2022.4: Groups! Groups! Groups!

Can only second this. This additional click introduced in the last 3-4 releases are very horrible. So many places require now more than a lot of more clicks. Or is hidden, so that no one will find it in the future anymore.

I really doubt, that these are good decisions.


Also having issues with Telegram integration after update:

Logger: homeassistant.components.telegram_bot
Source: components/telegram_bot/__init__.py:329
Integration: telegram_bot (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 18:52:33 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 18:52:33
Error setting up platform broadcast

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/telegram_bot/__init__.py", line 329, in async_setup
    receiver_service = await platform.async_setup_platform(hass, bot, p_config)
TypeError: async_setup_platform() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given

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Google Calendars integration seems to be broken…

Unable to prepare setup for platform google.calendar: Platform not found (cannot import name 'calculate_offset' from 'homeassistant.components.calendar' (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/calendar/__init__.py)).

On Github an issue was opend on telegram_bot not starting in 2022.4.0 (link to issue)
Waiting for a fix i reverted back to 2022.3.8.


You can just take what was there and put it in the custom_components directory

Yes, thats possible. But I would preferabely not clone a core component and wait for a fix/update the coming days (hopefully)

There’s a very small hyperlink error in the “Breaking Changes” section - the “(documentation)” link under the “Generic Camera” integration points to the Huawei LTE docs.

I am also seeing these errors, but my zigbee devices seem to be working fine. Motion, Open close, and lights

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@ptdalen - Judging by a card that shows me all my Zigbee devices including their RSSI and LQI values, it appears that the Zigbee network is rebuilding itself. Most devices are unresponsive but some did react to a command although with a significant delay. I’ll give it time to complete the process to see if my Zigbee network comes back to life.


After upgrade (otherwise troubless) I get strange error in my log file:

ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to prepare setup for platform openhome.media_player: Platform not found (cannot import name 'UpnpFactory' from 'async_upnp_client' (/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/async_upnp_client/__init__.py)).

I do not have openhome nor upnp setup in my configuration… Any idea what it could be about? Perhaps some custom integration using it (I think iRobot i7+ is using generic camera, that throws another unexpected error).


Great! Since I updated to this core version the Netatmo integration started working again which didn‘t work since 2022.03.x

I have a lot of groups(hue bulbs and zwave switches) set up in YAML and they still work, but they do not show up in the Helper section. Is it because I have them set up in lights.yaml? Should I move the contents of my lights.yaml to groups.yaml or can I just use !include lights.yaml in groups.yaml, then remove !include lights.yaml from my configuration.yaml?

Let us know the outcome. I reverted back to 2022.3.8 as it was unusable.


Same problem here ZHA most zigbee devices work some don’t problems started right after update. restart and tried some reparing but didnt fix. can i restore backup because i got some DB update warning after update


I did without issue.

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Leave them in yaml. Groups in yaml are not imported to the Helpers section. Or you could remove the yaml and create them again in Helpers :thinking:

I appreciate them leaving yaml functionality intact, and I may just be ignorant, but you’d think there would/should be a way to import groups.yaml. I really want to use the UI, but this is almost starting from scratch on getting ~30 lights and switches organized. Why would the previous way of setting up groups not be considered when creating a group system in the UI? I feel like I must be missing something.


ZHA broken after update. Receiving the below error in logs. Anyone else getting the same?


GUI awesomeness! Especially love the “Utility Meter”, “Groups”, and “Switch as X” helpers in the UI!

Wonder if we could get a “Light as X” helper in the UI similar to that “Switch as X” helper?

At least I got some switches that show up as a light entity when I like them to as a switch entity instead.

Regardless hope helpers will not be listed in Home Assistant Analytics Integration usage stats:


Would not want system integrations to clutter integrations stats because they are used by most.

By the way, please consider renaming the Energy dashboard to “Utilities” by default:


I agree. It now takes many clicks for a very common action. Was this overlooked during development? The PR only mentions a technical reason for the change without taking any trade offs into account.

As a side effect, it also somewhat forces the use of the default media player card (instead of mini media player) which in turn lacks the sonos grouping support.