2022.12 Color states are broken/unusable

Yes they all do

If we have the functionality in the UI to set the colour on entity.state level we are set I am sure.

I have a relative simple colour configuration based on the original defaults settings:
Entities on off unavailable unknown:yellow, white, transparent.
History graphs, gauges: green, red. Where possible yellow in between. Unavailable and unknown Transparent.
Heating and cooling: orange and blue

A very limited set of colours with a clear meaning to avoid any confusion.


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it requires unique_id set for all entities. Do all integrations support it already?

Anyway I would prefer setting it in a theme (for each class). It would be more efficient than setting each entity separately. But yes, there might be cases requiring special color, which overrides default.

As far as I know every entity can have an unique id.

Perhaps per entity itā€™s very granular but it gives maximum flexibility.

Not yet the case.


Iā€™ve been scrolling and searching but I couldnā€™t find a solution for the colors of the zones? Now they all have the same color besides home. is there a way to set up their own color at this point? maybe in config.yaml since I donā€™t see an option in the UI for zones

Find my issue regarding zones in History.
So far no neither a solution nor a feedback from Dev.

Have to repeat.

Paul, could you answer these questions:

  1. Is there a theme variable for ā€œunknown stateā€ - icon, history? Cannot find it here.
    Update: is it "--state-unknown-color: #606060"? Is it used for icons & history?

  2. What is a current progress for transparent history for ā€œunavailableā€ - are there any plans to rectify observations from ā€œHistory-graph: do not make a graph for ā€œunavailableā€ sensor transparentā€ issue?
    It was mentioned in the issue:
    ā€“ absence of a graph treated by many people as a bug;
    ā€“ even if a label ā€œunavailableā€ will be added on the transparent graph - it will not be noticeable;
    ā€“ will not be possible to distinguish ā€œunavailableā€ case & ā€œdoes not existā€ case;
    ā€“ since icon color = history color for all states, it is inconsistent to use different colors for ā€œunavailableā€ - it is better to use a themeable variable for ā€œunavailableā€ for icon & history.

  3. Are there any plans to refactor the freshly added variables from ā€œ255,255,255ā€ format to conventional CSS formats like ā€œrgba(255,255,255,0.9)ā€, ā€œ#ffffffā€, ā€œredā€? (the ā€œInconsistency with defining colors in a default themeā€ issue was closed by you).

  4. Are there any plans to restore different colors for zones in history? Check the ā€œDifferent zones in History have same colorā€ issue.

@piitaya , sorry for tagging you in the post to get your attention.


  1. Some actions take place regarding colors for a Tile card - I hope that this is a part of ā€œusing traditional approaches to define colorsā€ way.
  2. As it was already stated many times - as long as a color for a particular domain/device_class/state may be defined by a dedicated unique theme variable, default colors & issues like ā€œwhy red stands for heating?ā€, ā€œwhy using this color for color-blinded peopleā€ etc are NOT a big problem since everything may be customized.

But pretty close I assume !

Actually, quite the opposite.

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@Ih8rain2 I wishm but unfortunately there are many that donā€™t. Just look at the Envisalink integration for instance. It doesnā€™t support UniqueID and you cannot add it. I answer a question about it at least once a month.

Guys I was not aware. Because for the majority of entities I have an unique id. And for changing names, areas and icons and some other options it works beautifully. My bad !

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Just discovered this yesterday after an update. Green icon for a ā€œarmedā€ security system??? Without UniqueID, what are our options? Really wish I had the skills to modify the Envisalink Integrationā€¦


Oh youā€™re not wrong - It NEEDS to be addedā€¦ but thatā€™s a completely different discussion.

itā€™s just a typo, not marked that way in github Release 2022.12.6 Ā· home-assistant/core Ā· GitHub

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Just follow the marked solution in this post and create a theme to set the color to whatever you want

Will do. Thanks!!

Just a quick comment to say thank you to the Devs for listening to the community and coming up with a fix for the colour problems.
My default non-themed system is now back looking right again.

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document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--rgb-state-inactive-color', '255, 0, 255');

is now working for me (2022.12.5)

this will probably be the thread where color caring people join these days, so please let me put forward a question in the color scales.

After some serious readup on dB/dBm, I am trying to color my sensors for signal_strength in their various HA incarnations. They are a varied bunch, but most seem to use the dBm scale where this is the buildup:

-30 dBm: maximum signal strength. If you have this measurement, you are likely standing right next to the access point.
-50 dBm: excellent signal strength.
-60 dBm: good signal strength.
-67 dBm: reliable signal strength. This is the minimum for any online services that require a reliable connection and Wi-Fi signal strength.
-70 dBm: not a strong signal strength. You may be able to check your email.
-80 dBm: unreliable signal strength. You may be able to connect to your network, but you will not support most online activity.
-90 dBm: bad signal strength. You are not likely to connect to internet at this level.

since we dont have a coloring of those (yet) in Ha, like we do have now for eg battery %, I am faking that currently in custom-ui, with the following colors:

      <<: *hide
        <<: &rssi_color
          icon_color: >
            if (state >= -50) return 'green';
            if (state >= -60) return 'gold';
            if (state >= -67) return 'orange';
            if (state >= -70) return 'darkorange';
            if (state >= -80) return 'maroon';
            return 'red';

but, and hereā€™s the real question, I am not very happy with the last 2/3 colors. Just doesnt seem to build up correctly for my eyes.
Would there be some universal scaling in UX for this? what would be the most appropriate ā€˜defaultā€™ color schema for scaling those rssi levels.

please let me know if you have some docs on that (or ideas ofc :wink: )

ps nevermind the overkiz covers, they use the dB scale, which also uses different numbers/scale.

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