2022.11: A heck of a release!

Hi :wave:!
Please open an issue at GitHub for such problems providing more information like logs (see also https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/knx/#logs-for-the-knx-integration).
Its hard to find and keep track of such things when their only mention is the 239th comment on a very broad topic thread.


I am just getting started with HA and have no sensors like that, but I can definitely see a problem with masking lost sensor readings.

Next time flag the post, only a few of us are on here way too much.


My deconz sensors and lights are all messed up now. Lost the light levels of my Aqara motion sensors and quite a few devices showing in Phoscon not showing up on HA. Anyone else noticing this?

Probably just need to refresh your web browser.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Journal issues with supervised install after updating to 2022.11

Hey Guys, why do I have a frame on Mushroom chipsā€¦ just why?

Read a few posts above

Nevermind, after updating Mushroom theme all good.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Journal issues with supervised install after updating to 2022.11

A post was merged into an existing topic: Journal issues with supervised install after updating to 2022.11

This is misleading. You use heavily customised dashboards and views with third-party cards. Who knows whatā€™s affecting your performance.


Statics card doesnā€™tā€™ label whether it is mean, max, min or Change.

after updating to 2022.11.1 last night, my cameras only pop up on press the same size as in my dash lol.

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I already had it like this on 2022.11.0. Hope to have camera restored to previous behavior when it opened in full size.

BTW are there somewhere release notes regarding version 11.1 ?

Ok, I see now


I have tested it in vanilla HA. Of course no difference. Where should it come from in average? Letā€™s say you have a sensor which is not changing. Then with history you have to read and display two datapoints and a line and 1-2 hover points with display text per 24 hours. For LTE min max and mean, you have read and draw 24*3 datapoints with at least 72 hover points. Where should this extreme example be faster?

If performance would be a reason, a display of a history graph in history work center for 20 days and 100 entities should not be possible at all. But it is. Since ā€œforeverā€ and displayed in microseconds.

Of course, this is extreme, but same the other way round. In average, there will not be any difference. This is unfortunately only a given reason to give any text.

haha, never short on hyperbolic statements you are arenā€™t you :wink:

Of course, you didnā€™t realize or cared to ask if this was experienced on a test setup or not. Which, of course, it was and is. Added to that, even in my production instance, thereā€™s an extensive Test dashboard.

So yes, I quite extensively tested this new feature in the last beta cycle. Did you?

Yet, since you mention the heavily customized dashboards (which practically everyone uses I suppose, considering the thousands of posts in the community/reddit/discord/Facebook using the many available custom cards), even on those, the now legacy state more-info panel graphs were instantaneous. (with a few mentioned exceptions).

So, if the move to statistics graphs is about backend efficiency (which I would applaud vehemently) or frontend speed, it yet is not visible nor ā€˜feltā€™ in handling the Dashboards.

If it has to do with a move away from ā€˜statesā€™ centered backend, I could understand that too.
The dev/states page is the worst page in the system, and has been like that for a very long time. So things could be improved upon states handling, agreed on that. Not sure if this is related though.

Other than that, currently, personally, I do not experience any advantage in replacing the history state graphs with statistics graphs. And thatā€™s an understatement.

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never really noticed that tbh, but, if I click that popup (on desktop), it expands to to full view

No, HHCC plant sensors didnā€™t make it into this release, the PR is not merged yet into xiaomi-ble.

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Journal issues with supervised install after updating to 2022.11