2022.2: Let's start streamlining!

Look at post directly in front of yours

There was a change to MQTT in the .4 release. This change breaks mine as well as others. There is now an open Github issue.


Looks like .4 has been pulled


Yes, this update killed my MQTT server. I did not really need the data provided by MQTT right now, so I just disabled my MQTT server. That stopped all the error messages.

As scenes have states since 2022.2: will the state of a group of scenes also be calculated (like for a group of persons, switches, …)?

As the state of the scene is the last time it was activated, what do you propose the combined state of a group of scenes would be?

@varenderpsaround (maybe you aren’t listening any more, but i don’t think you answered my question about OS version. I found this that may confirm the relationship with the OS update 7.3

Should be the last time one of the group members/scenes was activated.

Makes sense, although I don’t make much use of scenes so I cannot test.

Would it make sense if I open a feature request for this?

That link leads to a dead-end (or my router blocked it as malware,) I found a ticket Here That talks about my issue. Wonderful. Doesn’t help me at all bc they just reverted a snapshot, which I tried, which didn’t work. I’ve tried reinstalling zha, won’t find coordinator. I’ve tried adding stuff to the config file, still won’t find coordinator. idk, If the zigbee hub I bought which someone recently said in my mention “is a solution” actually works then fine, but I genuinely think I have to rebuild my home assistant entirely or some shit because I can’t get zha to even recognize the coordinator right now.

(I really thought growing pains like these 100’s and 100’s of issues replying to this singular update were behind us)

Sorry I dunno how that happened. Fixed it :slight_smile:

Have you tried reverting the OS to 7.2? You still have not even told us what OS version you are running.

Blood from a stone…

A typo, like I already more or less said.

No you have not told us anything about your OS versions. Get a grip.

EDIT Oh I see, another thread.

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A request to @system When formatting the breaking changes section, please highlight (in bold, as a header or something) the name of the integration. It is really difficult when reading so much text to identify which integration the paragraph refers to :). This was previously done as a compact list so it was easy to quickly scan and see if an integration you use, was in the Breaking Change list.

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Mmm… Aren’t you seeing this?

Not in the Blog Community Post above…

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And that is the reason why I asked for a similar thing before.
That it could highlight what is important to you specifically using the analytics data

What I showed is the blog post as seen from my Firefox
I see the same in chrome