2022.11: A heck of a release!

wtv1211’s comment is correct. It depends on the set language whether the figure falls apart or not. If I change the language to English, the graphics will be ok.

I meant with my example, that you easily can adjust Mushroom via theme.

I am getting the OS error and I am running Debian 11

Ok idk then. Submit an issue here and make sure to include your system information as per the instructions in the issue template.

Let me explain. Stats don’t show actual value of sensor state but statistics in a period of time (in 5 minute intervals from what I can see). You don’t know what were the actual values and that is what people are asking for. Example below:
and in reality there were a few measurements in that period of time:

Personally I don’t mind but the problem is that the reason why it was implemented, to load this view faster, is not visible at all. It does not load it faster than before. I have 14 days of history in recorder and not keeping all entities there (especially I’ve dropped motion sensors from my alarm system as they were flooding the db). Using MariaDB with a stable size of 2.3 GB.


Again: You cannot see, when the values occur anymore. Only ± 5 minutes. And you cannot see the real value, but only min max and mean.

If you like this and are not interested in the values but want only to see smoothed graphs which gives you only a trend or impression. Fine. But why do you want to educate the other users, that they can see everything there, what is not the truth. And why would you be against an option, whaqt to show. Leave it to the user. Everyone has another use case.

I will never understand the “I like it, so no option needed, the others have to like it as well”, as in your arguments.


I upgraded to 11.0 but I don’t see any of the new cards. Do I need to enable them somehow? Thanks (First post here. Thanks for all you guys do!)

I am not against an option to change the behave… that’s what I also suggested.

What I do question is the benefit of the old history compared to the new one.
Let me try other examples:

This is a Graph showing the “State” of a humidity sensor… before the update was done.
Am I able to get a real “value” out of the information given in that graph?

This is the same Graph, using the new Statistics history:

I can still see major “drops” or “peaks” in the graph - and I am still able to detect when it happened.
If I am using this for “debugging” - or for getting an insight if my sensors are delivering a wrong value, the timeframe when this happened is pretty much what I need…

Still in my eyes, the new graph does provide all the information I need to dig into an issue with one of my integrations or an issue with a Sensor.

But - the new Graph does still have values in my eyes…
It does clearly show, if a sensor was working in an expected area.

In this specific case for humidity of a terrarium:

If the hummidity drops to a lower value, it should start watering.
If the humidity reaches an upper value, it should stop.

When I am only focussing on the current state of the sensor, it could cause, that it will switch the raining-system on / off / on / off / on / off

Instead, I should use the mean value - and just define the upper and lower range where the mean should be in…
With this graph, I can easily see - if that condition was given or not…

Or am I wrong?

Again - I don’t say anything against an option to swith this on or off…
What I really don’t want is - that this feature will be removed because people are not used to the new statsitics although they could still get what they need from it :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much

Yes. Every data point is the real value at the given point of time. Hover and see.

You have written a lot, but can you explain (shortly) where is the benefit for you in having only smoothed data instead of real value? If you only explain, the those, who like the past behavior are not losing anything, what is definitely wrong. If there are no differences in your point of view, where is the benefit? It looks the same, but delivers not the same real data.

I like long term data, but not to see the last 24 hours. This is the oposite of long term and in this time I’m interested in real values.


are you serious now? those 2 lines don’t need any publishing…? just add them to your theme(s) and be done with it

I really wonder what you are saying here. working in an expected area?? trying hard to see your pov, but that’s hardly what most people want from their system: see if its round and about a valid state, ok, well it’s not too far off, so its probably alright…

No, I for one would love to be 100% certain when I check a state. I need it to be exact. and not 3 derivative values that blur the facts.

But honestly, what I don’t get at all, is why you are making such a fuzz about people experiencing the new troubles in more-info, when you yourself wrote you don’t use the LTS on the majority of your entities?

Why I only use “change” of Statistic Card for total increase sensors?

For others sensor should show the diference between first and last value

Lost details including pauses. This is not what the main viewing option should use.


What kind of sensor is the new water integration looking for ? I have a sensor with the reading from my water meter in litres (total). How do I get that into the energy dashboard ? Thanks

I needs a sensor that:

  • Provides a total usage (e.g., forever, week, or per day something like that)
  • In cubic meters or gallons units
  • Has long-term statistics enabled (state class is set)
  • Has a device class of “water”
  • Is not excluded from the recorder
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OK thanks, what state class does it need to be, I assume the reading is ‘forever’ as its the meter reading ?

EDIT: state_class: total ?

EDIT2: Yes that seems to work

I also want the old history display back. Made a github issue about it when I noticed this change in beta, but sadly this bad change made it to the release version.


surprised this was not closed, (and was added to the milestone even) as it not an issue (something is broken), but a design decision currently.
Not that I dont agree :wink:

Showing statistics only - not precise, some sensors have no LTS.

Show statistics (if present) in one tab, show history graph in the MAIN tab.

Show history graph OR statistics -controlled by some toggle (history by default).

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Gigajoule support?! Great Scott!