2022.12: It does matter!

The old one also shows events that are generated by HA, and unrelated to ical or google calendar. I think that is why it is puzzling to have the new one.

The old one

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Well, same game as after the previous release when card borders were introduced. Now the user questions are coming in again as to why the accent colours have suddenly disappeared.

on the colors of the various domains , I’ve just found out we still need to set the state_color: true to have them use the colors in the entities cards. Which is odd, because the more-info of the entity does actually use the domain state color by itself.

this simply is a bug:

binary_sensor.opentherm_heating ‘on’, in other words heating is now represented as light blue…?

Great work, thank you!

One little more Thing would be great… If it would be possible to substract two or more sensor entities and not only sum them. Small Addition but for people with Solar input it would be fantastic. Thanks a lot

I added local calendar integration. Used the card calendar where I added a local calendar entity, the calendar was displayed, but I have no idea how to add an event to the local calendar?

I cannot use device_tracker.see service anymore? On startup I get errors about it. I use it to transform input boolean as a device tracker

Very great project.
But the disk led of my case is always blinking since this update (2022.12.0) last morning.
Any idea ? It was not the case before the update and I have not change anything nor install something else.

Well, well… This reminds me how the things were with Firefox and probably still are. Core team started to follow their vision how the things should look like, and this probably is one of the main reasons why their user base has dramatically dropped over the last years. Especially after catastrophes like Proton UI and such.

People were just scared to update anymore, fearing of “what they are going to break this time”. I personally jumped of the train and have moved to Vivaldi as my main browser. Things seem to be much more consistent there, although development is still going on under the hood.

People must have possibility to choose. Colors and how things look like are important to people, even if you are not a theme developer.

It is no that easy just to switch systems, when you are dealing with automation, but history and years working as business consultant have taught me, that one should build everything in one’s life so, that if necessary, it is easy to vote with one’s feet, if ever necessary.

For now, I’m lazily following the discussion and trying to get some kind of understanding what this UI policy is going to look like and what kind of work maintaining the things set to my personal liking is going to require in the future.

Have not updated yet.


First of all, thanks for the work that you all put into HA!
I agree with Trilliard. A possibility to perform a subtraction directly in a helper would be great. Perhaps it would be possible to add “signs” for each added entity in the already existing sum helper? In that way one could chose to add or subtract each added entity to/from the sum helper entity.

history-graph no longer showing a key/names of the entities?
show_names: false seems to be the new default, true was default before, as per History Graph Card - Home Assistant

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I figured it out. The event must be added in the calendar on the sidebar, it is not possible on the tab.

yes, that seems the case, missed that in #beta.

PR made


see: correction for show_names: default value by Mariusthvdb · Pull Request #25193 · home-assistant/home-assistant.io · GitHub
it was a bug

Great to see the Integrating of Sensirion’s BLE protocol. The CO2 dongle is cheap with reliable measurements.

Adding events to the local calendar is only through the UI? Or can I also do this scripted?

Thanks for the feedbacks for new color system.

During the State of the Open Home, we presented a new concept of dashboard and it was really well received : Link the the concept.

Why we do this change ?

We started by adding color to tile card (and there is very good feedbacks on Mushroom card for this).
Before the update, it was not possible de change the color based of state and domain. We saw that many people relies of third party card to change color (e.g. card_mod, custom-ui…). We want to offer this by default so people don’t have to install third party scripts that can be broken at every release.

Also, the history was using random colors. Now you can have an complete overview of your devices.

What can I do if I don’t like the new color ?

You can do feedbacks here and explain why you don’t like it with respect. We are all human and we don’t do changes just to break your things by pleasure.

I already saw very good feedbacks :

  • binary sensor color : we chose color for binary sensor because it’s the Home Assistant primary color. I agree, the contrast is not good why the default lovelace color (dark blue). We will fix that issue.
  • binary sensor device class : window/door not consider as security device.
  • lock color : locked/unlocked color
  • person color : not home color consistency

Great release, I love the features addition on the tile cards! Would be great if next to a light intensity feature, also a color temp feature would become available!

They can be added from the calendar panel. There is an “Add Event” button.

That is a bug, that I already fixed yesterday: Restore correct default legend behavior for history graph card by spacegaier · Pull Request #14612 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub

For now the workaround is to add show_names: true in the card config.

Someone was faster than me :slight_smile:

please also consider the heating color? not sure how to, maybe have a device_class: heating?

in any case a heating heater shouldn’t be blue :wink:

second, please point us to the color var used for the regular ‘on’ state, so we can adapt that in hour themes.
The doors currently are blue, but when I check frontend/ha-style.ts at efda2ab626ff59e5937d67cea50e7a0886635b5e · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub the state-on-color is ‘66a61e’, which is green.

same goes for a regular binary_sensor (no class set), which we had following the regular color scheme for on, and now also shows blue, where the actuator, the boolean above does show the correct ‘On’ color:

using this in my theme:

  state-switch-color: '#ffd700'
  state-automation-color: '#ffd700'
  state-cover-color: '#ffd700'
  state-fan-color: '#ffd700'
  state-light-color: '#ffd700'
  state-person-home-color: '#008000'
  badge-person-not-home-color: '#636B75'
  state-person-zone-color: '#800080'

I would have hoped to to follow the state-switch-color. Or, that is what I want (it was me former active color)


found the binary color in frontend/ha-style.ts at efda2ab626ff59e5937d67cea50e7a0886635b5e · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub and set it now to the same colors:

  state-switch-color: '#ffd700'
  state-automation-color: '#ffd700'
  state-cover-color: '#ffd700'
  state-fan-color: '#ffd700'
  state-light-color: '#ffd700'
  state-binary-sensor-color: '#ffd700'
  state-person-home-color: '#008000'
  badge-person-not-home-color: '#636B75'
  state-person-zone-color: '#800080'

only to now see more clearly, the boolean does not follow the same color scheme as a switch apparently? It is still the ‘amber’ color.

So, now go looking for the boolean variable…

same file, a bit deeper…added state-input-boolean-color: '#ffd700' now too, and the view is back to where it was before: