2022.4: Groups! Groups! Groups!

why the actual value is not changed rather then just adding another db entry to make the global statistic tally correct

It does change the actual value though, so something did not work as expected.
Can you open an issue and tag it with the recorder integration please?

I see that the utility meter, groups, etc. has not been migrated to the UI automatically. This will be done in future updates or do we need to do it “manually”?

You may need to update ZHA dependencies or SQLite manually. Check this issue: ZHA & Home Assistant Version 2022.3.1 no longer works · Issue #67780 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

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Guys my ıp cameras stop working with this update, what is going on?

type: picture-elements
title: Garden PTZ Cam 01
camera_image: camera.ptzcam1
  - type: state-icon
      action: call-service
      service: ptz_camera.move_left
    entity: camera.ptzcam1
    icon: mdi:arrow-left-drop-circle
      bottom: 45%
      left: 5%
      color: white
      opacity: 0.5
      transform: ' scale (1.5, 1.5) '
  - type: state-icon
      action: call-service
      service: ptz_camera.move_right
    entity: camera.ptzcam1
    icon: mdi:arrow-right-drop-circle
      bottom: 45%
      right: 5%
      color: white
      opacity: 0.5
      transform: ' scale (1.5, 1.5) '
  - type: state-icon
      action: call-service
      service: ptz_camera.move_up
    entity: camera.ptzcam1
    icon: mdi:arrow-up-drop-circle
      top: 10%
      left: 46%
      color: white
      opacity: 0.5
      transform: ' scale (1.5, 1.5) '
  - type: state-icon
      action: call-service
      service: ptz_camera.move_down
    entity: camera.ptzcam1
    icon: mdi:arrow-down-drop-circle
      bottom: 10%
      left: 46%
      color: white
      opacity: 0.5
      transform: ' scale (1.5, 1.5) '
  - type: state-icon
      action: more-info
    entity: camera.ptzcam1
    icon: mdi:arrow-expand-all
      top: 5%
      right: 5%
      color: white
      opacity: 0.5
      transform: ' scale (1.5, 1.5) '
camera_view: live
  - platform: generic
    name: ptzcam1
    stream_source: rtsp://admin:@
    still_image_url: rtsp://admin:@
    rtsp_transport: udp
    authentication: digest
    username: admin
    verify_ssl: False

Hi I see this when I do a test with “Check Home Assistant configuration”

[08:40:27] ERROR: The configuration check did not pass!
[08:40:27] ERROR: See the output below for more details.
Testing configuration at /tmp/config**
INFO:homeassistant.helpers.storage:Migrating core.entity_registry storage from 1.5 to 1.6
Failed config
General Errors:
Integration error: zwave - Integration “zwave” not found.
Successful config (partial)

Any suggestions?

try setup through UI, generic camera from intergrations.

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Not sure, but the release notes might help here perhaps? Especially the Farewell to the following section.

Yes ill try updating again after every body left the house because they dont like it when the toilet lights, heating, front door and so on dont work as expected but ill check if i need to update dep or sqllite thanks for the suggestion.

You may also check this issue: ZHA error after update 2022.04 · Issue #69494 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

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Thx just saw ZWAVE was removed

Also a related “Light as X” question here → https://github.com/zigpy/zha-device-handlers/issues/1457

Will groups in Home Assistant automatically enable Zigbee groups to group devices in ZHA integration?

The benifit has been native Zigbee light groups are always syncronized compared to groups in YAML.


“There is also support for grouping of lights, switches, and fans (i.e. support for commanding device groups as entities). At least two entities must be added to a group before the group entity is created. As well as support for binding/unbinding (i.e. bind a remote to a lightbulb or group).”

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After upgrade I have a problem with my sensors worked on custom integration: python_script
Now I have error that smbus module is not available.


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/config/custom_components/python_script/sensor.py", line 64, in update
  File "<string>", line 2, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'smbus'

The sensor’s python code is following:

            import struct
            import smbus
            import sys
            bus = smbus.SMBus(1) # 0 = /dev/i2c-0 (port I2C0), 1 = /dev/i2c-1 (port I2C1)
            address = 0x36
            read = bus.read_word_data(address, 2)
            swapped = struct.unpack("<H", struct.pack(">H", read))[0]
            self.state = round(swapped * 1.25 /1000/16,2)

I would love to see it removed and replaced with ‘dashboard’ or whatever
 we still have ‘hassio’ in the URL from years ago so I’m not holding my breath.

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I could reboot mine this morning. I’ve moved all my lightgroups to the GUI now, it’s so nice :slight_smile:
I know it’s probably a small thing, but everything that can be updated without ‘reloading’ stuff is a bonus.

After Update to 2022.4 all Reolink Cameras are not showing the preview in picture entity.
On Mouse click (Tip-action) a preview will shown after 10 to 15 seconds.
Only a RTSP Camera works well.

Update - I find out, that a refresh / reload of the custom integration fix the fault
Custom repositories
repository URL (https://github.com/fwestenberg/reolink_dev)
category Integration

After the update I can’t change the configuration on my zwave devices.
Someone have the problem to go in integration->zwave->device->deviceconfiguration.

Yep that worked, thanks

Will mixed domain groups be allowed? I have a group for switches which also includes input_booleans which i cant move from YAML.

Same with another group i use to track unavailable states, its a group of mixed domain entities such as climate, sensor, switch

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Have you read the entire thread? There is a lot about zha.