2022.11: A heck of a release!


same “Timeout fetching zamg data” problem here.

2022-11-05 17:55:31.003 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.zamg] Timeout fetching zamg data

I started using the ZAMG integration a few days ago and notice connection loss every now and than.

Here one can see the missing datapoints for two stations:
Timeout fetching zamg data - diagram

As I wanted to add another station for testing purposes, I now ended up with a

2022-11-06 07:42:50.096 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.zamg] Unexpected error fetching zamg data: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘get’.

Will try to remove and re-install my stations if I have time.


Since the update in my pictures elements, state_image no longer displays the image.
That’s true for all elements. Deleting the style does not solve this.

          - type: picture-elements
              - type: image
                entity: binary_sensor.door_window_sensor
                  top: 2%
                  left: 29%
                  transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(.6, .6)
                  'on': /local/images/xopen.png
                  'off': /local/images/xclose.png

When using a view in panelmode on a dashboard there is no margin/padding. Was this always the case and I just never noticed it or did it change/break?


There is a margin/padding on the energy dashboard which is also “fullscreen” and it looks nicer

Well, I found that adding a width value it works again but this a lot of work to change all elements.
Hope that a fix will come soon.
Here is the link to the workaround solution:

My Netatmo Automation is broken on 2022.11, now if I have two windows open and close one of them both are canceled, I have reverted back to 2022.10.3 where it is working

Can some one advice me how to resoleve problem with fat stripe in the middle of my picture-element card marked with red arrows, it looks like it’s connected with “custom:color-lite-card”, because when I remove all of them fat stripe dissapear.
Thanks for support.
–fixed adding ha-card-border-width: 0px to …theme…yaml –

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2022-11-05 16_55_37-Übersicht – Home Assistant – Mozilla Firefox

yesterday i got this “history”. I would say, this prooves its uselessness.

Is there any advantage in more that a percent of usecases to get this statistical view?


Frenck, Balloob and co, if I may make a suggestion to the team: I haven’t upgraded yet, but I’m taking note of all the chatter about the Material 3 look. At this stage I’m ambivalent. My dashboards might not even be affected, and I may even like the new look. With that out of the way: The product (project/software) is quickly maturing. Perhaps consider releasing (in future) a previous look as a theme. I know it may not always technically be possible (I’ve done my fair share of web development), but it could make the journey smoother.


Wait what :open_mouth: How is that even possible that the time axis goes backwards in time at some point, with multiple values on the y-axis for the same point in time in a time series ?! There are some serious rendering or math issues with the graphing backend they use.

Edit: looks like they’re using b-splines to render the graph and the spline is overshooting horizontally due to the large gradient at the end. Not very nice, but at least it’s just the rendering. They should allow the user to specify linear gradients as an option. This here looks really weird and anormal.


ZAMG integration has stopped working today at 06:00 for all my instances.

Same log: [homeassistant.components.zamg] Unexpected error fetching zamg data: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘get’.

I see you opened an issue already, thanks @oe3arc ( ZAMG Integration says "500 Internal Server Error Server got itself in trouble" while trying to add an new station · Issue #81664 · home-assistant/core · GitHub )

Which of these issues is yours? Issues · home-assistant/core · GitHub

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that would be by design yes, as the panel mode shows the 1 allowed card on the full screen estate. It’s not a single card effectively anymore, but it should fill the full available panel.

Suppose that is the whole idea of Panel mode?

I have same problem. It looks like a bug. Scrape uses default interval (10 minutes) and ignores value specified in config.

Does anyone have an idea why an update would be released but it doesn’t show as an update available in my Home Assistant? I’m currently on 2022.11.0b7 and when I hit the “check for updates” and it say “no updates available” but 2022.11 update was released on 11/2/2022.

UPDATE This must have just been a bug of some sort because I started my Home Assistant and magically the update appeared.

I guess that is true when only using 1 card, except I use several vertical/horizontal stacks to build a dashboard view that is always full width and there the missing padding on the left side look weird now.

I guess I only started noticing with the rounder corners which makes it more obvious. Unfortunately it can not be unseen :frowning:

This is the full view

That is not panel mode.

Yes it is…

Like I said a collection of stacks to get a full width layout. If there is an other way I am all ears. Full yaml for the card below in case someone is curious.

yaml config
type: vertical-stack
  - type: statistics-graph
      - sensor.io_9361605_rssi_level
      - sensor.oximo_40_solar_rssi_level_2
      - sensor.io_112058_rssi_level
      - sensor.oximo_40_solar_rssi_level_3
      - sensor.oximo_40_solar_rssi_level
    days_to_show: 7
      - mean
      - max
      - min
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: entities
          - sensor.io_9361605_discrete_rssi_level
          - sensor.oximo_40_solar_discrete_rssi_level_2
          - sensor.io_112058_discrete_rssi_level
          - sensor.oximo_40_solar_discrete_rssi_level_3
          - sensor.oximo_40_solar_discrete_rssi_level
      - type: entities
          - sensor.io_9361605_rssi_level
          - sensor.oximo_40_solar_rssi_level_2
          - sensor.io_112058_rssi_level
          - sensor.oximo_40_solar_rssi_level_3
          - sensor.oximo_40_solar_rssi_level
  - type: history-graph
      - entity: sensor.io_9361605_discrete_rssi_level
      - entity: cover.unknown_2
      - entity: sensor.oximo_40_solar_discrete_rssi_level_2
      - entity: cover.unknown_3
      - entity: sensor.io_112058_discrete_rssi_level
      - entity: cover.unknown_5
      - entity: sensor.oximo_40_solar_discrete_rssi_level_3
      - entity: cover.unknown_4
      - entity: sensor.oximo_40_solar_discrete_rssi_level
      - entity: cover.unknown
    hours_to_show: 168
    refresh_interval: 0
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: entities
          - entity: sensor.io_9361605_battery
          - entity: sensor.oximo_40_solar_battery_2
          - entity: sensor.io_112058_battery
          - entity: sensor.oximo_40_solar_battery_3
          - entity: sensor.oximo_40_solar_battery
      - type: history-graph
          - entity: sensor.io_9361605_battery
          - entity: sensor.oximo_40_solar_battery_2
          - entity: sensor.io_112058_battery
          - entity: sensor.oximo_40_solar_battery_3
          - entity: sensor.oximo_40_solar_battery
        hours_to_show: 168
        refresh_interval: 0
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I didn’t realise you could put cards inside the main panel card. Thank you for the education.


There is some problem with animated gifs and fields in custom:button-card. When fields have transparency the border appears

Yes, obviously ZAMG renewed the certificats - that cured this problem.
For the other observation - “Timeout fetching zamg data”, I raised a new issue: