triggering action would take around 10 seconds. I was told this could improve timings since ESPHome uses different way of using BT, however my tests so far are not cheerful. Few issues even pairing the device. And now actions take literally minutes. Plenty of errors related to some sort of timeouts and read errors. I hope this is something either directly related to my ESP (using M5StickC) or that can be easily fixed.
Some more info here: Bluetooth Tedee lock via HomeKit Controller · Issue #79461 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

I have bought a couple of Govee H5102 temp/humidity sensors. They are on sale on Amazon now and then and work great. Much cheaper than the no display Sonoff zigbee temp/humidity sensors I have.

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Anyone able to get Thread with HomeKit controller working? I tried both an eve smart plug and nano leaf essentials bulb but keep getting errors. HA is on the same vlans as my HomePod minis and I followed the pairing instructions.

this is one for the books :frowning:
Just upgraded and this happened

  active: true

Shows this now…

YAML automations to UI is AMAZING. Can’t wait.

What version of esphome?

I upgraded to 2022.9.3

You need 2022.10 of esphome, I am on esphome-dev and it compiles here.

it was compiling on 2022.9.2 (without active: true) upgraded to 2022.9.3 and it didn’t work with or without “active: true”, I had to hash it out, rolling back now to see what happens, also rolled back Core to 2022.9.7

Looking at ESPHome 2022.9.0 - 21st September 2022 — ESPHome it should work in 2022.9.3, sorry for the misinformation.

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You need to have ipv6 set up

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I upgraded HA and ESPHome, and updated three ESP32s running Bluetooth Proxy. I added the active command, and it immediately found an iBeacon. I now need to find out what this is! Glad to see it worked with no effort at all.

Mine too, allegedly 400m away. I have no idea what it is.

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Hoping we’ll see Bluetooth proxy working with Tuya devices as I do not want to use the cloud integrations.

Recently bought a Lytimi Neo HDMI sync box and want to integrate it into HA.

Does the proxy work with govee bluetooth products now?

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it just stops compiling when I’m on 2022.9.3 (2022.9.1 is fine) no idea why, very strange, i’ll keep hunting

I did that, it didn’t do anything. It was just shown as an esphome device (the safe mode button) but I couldn’t add it via the Bluetooth integration and nothing came up under discovered devices. I’m running latest updates, should it not function as a sort of Bluetooth dongle?

I don’t know what this means.

latest is not a version.

Maybe patience is required. What bluetooth devices are you expecting it to discover?

There is one post above in which the poster says one particular govee device works. whether that is true in general may take some trial and error.