2022.4: Groups! Groups! Groups!

Seems to me from reading this thread that (1) there was a solution posted; and (2) the person who waited patiently was rewarded by a working system.

I wonder whether some of my issues were caused by that… I don’t know the size of my DB but the backups are 1.1GB which I am guessing is mostly the DB.

This release completely breaks custom-ui. State updates no longer update customized icons or colors until you reload the page.

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Post to the custom-ui github then.

If you are responding to me… I did look into testing unreleased ZHA but am still unsure how to do so. I downgraded in hopes it would fix things but some Zigbee devices are not working and a lot of them do not have LQI/RSSI data as they did before. However, many devices I have tried are working as before (w/ 2.3.8) but automations have failed to run, cards are not populating properly, so it seems that the restore did not fully restore the system… something is off.

I waited 2 to 3 hours but the house was crippled with 90 dead zigbee devices. It would be nice for there to be a way to see what is happening in the background (ie DB update).

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Certainly agree with that!

I don’t think this has automatically changed. I think we need to do this manually…it would help to have some guidance on ‘how’ :slight_smile:

The urls still have the lovelace string in the url. I don’t believe you need to change anything.

Add this to your configuration.yaml:

  default: warning
    homeassistant.components.recorder.migration: debug # or 'info' if you prefer less logs

Of course I don’t “need” to change anything to keep my HA working, but if a change in this release is that “Lovelace” is now replaced by “Dashboard”, I’d like to embrace that change by no longer seeing “Lovelace” in the URLs.
I note my Config → Dashboards still directs to http://homeassistant.local:8123/config/lovelace/dashboards rather than e.g. /config/dashboard/dashboards after the upgrade. Is this planned to change?

He already put a note in the readme, I just figured people reading the release notes would want to know.

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No need, there’s a big Heads-up warning users.

Hoping to figure it out, but it’s going to need some dev assistance.

And they’re very busy!

So yeah, need all the help I can get, if you know of a way to adjust the new web socket handling in custom-ui, do’nt hold back.

I have linked all the PR’s that cause this, and Paulus’s explanation in the Release party


It’s a bug which will be solved with next patch release (2022.4.1)

I think something is wrong with your install or you have a custom component or something. calculate_offset is no longer in the code base anywhere. Maybe try to update again?

I am using trigger.event.data in a number of templates in automations, all of which are now broken.

This is the error in the automation trace:

Error: Error rendering data template: UndefinedError: 'dict object' has no attribute 'event'

The documentation does not mention any change either.

Would this have any effect or allow for emulated_hue to emulate a v2 hub?

wondering if this is per design, or if we have an issue:

shouldn’t they be ‘off’?

I did notice this: Forced update failed Entity.xxxx. not found. ¡ Issue #69492 ¡ home-assistant/core ¡ GitHub which also seems a bit surprising, maybe related?

please see if you recognize this?

other instance: yes they should be ‘off’

ok, now what :wink: Ill add to the issue.

Do you also have zha issues with conbee on 2022.4.0 and will it also be fixed in 2022.4.1

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No issue here with ZHA and my conbee 2.
Do you run HAOS? I do and I have no issue at all

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Im running debian/supervised and with the update 2022.4.0 im having a lot of issues with my zha zigbee network and conbee2. I moved back to 2022.3.8 there i zha works fine