2022.4: Groups! Groups! Groups!

They don’t look any different to me than how they’ve ever looked!

Are you saying I should be seeing the colour picker and so on here ? (this is a group of 4x GU10 colour bulbs - latest gen.)


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Yes, I checked after reading this, and I have the same behavior.

fix is on its way…

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Thanks for the link, but that’s not what happened here.

With 2022.3.8, everything is fine, no issues.
With 2022.4.0, everthing but Tradfri long press/release events is fine.

BTW: Home Assistant OS on an Odroid N2+ with an external log recorder DB on a Synology NAS running MariaDB.
Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 (CC2652P CP2102N) stick and an EnOcean USB 300 stick.

Any help or insights would be appreciated, standing by for testing.

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yes i know it !! it would be fine to make this like switch as x directly on ui.

Have a look higher up - there is a link from @makai. I am also looking for a solution. Like many others I have rolled back.

Fantastic release! Thanks for all the work to the entire dev-team!


Can only second this.

How many times is one adding/deleting favourites to or from Sonos? Every temperature sensor is probably causing more stress for the database.

Additionally, that seems to break the ability to have playlists from Apple Music integrated into scripts/automations if they are not listed as “Sources” anymore. Or am I overlooking something?

It’s April, and I can assure you: This release is no joke.

and yet it’s a joke. In version 2022.2.8 a bug was introduced. Very quickly the cause was found and a fix was offered. Since then, although it has been 2 months, the bug has not been removed.

tuya thermostat Temperature still wrong after latest update

The fix was made 2 days ago, not 2 months ago. All the chatter in that thread is people talking about making the fix without anyone taking action until 2 days ago.

That comments a joke for free software that you could do a PR on or stay on prior version. I see a fix was 2 days ago. LOL

Amazing version. Thanks to devs for this!

Question: With the introduction of groups as helpers, what is the recommendation for ‘best practice’ in maintaining or migrating current groups.yaml? Simply stated, is it preferable to migrate previous groups to helpers or leave them as is defined in yaml file?


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It actually takes SEVEN clicks as you have to close the media browser AND entity info window. To reiterate: playing a fav/radio took TWO clicks before HA 2022.4 and it takes SEVEN clicks now.

Also, the media browser has the close button on the right side and entity info has the same button on the left. So the fav playback takes a LOT more mental load now, which kind of goes against the entire point of home automation.

What is the best place to share this feedback with the devs? Github Lovelace/UI bug report?


Since they are mutually exclusive, You can do either. There’s functionality in the yaml that isn’t in the UI. Personally i’ll stick with YAML so its in one spot. But I don’t think there is a ‘best practice’ since its perfectly acceptable to have in both places.

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Best practice is to leave groups.yaml as-is. The only groups added to the UI are for single domains, i.e. you can only create a light group comprised of lights.

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The new update introduced an error for my scenes that include my HEOS speaker. Since the update the scenes that start a stream or play a favorite music station on my HEOS speaker return an error stating: “Entity media_player.heos does not support this service”.

Anyone else experiencing the same problem?


Similar issue. Spotify now doesn’t support media_player:stop service.

Creation group now we can only if select Group SWITCH we can use only entity type switch no mix light and switch… Yes ?

fix was ready on the first day - restore working version 2022.2.7

Yes, but no one made a PR. A PR is what gets the fix into home assistant. This is what you aren’t understanding. You guys found the fix, but no one put it into home assistant until 2 days ago.

Correct. Groups of any type need to be done through yaml.