2022.12 Color states are broken/unusable

Could be possible, cannot consider this as a professional behaviour.

But the same can be said about your responses. No one is obligated to respond to people. There’s even a block button on the forums. Anyone is entitled to block anyone.

The 2022.12 color states changes broke the custom button card that I use a lot. One of the work-arounds was to load a css file. I tried this and for some reason Chrome is not finding the file. I have read in the past that css file can’t be loaded from resource file. Has this changed? I have no idea how to fix my simple switches which were showing a yellow for on and gray for off. Now it is showing two shades of gray.

Could you post me in PM your css file & a card where it is used?
Please send a short minimal version just to demonstrate the problem.
Cannot say anything more w/o these details.

tbh, thats the one card that has no issues in my config, because you can set just about everything inside it, and are not perse forced to use the default colors in HA.

What’s your issue and let us have a look?
Maybe in the dedicated thread on Button-card itself?

with or without obligation, HA devs don’t talk to users. Cannot say for sure they don’t listen to (maybe they read forums and are prone to make good decisions based on that). But definitively don’t confirm that (hence number of posts in this thread).

So what are you talking about?
The overall user’s impression is that we are beating a dead horse. And you are just confirming that.

Uh, Paul has responded multiple times in this thread. No clue what you’re talking about. You also have command central posting ~6 posts up. :man_shrugging:

Lets not forget all the dot releases with changes either.

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I already posted there with my code. Others have also seen the same issue. Romrider says he is working on a fix (open issue on the card). There are a couple of temporary fixes but I am have difficulties getting them to work. The css file and the code called out in the to open issue is not working for me.

Seriously? I myself have many unanswered questions, some other people too have them here in this thread. And 99% of them were concrete & polite. Do not pretend you do not understand. Seems that some people here just enjoying a situation “user’s complains are ignored”. Here I also mean people who likes posts intended to hide or devalue a problem. Sorry for my broken English.

I tried explaining to you multiple times that it was your approach to the situation that’s getting you personally ignored. You brushed me off both times. I’m not sure how else I can tell you. Most other questions were answered pretty quickly aside from random tags 1 to 2 days after he posted.

By all means, keep up what you’re doing. You don’t have to take my advice, I’m not talking to you as a mod. I’m talking to you as an outside observer to the situation.

Cool I’ll check what you’ve posted there. Thx.
Maybe I do have a problem too after all ;-))

Please do not call it “brushed off”. I am Russian and may not understand your word clearly. Idioms may not be useful as well. Let’s call it “objection” - since I just objected w/o any desire to offend.
I got your point & opinion.

Thank you for all the help. The yellow is back for me.
My current working code for the icon state and text for the custom button card.
Thank you @Ildar_Gabdullin !!!

      - cards:
          - entity: switch.tasmota1_ds
            icon: 'mdi:lamp'
            name: DS_light
            show_state: true
                - '--paper-item-icon-active-color': yellow
                - '--paper-item-icon-color': gray
                - width: 80px
                - height: 100px
              - value: 'on'
                    - color: red
              - value: 'off'
                    - color: gray
              action: toggle
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Could be less “variable-dependent”:

    - width: 80px
    - height: 100px
  - value: 'on'
        - color: &ref_color_on red
        - color: *ref_color_on
  - value: 'off'
        - color: &ref_color_off gray
        - color: *ref_color_off

Surely, you are free to use any theme vars instead of “red/gray”.

this is something Ive never used, always use the styles for icon on the icon itself, with
either directly

      - color: var(--icon-color-off) # this is set in my themes which makes the button cards follow that

or based on state:

    - value: 'on'
          - color: green
          - animation: blink 2s ease infinite

feel free to have a glimpse at my button_card_templates

for my light buttons, I simply use:

color: auto-no-temperature

which makes the buttons show the actual light color and still works as always, doing

Setting this to auto-no-temperature will behave like home-assistant’s default, ignoring the temperature of the light. By default, if the entity state is off, the color will be var(–paper-item-icon-color), for on it will be var(–paper-item-icon-active-color) and for any other state it will be var(–primary-text-color)

var(--paper-item-icon-active-color) is still properly translated

Why default yellow active state color was changed? imo it doeasnt fit the blue one, see:

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Sooo… what’s the best option to fix this disaster at this point? My dashboard…looks like someone vomited a color palette on it. My wife opened up HA after the upgrade and asked me why I wrecked things. All the places where I was using template-entity-row are broken and won’t show state anymore.

Tried using card-mod but looks like that doesn’t work anymore. Is using a completely custom theme the only option at this point?


Though I’ve been playing with card_mod for dynamic colouring of tiles.

Arg. Not mad at your reply, just the situation… just going to downgrade for now so I stop getting ugly looks from the family for the time being. Maybe I’ll stay on the November release for forever :smiley:


See the post marked as the answer to this topic for a simple theme to return the old colours.