2022.11: A heck of a release!

I already had it like this on 2022.11.0. Hope to have camera restored to previous behavior when it opened in full size.

BTW are there somewhere release notes regarding version 11.1 ?

Ok, I see now


I have tested it in vanilla HA. Of course no difference. Where should it come from in average? Let’s say you have a sensor which is not changing. Then with history you have to read and display two datapoints and a line and 1-2 hover points with display text per 24 hours. For LTE min max and mean, you have read and draw 24*3 datapoints with at least 72 hover points. Where should this extreme example be faster?

If performance would be a reason, a display of a history graph in history work center for 20 days and 100 entities should not be possible at all. But it is. Since “forever” and displayed in microseconds.

Of course, this is extreme, but same the other way round. In average, there will not be any difference. This is unfortunately only a given reason to give any text.

haha, never short on hyperbolic statements you are aren’t you :wink:

Of course, you didn’t realize or cared to ask if this was experienced on a test setup or not. Which, of course, it was and is. Added to that, even in my production instance, there’s an extensive Test dashboard.

So yes, I quite extensively tested this new feature in the last beta cycle. Did you?

Yet, since you mention the heavily customized dashboards (which practically everyone uses I suppose, considering the thousands of posts in the community/reddit/discord/Facebook using the many available custom cards), even on those, the now legacy state more-info panel graphs were instantaneous. (with a few mentioned exceptions).

So, if the move to statistics graphs is about backend efficiency (which I would applaud vehemently) or frontend speed, it yet is not visible nor ‘felt’ in handling the Dashboards.

If it has to do with a move away from ‘states’ centered backend, I could understand that too.
The dev/states page is the worst page in the system, and has been like that for a very long time. So things could be improved upon states handling, agreed on that. Not sure if this is related though.

Other than that, currently, personally, I do not experience any advantage in replacing the history state graphs with statistics graphs. And that’s an understatement.

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never really noticed that tbh, but, if I click that popup (on desktop), it expands to to full view

No, HHCC plant sensors didn’t make it into this release, the PR is not merged yet into xiaomi-ble.

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Journal issues with supervised install after updating to 2022.11

Great release. Now I can finally check if my neighbors brush their teeth often and long enough :crazy_face:


Is there any link to documentation on how to implement ‘Gigajoule’ in the energy dashboard? I have the ‘/golles/ha-kamstrup_403’ integration running, but i cannot select the energy sensor in the energy dashboard.

attribution: Data provided by Kamstrup 403 meter
integration: kamstrup_403
unit_of_measurement: GJ
device_class: energy
icon: mdi:radiator
friendly_name: Kamstrup 403 Heat Energy (E1)

I think the problem is it also needs the state_class to be total. Maybe try though customize to add that?

Thanks, just did so about several posts that continued that conversation

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I don’t need to prove anything, because I made no statement about dashboard performance. Burden of proof is on you, and you didn’t qualify what you said originally, but thanks for clarifying now. I think it’s now more helpful to others.

Arguably, it would be nice if the release notes included some hard numbers to prove performance was indeed better. Perhaps that’s the real shortcoming, because that’s where the expectations are set.

Same issue here, no matter if it is a generic camera or onvif. Previous it expanded to full size, now its the same size as the preview in picture-glance card. Any ideas?

Great release, thanks a lot!
Quick question on the new tile card. How can I get two ‘smaller’ tile cards shown next to each other instead of below each other? Like the example in this blog post.


Ofcourse, this can be done with a horizontal stack card.

After updating the sensor card does not render the graphic correclty (see screenprint) - Will that be addressed and fixed?

type: sensor
entity: sensor.plant1_moisture
graph: line
name: Moisture
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thanks! I was figuring out the same, because the major release blog post has not been updated yet.

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Yes right here. I coincidentally had a power outage today so I’m glad it didn’t have anything to do with that.

Regarding changes on HA Frontend:
The new Tile card does not match design of other cards
“The new tile card brings in a new style of card into Home Assistant. It’s a first iteration. It can look inconsistent for now but it will be improved with future updates”
If that means that the future Frontend will have round corners, round icons - I strongly disagree.


Nice work! Is there a way to disable the borders for all the cards? My dashboards aren’t looking as nice as they used to. I know I can use the card mode / style to remove the borders, but I was wondering if there was a general option to remove all borders.

Do not think this is only about “disabling borders”.
Earlier a visible boundary of a card was achieved by a shadow. Not it seems to be achieved by a border. Disabling a border will cause hiding a boundary.
This is my speculation - for the last 2 days do not have an access to my HA setup, cannot prove it by testing.

It reminds me changes in iOS design many years ago: 3D elements became flat - just because of some designer prefers it.