2022.11: A heck of a release!

I’m not seeing the select entities for LIfx IR devices. Do I have to re-add them?

Did anyone elses OpenSprinkler integration stop working after the update?

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Do you know how to configure it? I have counter counting liters of water. I created a template sensor

  - platform: template
        unique_id: "d031e12f-77f1-4270-bde0-0f31eff697bc"
        unit_of_measurement: m³
        value_template: "{{ states('sensor.boiler_counter_c1')|float(0) / 1000.0 }}"
        device_class: water

I see it with correct unit but energy dashboard setup doesn’t show it.

You’re missing state_class and you need to use the new template style.

Yes, but haven’t got as far to look in to it yet.

50 posts were split to a new topic: 2022.11: Card borders

Still doesn’t work

  - sensor:
    - name: "Water m3"
      state: "{{ states('sensor.boiler_counter_c1')|float(0) / 1000.0 }}"
      unit_of_measurement: m³
      state_class: total_increasing

For me it looks like it needs some sort of statistics sensor but how to configure it?

Wel you left out device class now. Need all 3: device_class, state_class, and unit_of_measurement. Then you can add it but it’ll take an hour or so to generate the stats IIRC

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I removed it because the water device class was missing in vscode schema… Anyway it works now. Thanks! Strange that I have to convert my liters counter to cubic meters sensor and then energy dashboard converts it back to liters :smiley:

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Iirc, You shouldn’t have to, your UOM just needs to match your value and your device needs a state class and device class.

There’s a PR in the works for vscode to update the schema for water

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The entry asks for sensor with unit or gl. I created exact same template sensor with L and can’t add it to the dashboard

Nice release!

The only warning I received on container restart was ‘certificate’ deprecation from MQTT. Removed and all good.

You are the best! I wanted many things that have been released in this release, e.g.

  • water usage on energy
  • Roborock S7 MaxV in Miio integration
  • Airthings BLE :heart:
  • and more unique_id fields

Many thanks!!! :smiley:

Yes, mine stopped working as well

I started to get “ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Error during setup of component ssdp” after updating my HA Docker. Because SSDP isn’t working it broke several other integrations I have. Any recommendations to fix this before downgrading? Thank you!

Great release!
But I’m using hassio-addons/google-assistant-webserver at master · AndBobsYourUncle/hassio-addons · GitHub and after updating to this release “rest.notify” no longer works.
“Unable to prepare setup for platform rest.notify: Unable to set up component.”

I didn’t see any mention of something related to it in the breaking changes, so I assume it should still work?
I’ve just updated to this release, so haven’t done any kind of debugging yet to try to figure out why it stopped working.

Disregard this post… for some reason, restarting HA two times after the upgrade got it working again.

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Under settings ->system → network, add your Home Assistant URL. After adding this and giving a restart my SSDP errors went away and the integrations depending on SSDP also stopped erroring out.


That fixed it. Thank you @silvrr as always you’re a huge help!

Newest release of OpenSprinkler integration fixes it. It was just released.