2022.2: Let's start streamlining!

My CPU load is significantly higher since I upgraded to 2022.2.0 on my RPi3B+. The load was about 6-12% previously, it’s now around 22-30%. As a result, the CPU temperature has risen by about 10°C.
Is anyone seeing this as well ?

Yes, I’ve noticed. All my Google Minis now always appear “on”. That means things like the custom:mini-media-player will always show the volume control. Before, the volume would be hidden when the devices weren’t active. I also have a second gen Chromecast that is the only thing I use to watch on one TV. I used to know if the TV was on based on the whether that media_player was on, but now it always appears on.

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same issue here. is this really expected and we need to move to event triggers? doesn’t look like there’s mentioned something in the breaking changes?! looks more like a bug.

The update was at about 13.00
A slight increase perhaps…

Mine are idle
Too bad google does the chime even if they appear idle

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Thanks devs, this is my first major update since using Home Assistant for about a month and it went pretty smooth. This is a really cool project and I hope to have some time to contribute to it as well.

I was looking at this screenshot:

And I wondered, how to get this done? This is using the Spotify integration I think? I also have Spotify integrated in HA but the media section stays empty. How to get it filled with my Spotify playlists? This looks so nice.

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Great! I’ll grab a backup and give it a try myself. Thanks for taking the risk letting us know all went well!

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Seeing the same

I believe I figured out why my android TVs were suddenly shutting off. I believe the google assistant ‘local fullfillment’ was causing it. Its a really odd issue and I have a feeling most won’t narrow it down. I don’t think its home assistant per se.

This was added as a feature which I tried to adopt and caused odd things to happen to the android devices. Regular speakers worked fine. I have since removed the option and haven’t had a ghost turning off my theater system.

Hope it helps!


I agree it looks like a bug. I think I’ve seen this before and then it got fixed in one of the point releases.


Make idle chromecasts appear as idle instead of off by emontnemery · Pull Request #61786 · home-assistant/core (github.com)

That is a good change then…

I had to select “Spotify” in the source picker in the bottom right first. Then afterwards when selecting a speaker, Spotify shows up as a “folder” for that speaker.

Thanks, what about your CPU load ? Have you seen an increase ?

I’m not able to control my Sonoff devices… the entities seem to have been deleted…

I am on the stock firmware.


For those using UniFi Protect from HACS before this update, I’m curious what the recommended upgrade path should be?

After upgrading to 2022.2, my UniFi Protect integration still had the custom component icon. In an effort to remove it, I uninstalled the HACS-based integration, removed it from HACS, reinstalled it via the native integrations page, and then rebooted. It initially still had the custom components icon, but appears it was removed after a few hours. I’m thinking these steps weren’t necessary, but wondering what’s recommended when integrations move from HACS to the core system.

Have there been any changes to the Energy Dashboard other than moving the settings? Since the update, the graphical representation no longer seems to update. However, the entities are up to date and also react to changes…


So to try and fix for the broken/incomplete implementation or the new WebOS integration I rebuilt the media player for the TV as a universal media player. So far this is working for me. There still may need to be some adjustments to be made.

  platform: universal
  name: Test Kitchen TV
    - media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv
      service: wake_on_lan.send_magic_packet
        broadcast_address: !secret lg_tv_ip
        mac: !secret lg_tv_mac
      service: webostv.command
        entity_id: media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv
        command: "system/turnOff"
      service: webostv.command
        entity_id: media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv
        command: "audio/volumeUp"
      service: webostv.command
        entity_id: media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv
        command: "audio/volumeDown"
      service: webostv.command
        entity_id: media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv
        command: "audio/setMute"
      service: webostv.command
        entity_id: media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv
        command: "media.controls/play"
      service: webostv.command
        entity_id: media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv
        command: "media.controls/pause"
      service: media_player.select_source
        entity_id: media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv
        source: "{{ source }}"
      service: media_player.volume_set
        entity_id: media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv
        volume_level: "{{ volume_level }}"    
    state: media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv
    is_volume_muted: media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv
    volume_level: media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv|volume_level
    source: media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv|source
    source_list: media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv|source_list
  device_class: tv

@Konni @simondotau @penmoid

Edit: I was wrong, see below replies.

There is something using CPU right now.
Not sure what. It’s too far from the update

Looking at the time it seems to be about when we casted the news on the kitchen TV

Came across this one as a WIP: https://github.com/iMicknl/ha-nest-protect

Personally, I first deleted the integration from the Integrations page, then removed the HACS custom integration and restarted.

I then installed the core version (by clicking the + Add Integration button from the Integrations page), entered my gateway username/password combination - and all my cameras were back as they were before.