2022.2: Let's start streamlining!

Yeah I’ve checked the commits and it should be sorted for 2022.3. It’ll be a nicer solution than the template sensors I’ve used for the last few years!

Is there a way to create a Button for weblink?
I need this to be able to send notify on clicked button. With all these changes i don’t understand if now possible.

Thanks to both of you. The automation add worked. I did have to included the broadcast address as it is on another VLAN. It is working as intended now and I will delete my universal media player.

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Can you have both the new nest integration and the legacy nest integration setup at the same time?

All of the dev’s, chapeau! I just updated and found only one issue.

Fritz!Box integration failed.

But, all of the other stuff I use (and it is A LOT) works fine. When i saw the amount of changes, I got scared after my older collisions with HA updates, but this time it went almost smooth.

So kudos for you, dev’s!

For those affected with the Fritz!Box integration, there is a issue to be found here:

Simply switch to HOOBS. Works fine for me already for two years and can confirm it works in this version very well also Nest Protect. Look here for a tutorial I made nearly two years ago.

The new version of the Plugin for Nest is even more easier to configure. It does it all for you. It will take 15-20 mins to do this,

Homekit Controller is up and running on this release as I can confirm.

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SOLVED by removing the Yaml for Device_tracker.
When I switch to the new version i get 3 major issues

Screenshot 2022-02-03 at 19.10.23

The zones are there. Status person.user says unknown.

Home Assistant IOS says this:
Screenshot 2022-02-03 at 19.17.52

Any ideas?

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Thomas1509, same here. My graph is not updated in the dashboard but the sensor is. Nothing seems to update on that dashboard. My separate devices doesn’t update either.

Was there any update to the Chromecast devices?
All my Google mini’s remain active and all my Chromecast devices remain also active with the text “Backdrop”.

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This removal of the Older Nest integration is premature. How can you remove support when the new api does not support Nest Protect and there is no estimate of when it will?!

        ##### Sonoff #####
  username: !secret sonoff_id
  password: !secret sonoff_pass
  mode: local
  reload: always  # update device list every time HA starts
  scan_interval: 60 #(optional, lower values than 60 won't work anymore!)
  grace_period: 600 #(optional)
  api_region: 'eu' #(optional)
  entity_prefix: True #(optional)
  debug: False #(optional)

Edit previous message: no issue with the Chromecast devices, but with the media player cards. The media player cards show active even when the state is idle

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If you have NMAP configured in device tracker you can remove it and restart HA. It should get copied across so is not needed anymore. That cleared the device tracker and the iOS errors for me.

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Nice, but, is it the Ewelink integration or SonoffLAN from HACS?

Same here Amcrest camera is timing out…seems to reconnect but many warning messages.

Yes, that’s the one… I thought it was the only one?

If its SonoffLAN from HACS, I only can confirm, it works fine here after this update.

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What other options are there?

My issue is that they’ve seemed to disappear… the entities seem to have gone into orphan state.

look at 338