2022.12 Color states are broken/unusable

Somehow I feel the title of this filtered away thread is not even adequate anymore.
not only is this thread now only populated by the good people trying to keep the HA Frontend meaningful, and spend hours and hours providing serious feedback. Added to that, we are being confronted by changes that make things even worse…

last 3 4 true new errors listed:

  • transparent for unavailable (and obvious incorrect decision to show unknown as off)
  • non listed state for unavailable
  • non changing colors for binary sensors
  • incorrect colors for some: see alarm button disarmed

and as can be seen here Color of states Off and Unavailable are the same in History graph card in release 2022.12 · Issue #14619 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub, and here The color of binary sensors never changes (regardless of state) · Issue #14701 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub there is no such thing as a generic color for any state, it all depends on the class (if available).

In my company, I’d call the decision to escalate, and have a serious talk. Can’t do that here probably. If we out the slightest emotion, we would simply be moderated away. And no way to talk to the manager…

Ive started my findings/comments/suggestions already in the last beta. Some things were fixed. In the process other changes were added and made the experience worse. And they are piling up.

I am starting to feel completely let down. One day we are answered this and that is decided (very/light grey). Within 2 lines of chat on a PR, that is decision is abandoned. And some wild experiment is thrown at us, because someone ‘likes’ it?

Come on good people.

at least test your own PR’s before releasing them into the wild…


Wow update looks great! Thank you for fixing unavailable!

One thing puzzles me is why water sensor is red when it is dry ? Should not red be some kind of danger color ?

Because they broke the off colours with the latest update. See the post by Ildar about three posts above.

Mmm, what do you mean? )))

Very nice graph with a new “unavailable way”, btw

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When this thread was created it was moved to “social” first, then moved to “configuration”, but currently it does look like a “social” since users are communicating here w/o any meaningful affect to HA design.

I think we are back in the way rgb is now defined to have perhaps a solution, which will work for all tasts.

Why not going back to declaration with declaration type (and solve the parsing topic with a backend or whatever parser for the single card, where it is used)

Then everyone can

  • define the colors as they are used to with rgba()
  • The standard can set transparency to 100%
  • The theme users can set color and transparency for whatever they want

yes, and I forgot to add to my post, we should bring this back into the release topic. And suggest a title change.

It’s not about I dislike the 2022.12 color changes. it should read something like Colors are broken in 2022.12

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exactly ((
with my all due respect to Dev team, and this are not just diplomatic & polite words

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just posted this in the release topic so this doesn’t get sidetracked too much.

It is getting worse. The alarm entity in my UI is now grey for disarmed and green for armed.

GREEN for armed!

How do I fix that make? I cannot live with that


As it was described there too.

There’s a fix in for the binary sensor off colour. Fix binary sensor color when off by piitaya · Pull Request #14735 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub

Is there a way to add different colors for a different device class? It is listed in the first link but not available in the theme you’ve created. What would be the naming convention?

Seems that PR will also solve one more issue "Fix a color for battery if “unknown”.

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are you now advocating same colors for unavailable and unknown? thats a bit unexpected tbh, since you earlier mentioned 2022.12 Color states are broken/unusable - #301 by Ildar_Gabdullin

Tbh, I do like the unavailable color there. That greyed out should be system default for unavailable.
Not sure about the unknown, which seems to be the same as Off? That would still be an issue imo.

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Wasn’t that a requested change here from the community to make sure that good/safe states are green (which obliviously having the alarm set would be such a state)?

I am not sure about the gray though, considering that here we have it as default blue.


But an alarm being triggered is a thing that triggered like a bomb set to go off. For an alarm system, the daily use is “be careful, the alarm system is on, don’t open the door without turning it off”

I now had to add this to my addition js file which is getting longer and longer

document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--rgb-state-alarm-disarmed-color', 'var(--rgb-green-color)');
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--rgb-state-alarm-armed-color', 'var(--rgb-red-color)');

No no no, my issue was about a battery ICON only. I may accept the way “same color for unavailable & unknown”, but for history the must be different.
Well, it is worth to add a remark in that issue.

Update: yes, colors for unavailable & unknown should be different for icons too.

right. And this has been working like that for years, to each and everyones satisfaction.
and yet this these colors are changed out of the box, because … ?