2022.11: A heck of a release!

Yes right here. I coincidentally had a power outage today so I’m glad it didn’t have anything to do with that.

Regarding changes on HA Frontend:
The new Tile card does not match design of other cards
“The new tile card brings in a new style of card into Home Assistant. It’s a first iteration. It can look inconsistent for now but it will be improved with future updates”
If that means that the future Frontend will have round corners, round icons - I strongly disagree.


Nice work! Is there a way to disable the borders for all the cards? My dashboards aren’t looking as nice as they used to. I know I can use the card mode / style to remove the borders, but I was wondering if there was a general option to remove all borders.

Do not think this is only about “disabling borders”.
Earlier a visible boundary of a card was achieved by a shadow. Not it seems to be achieved by a border. Disabling a border will cause hiding a boundary.
This is my speculation - for the last 2 days do not have an access to my HA setup, cannot prove it by testing.

It reminds me changes in iOS design many years ago: 3D elements became flat - just because of some designer prefers it.

I tried creating a template sensor from the Kamstrup sensor, but still this template sensor does not appear in the list of selectable sensors for gas consumption. Any idea what I am doing wrong here?

  - sensor:
      - name: heating_gj
        state: >-
          {{ states('sensor.kamstrup_403_heat_energy_e1')
          | float }}
        icon: mdi:fire
        unique_id: heating_gj
        device_class: 'energy'
        unit_of_measurement: 'GJ'
        state_class: 'total'

9 posts were merged into an existing topic: Journal issues with supervised install after updating to 2022.11

I’m havng issues with all my picture-elements cards. The background image flickers no matter what I try.
The images are stored in /local/rooms/ like they were before.
It appears, that the image disappears for a fracture of a second and comes right back. While the image is gone all icons on the card get crunched in the very top area of the card.
This is the code of one of the cards (the smallest one):

    - type: custom:cover-icon-element
      entity: cover.werkstatt
        action: toggle
        action: more-info
        left: 38%
        top: 3%
        width: 15%
      color: '#8B4500'
    - conditions:
        - entity: binary_sensor.ble_opening_fenster_werkstatt
          state_not: unavailable
        - entity: binary_sensor.ble_opening_fenster_werkstatt
            action: more-info
            action: more-info
          icon: >-
            ${if (states['binary_sensor.ble_opening_fenster_werkstatt'].state
            === 'on') 'mdi:window-open';else 'mdi:window-closed'}
            '--mdc-icon-size': 50px
            color: >-
              ${if (states['binary_sensor.ble_opening_fenster_werkstatt'].state
              === 'on') 'red';else 'white'}
            left: 58%
            top: 3%
          type: icon
      type: conditional
    - type: custom:last-changed-element
      entity: binary_sensor.ble_opening_fenster_werkstatt
        left: 58.5%
        top: 8%
        color: black
        font-weight: bold
    - entity: light.deckenlampe_werkstatt
        action: more-info
        action: toggle
      icon: >-
        ${if (states['light.deckenlampe_werkstatt'].state === 'on')
        'mdi:ceiling-light';else 'mdi:ceiling-light'}
        '--mdc-icon-size': 80px
        color: >-
          ${if (states['light.deckenlampe_werkstatt'].state === 'on') 'red';else
        left: 50%
        top: 48%
      type: icon
    - entity: climate.heizung_werkstatt
        action: none
        action: more-info
      icon: >-
        ${if (states['climate.heizung_werkstatt'].state === 'off')
        'mdi:radiator-off';else 'mdi:radiator' }
        '--mdc-icon-size': 60px
        color: '${states[''sensor.heizung_werkstatt''].state === ''on'' ? ''red'' : ''blue''}'
        left: 50%
        top: 15%
      type: icon
    - conditions:
        - entity: climate.heizung_werkstatt
          state: heat
        - entity: sensor.heizung_werkstatt_status
            action: none
            action: none
            color: black
            font-size: 100%
            font-weight: bold
            left: 50%
            top: 10%
          type: state-label
        - entity: climate.heizung_werkstatt
          attribute: current_temperature
            action: none
            action: none
            color: black
            font-size: 100%
            font-weight: bold
            left: 65%
            top: 16%
          prefix: 'Ist '
          suffix: °C
          type: state-label
        - entity: climate.heizung_werkstatt
          attribute: temperature
            action: none
            action: none
            color: black
            font-size: 100%
            font-weight: bold
            left: 35%
            top: 16%
          prefix: 'Soll '
          suffix: °C
          type: state-label
      type: conditional
    - conditions:
        - entity: sensor.ble_temperature_werkstatt
          state_not: unavailable
        - entity: sensor.ble_temperature_werkstatt
          state_not: unknown
        - entity: sensor.ble_temperature_werkstatt
            action: none
            action: more-info
            color: black
            font-size: 100%
            font-weight: bold
            left: 50%
            top: 30%
          type: state-label
      type: conditional
    - conditions:
        - entity: sensor.ble_humidity_werkstatt
          state_not: unavailable
        - entity: sensor.ble_humidity_werkstatt
          state_not: unknown
        - entity: sensor.ble_humidity_werkstatt
            action: none
            action: more-info
            color: >-
              ${if (states['sensor.ble_humidity_werkstatt'].state <= '70')
              'black';else 'red'}
            font-size: 100%
            font-weight: bold
            left: 50%
            top: 38%
          type: state-label
      type: conditional
    - entity: sensor.echo_werkstatt
        action: navigate
        navigation_path: /lovelace/media
        action: more-info
      icon: >-
        ${if (states['media_player.werkstatt'].state === 'unavailable')
        'mdi:speaker-off';else 'mdi:speaker' }
        '--mdc-icon-size': 60px
        color: '${states[''sensor.echo_werkstatt''].state === ''true'' ? ''red'' : ''white''}'
        left: 18%
        top: 25%
      type: icon
  image: /local/rooms/werkstatt.png
  type: picture-elements
  - climate.heizung_werkstatt
  - light.deckenlampe_werkstatt
  - sensor.heizung_werkstatt
  - sensor.echo_werkstatt
  - sensor.ble_humidity_werkstatt
  - sensor.ble_temperature_werkstatt
  - cover.werkstatt
  - binary_sensor.ble_opening_fenster_werkstatt
type: custom:config-template-card

That’s how it’s supposed to look. I cannot capture the moment when the background image disappears as it’s much to fast.

anyone else experiencing an issue with Airvisual?

I seem to have lost access to HA from both phone and computer. My installation is on a RPi4 and have both the internal and external links set via duckdns.org. When I try the usual link in my browser I get “Unable to connect to Home Assistant.” and if I click rety I get “403: Forbidden”.

I am able to ssh into HA and have tried restarting HA core and host, unfortunately without effect. I’m tempted to try and revert to 2022.10 but will see if anyone has any ideas I can test. Thanks!

edit: I fixed it by removing ip_bans.yaml. Somehow some IP’s got added during the update?

Core 2022.11.1 broke my people locations. My person.xxx entities were not updating, and were not shown anywhere on the map. Rolling back to yesterday’s backup fixed the issue.

hm… what tracker are you using?
I have three location tracking entities - two times mobile and one other gps tracker - all three are working as expected with this version.
So I don’t expect this to be a general issue

Two mobiles, two individuals. Neither reported location after several moves. Sorry, but also not sorry, to hear it’s just me.

fixed this: we have to re-configure the integration, and can only do that by re-installing, or by manually editing the config_entry. I did the latter and it is fixed. No release issue.

I updated from 2022.11 to 2022.11.1 and my system never came back up afterward. The web UI won’t load. Anyone have tips to troubleshoot? I’m running a NUC with Home Assistant OS.

➜  ~ ha core restart
Processing... Done.

Post "http://supervisor/core/restart": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
➜  ~ ha core stop
Processing... Done.

Error: Unknown error, see supervisor
➜  ~ ha core start
Processing... Done.

Error: Unknown error, see supervisor
➜  ~ ha supervisor logs
22-11-04 07:47:14 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant.api] Error on call
22-11-04 07:47:44 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant.api] Error on call
22-11-04 07:47:48 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant.api] Error on call
22-11-04 07:47:50 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant.api] Error on call
22-11-04 07:49:32 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.auth] None as password is not supported!
22-11-04 07:49:33 ERROR (MainThread) [aiohttp.server] Error handling request
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aiohttp/web_protocol.py", line 433, in _handle_request
    resp = await request_handler(request)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sentry_sdk/integrations/aiohttp.py", line 126, in sentry_app_handle
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sentry_sdk/_compat.py", line 56, in reraise
    raise value
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sentry_sdk/integrations/aiohttp.py", line 116, in sentry_app_handle
    response = await old_handle(self, request)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aiohttp/web_app.py", line 504, in _handle
    resp = await handler(request)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aiohttp/web_middlewares.py", line 117, in impl
    return await handler(request)
  File "/usr/src/supervisor/supervisor/api/middleware/security.py", line 138, in system_validation
    return await handler(request)
  File "/usr/src/supervisor/supervisor/api/middleware/security.py", line 204, in token_validation
    return await handler(request)
  File "/usr/src/supervisor/supervisor/api/utils.py", line 60, in wrap_api
    answer = await method(api, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/src/supervisor/supervisor/api/auth.py", line 64, in auth
    if not await self._process_basic(request, addon):
  File "/usr/src/supervisor/supervisor/api/auth.py", line 39, in _process_basic
    auth = BasicAuth.decode(request.headers[AUTHORIZATION])
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aiohttp/helpers.py", line 154, in decode
    raise ValueError("Unknown authorization method %s" % auth_type)
ValueError: Unknown authorization method NTLM

on the new Oral B integration… I am an old-fashioned manual brusher, but it apparently spotted a drivers-by, or a neighbor:

Scherm­afbeelding 2022-11-04 om 16.28.53

my neighbors are at least 40 meters aways on 1 side of the BT extender, and more than triple that on all other sides…

thats probably why it frequently shows:

wondering if that isnt very costly on the system. can we somehow measure that? If its constantly polling, that would hurt wouldn’t it?

Yes I had the same issue and error with iAqualink. I downgraded back to 10.5 and it worked again.

I can’t find if 11.1 fixes this or what I need to watch. I won’t upgrade until this part is fixed…

Bluetooth LE doesn’t poll, it’s push… sort of. The system is basically just listens to broadcasts, and the devices broadcast regardless of someone listening.

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understood. sort of… so, when the entities are unavailable, the HA system does actually do nothing, until some sort of push signals it to change to something else?

Ive now disabled the Oral B integration to prevent anything from happening.

Seems a terrible and undesirable privacy breach though… wonder what others ‘see’ of our own instances/devices…

It’s just listening to all Bluetooth messages, regardless if oral b is integrated or not.

1 Like

That’s Bluetooth LE… that’s what you sign up for when you buy the devices.