2022.12: It does matter!

Excellent. Lets hope that constant venting all over the place stops with it too :+1:t3:


Thank you! I’ve seen this before. Users raise a legitimate concern, and their comments are shuffled off to a thread with a dismissive title starting with “I don’t like.” Of course there are things we all don’t like, and most of us don’t care what you don’t like. But when functionality is removed or replaced with something worse, and people speak out about it, it’s not good for the project to just dismiss it as whining.

This is a valid concern. Users should be looking forward to new versions, not dreading them. There are hundreds of feature requests and WTH’s here on this forum, describing exactly what users want. Any of those would be preferable to making changes nobody asked for.

It’s not dismissing, it’s taking a large topic and moving it to a new location so that all the less talked about issues are seen. This isn’t to silence people, it’s to give the small guys a voice in between the over talked about topics. I suggest you try to put yourselves into the shoes of people trying to post an issue in the release thread when all they see is a single topic pushing their posts into a black hole.


The bug was closed. No further action.

That is a bit short and negatively put. I want to add some context.

Let me start by saying that it wasn’t a bug report but more a task/request (that initially was made without reasoning details). I picked it up and asked for details that weren’t provided.

After that was provided and became clear, I provided reasoning why the request could not be fulfilled from the Core repository. Rolling back the frontend version in the core will break the release fully. There is way more to it than just colors. The request, therefore, is not actionable. There is no use in keeping it open in the core repository either for that reason.

I’ve closed the issue on the core issue tracker for that reason. Additionally provided a reference on where to report issues instead and provided an alternative to downgrading if you want to get out of this path.

Also, testing statements made in that issue have been addressed and corrected, as they are simply not true. If you feel beta testing hasn’t been up to par, I would definitely invite everyone to join the beta and help make things better.

Lastly added some additional context to (IMHO) the exaggerated statements made on the stress levels of developers, which are based on nothing and are just there to thicken the story. It only adds negativity and, above all, doesn’t add anything to triaging the issue at all. These negative additions won’t help anyone and is the last thing needed. (It is similar to telling someone: “you look sick”? Others that hear it may start seeing the same, and the person the sick comment was for, might actually start feeling sick because of those comments).

TL;DR: If you find an issue, please report it in the right channels. Issues can happen, we are all humans. Everyone in this project has the same goals. Let’s figure out ways to move forward.



then also please be helpful and dont keep referring people who really really try to different places within the same organization/project

Kafka comes to mind more and more these days

@Mariusthvdb I’m not following what that has to do with the issue I’ve responded to above.

To respond to your linked part in your last response: If you want to make an architectural change, it needs to be a decent proposal that can be decided on. If you are not willing to take that route, that is where it ends. We are not adding in all kinds of things just because some “feels like it”; it needs reasoning and decent motivation. Without that, there is nothing to make a decision on. :man_shrugging:


that is exactly what has been happening in 2022.12, and the community is trying to fix…

seems there is a Chinese wall between Backend and Frontend dev. There is no other way anyone could not have been following what was going on

as said, Kafka.

There isn’t. But both the backend and frontend need to take decisions that make sense for both ends. In your request for a backend change, only the frontend was considered.

and the community is trying to fix…

Sure! Everybody is trying to help making improvements. But we don’t need to jump into hasty solutions. Let’s stay calm, reason, and make small improvements forward.



Many of us that advice had been followed before now.

Sure. sane philosophy. trying to live up with that.

It would however also be sane advice for the team itself. No hasty solutions (changes). small improvements (not breaking everyones colors…) Coordination between backend and frontend: please yes.

I’ll really stop reciprocating now. (I’ve posted a small desperate last reply in the architecture discussion too. We need your help!)

Feel being given the runaround, while there are true HA side initiated issues to be solved.

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Sorry, but just this last bit is so just full of crap that it makes me lose interest in the rest of it. Thank you for joining in this discussion, but that just makes no sense whatsoever. Your suggestion, as pointed out, is invalid and not feasible; sorry, but it is.

Additionally, nothing has been tested is simply not true and just is stirring the pot. I’m not joining that discussion in which one just is throwing oil on.

That whole last point makes me stop right here right now. I’m up for positive discussions and focussing on moving things forward, but your goal seems to be mainly at pointing at “whatever” else is “wrong” in a negative way. And honestly, I’m not going down that path, nor am I going to let it influence my day, and wishing you all the best.

Friendly greetings,



You just stated that you are not interested in any discussion about this. So you are contradicting yourself.

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I’m not, but you saying that shows how you didn’t read :wink:


Hmm, maybe people shouldn’t ignore my advice about the way to formulate feedback…


That’s some respect there? Was this really necessary? Do you have to talk to people like that? That was just rude for the purpose of being rude.


It seems like I am the only one talking about the actual topic at hand, all others are complaining about formalities as a reason to avoid the actual topic.

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Everyone, stop. This is leading no where. @prof7bit This is what, the 3rd time today that you’ve tried to start arguments. The next request to stop this will be followed by actual moderation.


I think it is clear that the colour changes were not fully considered for their impact on the “legacy” cards and custom modifications and were implemented and tested mainly with the new Tile card in mind. I am pretty sure that the devs are fully aware of this by now.

I think the problem that is causing so much emotional outpouring from some people is that the devs haven’t actually come out and stated that a mistake has been made and the changes were rushed out too quickly in an incomplete form. However, the changes can’t be easily reversed, so please bear with them while they work to sort it out.

Given that I believe the devs are not doing these things to intentionally piss people off, I am pretty sure this is what is going on behind the scenes. Maybe a statement from the dev team that this is the case, would help put an end to all the negativity and we can then concentrate on sorting it out and improving it.

Just my two cents.


It is looking like the releases since 12.0 are making more than “under the hood” updates. One of the updates changed the pip (available: 22.3 → 22.3.1) which broke one of my custom add ons (our groceries). I don’t understand why this is being changed now rather than during the beta cycle?