2022.10: All over the place

Thanks, I’ll give that a shot!

The Govee Bluetooth meat thermometer does not yet work.

Well, my energy dashboard is blown showing watts as kilowatts.

Confirmed working. Thanks again - been looking forward to getting these thread-capable bulbs in HA for awhile!

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some of them work according to the docs, I have one of these on the way tomorrow


Wonder if there are any outside bluetooth temp sensors with a display, that Govee H5102 is tempting to keep in a dry area and test it out :thinking:

The version mentioned in this thread, HA 2022.10 and esphome 2022.9.3

I think I misunderstood what this does, but I’m confused. I was already using my esp32 to receive BLE signals from devices, but I thought having it be a proxy would basically be a range extender for Bluetooth, like through the Bluetooth integration. Is this new change only to allow active connections?

As for “Edit yaml automations in UI” feature:
I can see that this is a continuation of a “move everything to UI” trend (which I dislike since in some cases it causes deprecation of yaml).
For me, I see no scenarios when I decide to edit automations in UI.
Yes, I do create automations in UI - but only a skeleton automation, just for testing small things.

One more thing about “yaml vs UI”.
Today I got a warning about a “season” integration.
I kept it in yaml:

  - platform: season
    name: season
    type: meteorological

Now people MUST have this integration in UI.
And surely this integration does not allow to CHANGE the “type” option - I need to REMOVE this integration and then ADD AGAIN with a new settings.
Agree that in a real life users do not need to change this option.
But this is just a small example.
In many integrations moved to UI people CANNOT change settings - they have to REMOVE->ADD AGAIN.
This is not a good approach.


Not edit, view. If you made an automation in yaml outside of automations.yaml you still cannot edit it in the UI. But now you can view it read only in the UI editor.

Which frankly is extremely handy. I have all my automations in yaml packages and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve clicked that pencil icon just hoping to look at it and been disappointed when I remembered I couldn’t. Often if something is broken I only have my phone and studio code really doesn’t work well with that. And if I wait until I’m back at my computer Im probably going to forget about and any traces will be gone.

So yea, I think it’s pretty handy. Even if you never plan to hit the migrate button. Particularly for the phone look use case. Ive played “try to find the bug” with ssh to vim on my phone enough times to know it’s not all that fun. I mean I’m still going to do that to fix the bug but at least I will already have identified the issue and know exactly where to go.

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Probably you are right. I myself never got (so far) into situation when I need to change ASAP something - due to limited possibilities of my HA setup. But on my iPhone 5S (640×1136) it will be quite a challenge to fix a problem… Currently I only manage to open AnyDesk, login to remote home PC, then start Putty, then start SSH session and type something in a console (like “sudo docker stop HA”).

Are any of the BT iBeacons listed in the integration available from a European/EU retailer? Alternatively, did anyone try the integration with an iBeacon available in Europe/EU?


yeah, it’s a bit of a mystery yet whether eg Samsung Smart tags or the Tiles will be supported. I did see several carkits and Traffic spotters registered, along with a few Fitbits of passersby :wink:

What would be the generic usecase for these beacons. They’re not accurate enough to allow for room presence, and we should use them for in/out of home mainly. I know when my Bins (4 of them) are out, as I do for my car.

What else would be useful to add to HA logic?

Anybody else uses a promity sensor as a numeric trigger getting these warnings on startup and automation reload now? Automation still triggers fine. Warnings are new, nothing has changed on my end. Didn’t see anything in the release notes.

WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.homeassistant.triggers.numeric_state] Error initializing '[Notify] Presence LED Notification' trigger: In 'numeric_state' condition: entity proximity.sphone_home state 'not set' cannot be processed as a number

- platform: numeric_state
    - proximity.jphone_home
    - proximity.sphone_home
  below: 4 # km

Unfortunately, looks like the broken import of the Pushover configuration from 2022.9 is still broken in 2022.10.0. At least, the Pushover UI still does not allow any manipulation of any configuration settings.

Any thoughts on this? Am I best deleting this and starting over, rather than persisting with the automated import, or do I need to reset this to get it to reattempt the import with 2022.10?

I’ve tried to update but it seems that updating the core my automations report issues, downgrading solves the isssue bu now I’m stuck to 2022.9.7.
If someone’s having the same issue please report here 2022.10 core update broke automations

Could you please check your energy dashboard? Is it only me?
I keep energy usage in kWh but inverter provides production in Wh. It was working until now bt today its not considering its different unit and I have:
Really I did not produce 5700 kWh today.

OK here, but I have a simpler config:

OK also with such setup:

I have the same issue since 2022.10, but not only for today. All the graphs are messed up now, I have 4.500.000 kWh this year, instead of 4.500 kWh. Solaredge by chance?

Edit: reported an issue on github, feel free to add to it:

uhm, where is the entity_id dropdown:

yaml seems ok:

I have the same problem, begun today