2022.4: Groups! Groups! Groups!

yes, thats what I am seeing too, loads of frontend delays (where it was supposed to be much faster because of the web socket changes,HAWS 6.1 by balloob · Pull Request #12016 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub and Websocket api to subscribe to entities (payloads reduced by ~80%+ vs state_changed events) by bdraco · Pull Request #67891 · home-assistant/core · GitHub). As far as I can tell that hurts. And frequent auto reloads too.

on top of that, I also see the new update entities are very often unavailable. Which is really nasty, because having moved from rest sensors to rely on this new integration doesnt prove to be very reliable currently.

startup itself varies I must admit. Sometimes it really is faster (2 minutes for a full restart where it was more than 4), but sometimes I see the same as Tom, and the exact same messages.

dev tools states is really much laggier than before, and pages with history graphs / apex custom cards dont release the frontend when eg clicking a more-info…

add that to the not working statistics editor

and its a bit of a mixed experience

Just wondering if there is / will be an MQTT discovery variable for ‘Switch as X’ ? There is currently a “device_class”, variable in the switch platform, but the only available option right now is “outlet”, and all it does is change the icon in the interface. . It might be nice to expand on that and add these newer options I imagine that is what it was originally intended for.


That looks like an integration is creating tasks at shut down that are not completing. Turn on debug logging for homeassistant.core and it should report the tasks it’s waiting for.

It seems to be Kodi.

It only occurs if my Kodi boxes are awake.

EDIT: Ok False alarm. This was caused by my Cinema Kodi box half crashing. I could still connect to it via SSH and connect to it via the web interface so I thought it was ok, but when I actually went and looked I was unable to control it with any remote control.

After restarting the cinema Kodi box my restart times are back to 60 seconds!

This is with both the Kodi boxes awake. I’ve yet to see what happens when they are asleep but I’m closing the issue.

Really awesome new feature list, great work :grinning::+1:t3::+1:t3:

Many useful improvements, love them :partying_face:

Since the upgrade to 2022.04 hass becomes unresponsive arround 6am. The log show timeouts on all addons. This morning hass restarted itself. Any ideas?

2022-04-10 05:41:58 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hassio.handler] Timeout on /addons/a0d7b954_grafana/stats request
2022-04-10 05:41:58 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hassio.handler] Timeout on /addons/core_mosquitto/stats request

Keep an eye on your memory use. https://community.home-assistant.io/t/memory-leak-after-updating-to-2022-4/410063

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@IceBotYT - Thanks for your work on the PECO integration, living in Philly it was a nice surprise. :slight_smile:
I am trying to come up with an automation use case for the outage sensors. Do you have any ideas?

Hi there, I do not have external url anymore only a message telling to use Nabucasa!
And Yes I have advanced activated, was working last time I got there (Long ago)
Does anyone else have the same behaviour?

Just switched from supervised version to Full HAOS on VM, linked ?

Home Assistant URL

Configure what website addresses Home Assistant should share with other devices when they need to fetch data from Home Assistant (eg. to play text-to-speech or other hosted media).

[Access from anywhere using Home Assistant Cloud]

Local Network

Had to set values in the configuration.yaml for homeassistant: to get external working again (With android app and reverse proxy))


just had another (new) issue experience with the new UI behavior and added it to Dev tools states shows friendly_name instead of entity_id · Issue #11938 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub. We can use the entity_id in fewer and fewer places in the UI, and there’s no replacement for it, other than ‘knowing’ the name for all of those entities.

Simply copying and pasting from the yaml config to trace a script/automation needs yet another extra step.

Must admit the current tendency of Streamlining the UI experience is really taking away from non Ui experience. Trying to voice that as positively as I can.

Please keep support for the entity_id in the UI ?


This GitHub issue seems to be similar: Can't pause sonos speaker using scene · Issue #69785 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

I just tried to create a script in the UI instead of YAML just to see how easy it goes.

I cannot create any.

I tried to just make a simple script that turns a single device - a light - on.

I get Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘toString’) in the log and the script is not saved

Before I raise a bug report - is this something others see?

Have you tried De-bug, to see if this give you more details ?

I have and I know the problem

I have this in my configuration.yaml

automation manual: !include_dir_merge_list automations
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include_dir_merge_named scripts

The GUI of scripts is not working if you do not have script: scripts.yaml

For automations it works because the parser of configutation.yaml allows several automation like shown so you can load both manual yaml files from a directory and allow the GUI to edit automations.yaml

This does not work for scripts for some reason. You would think it would be easy to add since the code is already there for automations.

When you create a script in the GUI it is actually added to the scripts.yaml file. But the scripts never get displayed or loaded because scripts.yaml is not loaded from configuration.yaml

It would be very useful if you could use this

automation manual: !include_dir_merge_list automations
automation: !include automations.yaml
script manual: !include_dir_merge_named scripts
script: !include scripts.yaml

if you try - the check of configuration fails.

ok, yes this is “included” in default configuration.yaml … so i guess you added

script: !include_dir_merge_named scripts

and this is suppose to “load” on start(reading configuration.yaml) , so if it’s empty when you start (read nothing),

I made a typo in my example which I edited.

It should be
script manual followed by script

This is how automations work (which is documented)

I raised a bug report for this Configuration.yaml does not allow multiple lines for script like automations causing GUI do not work if you use manual yaml scripts · Issue #69801 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

And please note that I want to both run manual yaml scripts and GUI like I do with automations. Complex scripts and automations are a nightmare in the GUI

so , it do work, or ?

No, it does not work. It is not documented to work either. The “automation manual” is documented. This is not the case for scripts. But my point is that it should be added to the parser because it currently forces you to choose either manual yaml or GUI. You cannot mix for scripts like you can for automations.

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ahh ok, guess it was not intended to , or never though off :slight_smile:
And i do agree about your point, the Automation"code" here i learned by making a simple, and checking the yaml(and for some i had to “switch"mode, to make it work), same way i learned html back in late 80, etc.
… thou the automation you make in the gui, regardless of “switching mode” ends up in automations.yaml, same as scripts, if im not wrong … i’ve never seen/use "
automation manual:” in configuration.yaml … sorry, thought it was either “!include” and/or “include_dir_merge_list” or “-named” like themes

Noticed “scripts” are not mentioned, but might work be the same way

Thou as it not mentioned anywhere that you can do as you do, i guess it’s not a Bug, but a FeatureRequest