2022.12: It does matter!

Sounds about right.

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still working for me…


Link itself is also working just fine.

I mean in history graph card where multiple entities are shown:

It was not a part of history graph card.
It was (and still is) a part of more-info popup.

Ok. Thanks. Maybe I got disoriented somehow :-/

Am I missing something or why does an entity not show any history in the popup but in the „more-info“?
The entity has state_class „measurement“ like others and should generate long-term statistics, strange this one does not work while others do :man_shrugging:

Builds 12.5/6/7 have been really buggy for me, ZHA integration is unresponsive, had to rollback to 12.3.

Did you jump straight back to 12.3 ? I’m having issues with my Sonoff gear (AlexxIT and eWeLink itegrations/add-ons)

have you already raised an issue for this?
What device are you running as coordinator?

I haven’t had any issues with my ZHA integration, while using the Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle with any of the 2022.12. releases - but they were a few that reported issues in the GIT…

I also agree, having made the update and seen the colour changes to my screens, I have backed it out. I don’t have the time or energy right now to research fixes to redevelop my UI colours. I spent much time getting the UI to a state where colours indicated states of various items at a glance and these changes have broken all that.
First time I have reversed any HA update!


Sometimes new useful functionality may not be fully useful.
Check this card:
These are four binary_sensors with “connectivity” device_class.
And only one of them has a state displayed - on other 3 graphs a long string “Connected” (or “Disconnected”) could not fit into a graph’s area.
Earlier, when we had “On / Off” only, this problem was faced more rarely.
Issue on Github.

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Yes, only version that seems to work with.

No, but I’d imagine it’s already been reported, tho it hasn’t been addressed in the recent incremental updates. I’m using Tasmota flashed on a Sonoff Zigbee Bridge, if that’s makes any difference.

Assumption, the mother of screw ups.

The addons or integrations you guys are discussing are 3rd party aren’t they? Ask on their github.

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I’ve resolved my issue, it was changes in the user (location) and HA network configurations ( I changed from DHCP to static ip with the broadcast and DNS entry, once I added the missing info everything started working and polling correct. Why it broke that only the coders know. But mine is fixed.

Please don’t post off-topic things. This is the thread for 2022.12 release and nothing changed in the 2022.12 with history labels.
No need to post here if you already posted an issue on GitHub :wink:

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I didn’t read through all the comments, so maybe this has already been asked, but is there any chance that the Local Calander Integration can be set up to allow setting a monthly event based on day of the week and specific week of the month? As it currently stands, I have a month event that I have to configure for each month of the year because the current implementation only allows by date.

I observed these changes THIS release.

And this is related to your recent color chages:
in English we have “Disconnected” for “Off”; in some cases the long word “Disconnected” is not displayed, so a user should distinguish states by colors - which are soooo similar for “Off” and “unknown” these days.
So, a simple option like “show_native_states” (call it as you like) to show native “on/off” could be a good choice.

A github issue is for you, a post here is for users.
We should listen to as many opinions as possible.

Update: the issue was closed by this Dev. Not a surprise.


I have got the same error, but I can’t fix it. It worked great before version 2022.12 , but then it screwed.
I don’t use bluetooth, but esphome stopped work too:
ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Error occurred loading configuration flow for integration esphome: cannot import name 'BluetoothServiceInfoBleak' from 'home_assistant_bluetooth' (/var/lib/hass/.homeassistant/deps/lib/python3.10/site-packages/home_assistant_bluetooth/__init__.py)
Help me, please

You (and everyone else :wink:) should vote for this:

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You need to update the base requirements in your venv