Oh i’m sure auto-rotating passwords i one of the most unthought of use-cases out there. And the average jo out there won’t think of it. But in coorporate land out there it is one of the easiest ways to increase cybersecurity.
For clarification:
I hope we agree that we should never reuse a password for a online service and all services used should at all times have a differnt password.
Now image that i am so terrified that i will change my password on all of my servces every few months.
This is what i actually do, not manually but automated.
If you ask me for any of my passwords: i only can tell you one and thats the one for my password manager. For every other password: i don’t know it, i have never typed it and every singe one of them is way too long for me to remember it.
Btw. did you know that Netflix only allows your password to be 60 chars long?
But the fact that this out-of-the-wild use-case can be done with stupid lame yamls should be proof enough that yamls allow for so much usability and flexability that they should stay and never leave.
This is what user-friendly is.
And this is not only my personal optinion. Take a look at the probably most productive Softwares out there: Kuberentes, Ansible, AWS Cloudformation and many more use yaml files for configuration, automation, etc.
As i tried to clarify: while it is not perticular newcommer-friendly it is THE WAY most of the world does it.
Home Assistant is a tool to allow Users to connect different vendors, ecosystems etc.
If one is not willing to learn how to use a tool then this person is a fool.
And as a teacher of mine once said: A fool with a tool remains a fool.
I do agree that Home Assistant should become more newcommer friendly as it is by now to only way to grow it’s userbase and thus get funding. But leaving behind a powerfull configuration possibility and therefore forgetting some of it veterans is plain wrong.
In the beginning i critiqued the wording change from “lovelace” to “dashboard”. This boils down to that.
Yes “dashboard” is more newcommer-friendly but it does not give a hint on how to configure them.
“lovelace” hower, is the more precice term in google-searches and will give you more precice answers.
So when you are acutlly working with it, which everyone but a few will, it will be more benefitial to adopt to the term lovelace.