2022.4: Groups! Groups! Groups!

ok, thanks Petro, appreciated.
I like the summary you suggest.

to be honest: shouldn’t one of the frontends dev s stop in there and suggest what you’re saying, or at least summarize the issues posted and suggest that as way forward…?

I mean, we’re all Freelance beta testers :wink: but there are also the Pro’s in the team that should be able to do so.

And since this years motto is Streamlining I would believe this Not to be a minor issue. Making the HA interface behave consistently would be on my top of priorities really

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No, but this might be:
Setup failed for generic: Requirements for generic not found: ['av==8.1.0'].

The developers may just be doing what the UI guy is saying to do. You want to start a discussion and voice what you’d like to see in a discussion. The UI guy is in discussions all the time.

ok, it’s a nice change, like more and more integrations can be configured from the UI, is stead of yaml.
I won’t use it, 'cause I make my groups in deconz…

Haha, well, the UI person is sorely missed in this discussion :wink:

Il try and see how to start a new discussion and do what you suggest. thx.


:man_shrugging: I’ve explained many many many times that these discussions take place on github in the discussion area and yet no one uses it and everyone gets pissed off when I keep directing them there.


What about hight memory usage?

Petro, you are aware thats exactly what has been done at Dev tools states shows friendly_name instead of entity_id · Issue #11938 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub ?

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no… that’s an issue that you created.

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o right, that’s what you mean… I still see the discussion section there as the Frontend FR section…
but then again, we could consider keeping the UI consistent a FR :wink:

No problem!
It was a blast coding it.

I have an automation that sends a notification to my Alexas when it increases by over 200 in case of a storm passing through or something. It helps me prepare for a power outage before hand.

Smart meter checking and the map alert is in the works!


Your issue has a ‘bug’ label, not feature request. :man_shrugging: As a dev, I’d skip right over that because it’s not a bug, it’s an opinion. And as a dev, it’s not a decision I’d be able to make without a discussion. And my job as a dev is to dev, not discuss stuff (that’s for the people who make decisions). Hopefully you’re starting to see the process…

discuss → reach agreement → develop


is-bug → develop-fix

okok, I see. otoh, there are many Frontend discussions opened with no response either, so currently it is a bit of

enduser finds inconsistent behavior → reports (maybe in the wrong section) → no reponse → gets lost (at best)

enduser tries to fit in → suggests (in the correct section) → no reponse → gets lost (at best), shrugs, or … disconnects

hope the Ha team sees that also

a simple response of recognition would be awesome

btw: Make all searches behave the same way. · Discussion #12304 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub for starters


Smart Meter checking would be amazing…great work!

Is it not possible from one of the HA github mods to change type? Should be the best and easiest way in such cases. Even if someone is creating this from scratch, the history is gone otherwise.

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I’m sure it could be changed. I was just pointing out the process that is used in HA for the frontend. Whenever there is behavior changes to the frontend, we start with discussions not issues. Issues may lead to a discussion, but someone has to take that leap.

Is there anyway to edit a group / helper after it was created? Or do I have to delete the helper and recreate it?

Just asking as I want to keep adding sensors along the way for a helper that calculates and average value, but I don’t have all the sensors in hand right now…stupid supply chain issue.

Is anyone else still having the ZHA/ConBee II issue? I’ve seen a bunch of people surface this issue, but no solution that I can find.

What I’m seeing:
Since moving to 2022.4.0, my zigbee lights (all hue) are responding extremely slow (if at all) to commands. I tried to back out to the previous version (2022.3.8 I think) but the system fails to start properly. I don’t have anything that’s customized (quirks, etc). Just 46 hue lights and a couple of dimmers.

I couldn’t find anything in the forum.


Yes, of course. But if there is a migration click, I would suggest to use it in such cases, where something has been opened in a wrong place. You pointed out, that developers or the UI deciders will skip such issues, bucause it is not a bug or an issues. But sometimes, there is valuable content. And instead of letting this move down and let perhaps users who open such cases (in a wrong place) alone/frustrated, the migration would help both sides. In other repositories, it is a task of moderators, who are doing this.

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I agree it’s frustrating to have so many disconnected discussion environments. But this forum is where we (users) are being directed. Right on the bottom of the configuration screen, we see this:


Even right on the HA web site, if we click Need Help? we see this:


So we come here; the first item on both lists. We lurk for a while until we get the hang of it, and finally chime in with what we hope will be constructive ideas.

And then we’re told that’s wrong.

So I hope you can understand why there’s frustration on both sides.