2022.4: Groups! Groups! Groups!

Thanks Tom!

Something like that would work perfectly on my System screen and I would actually make each on conditional so that it only shows if an update is available. But what I want is a chip card (yes, using Mushroom) that only pops up on my main screen if something needs updating. Or maybe a template for the icon color for the button that takes me to my system screen and changes that icon to red, for example. I think I may just be making myself a template sensor that is on if any of the update sensors are on. (!= “Up-to-date”)

Thanks Dolores!!!

OMG! I didn’t even think about grouping all the update sensors!! You are a genius!

You’re thinking of groups in the group domain. The groups in the UI are not in the group domain. They create an entity in whatever domain you choose. I.e. a group of binary_sensors becomes a binary_sensor.

He still maintains his stance on groups in the group domain.

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What’s wrong with what’s already there?
Screen Shot 2022-04-11 at 10.52.35 PM

Click it to see the details of all the updates.

If you really want to show this somewhere else in the UI I guess you can drop in a markdown card with this:

- type: markdown
  content: >-
    {{ 'Something needs updating!'
        if states.update | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'on') | list | count > 0
        else 'Everything up to date!'

Although for reference binary_sensor.updater never did this, it was only for core.

EDIT: I see you may have already gone the group route. You’re going to have to keep that group up to date though with everything you add and every integration that updates to support update entities in the upcoming releases. If you really want an entity a template sensor is so much easier:

  - binary_sensor:
      - name: Something to update
        state: "{{ states.update | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'on') | list | count > 0 }}"

Also if you want notifications instead, I made this blueprint that seems to work pretty well.


Nothing at all if I am on my desktop, but this is for my mobile menu and the side menu is hidden most of the time in mobile.

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I was already getting tired of adding everything to the group, so I think I may go this route instead. Thank you!!!

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And it works perfectly for what I want! That area of my screen are all conditional cards that only provide info when needed. Lights that are on, doors and windows that are open, etc. I can now navigate to a page dedicated to system admin just by tapping on that icon.

Thanks for the help on this to all of you!!

I do like the move towards more simplicity for beginners.

But I do not quite understand why more and more configurations are now forced away from yaml files. Why not store the configuration from the UI in yaml files?

The current backup system is not really nice. If you setup a new system, restoring a backup is usually not the nicest way to go. Nor the safest.
But a copy&paste of yaml files was simple and fast and worked.

I am having to delete more and more yaml files because they are no longer supported. I am being forced to use a UI that is 10 times the work. Configuring brokers etc. seems like a small task, but the sum of tasks gets bigger and bigger the more is moved to the UI.

I hat eto imagine what would happen if I had to re-make all my automations via the UI everytime my RPI crashes and I did not have a backup.

UI is nice, but disallowing yaml files is starting to feel forced and disadvantages, even to beginners like me.

we have been told that yaml will not go away for automations, so that is good!

The requirement got downgraded to fix a memory leak. Not sure what you did in terms of upgrades or which installation method you use, but you could manually downgrade pyav.

But we might get forced into automations.yaml. And that would not be good. We are already being forced to use automations.yaml and scripts.yaml if we want to use the editor. The logical next step is to remove all independent yaml files and force the user to use huge single file systems.

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Hi I have the message that there is a new release of Home Assistant 2022.4.2 to be updated but I cannot find the Update function as before in the “CONFIGURATION” function on the left panel of Home Assistant. How do I update the release?

I’ve never used openhome and got the same error starting 2022.4. After some investigations I found that most likely it is indeed related to false discovery of volumio as opehub player. I remediated it by edding following code to configuration.yaml:

    - openhome

going to check that blueprint :wink:

was experimenting with templates like this myself:


mainly because if you skip an update, the update entity will turn ‘off’ and you can not ‘trust’ the template based on that entity for available updates.

combining these in a Markdown card can be very useful.
thanks for your ongoing effort to keep up that set of templates btw, really appreciated!

You can find the backup dashboard in the configuration menu, or, if you have upgraded already, click the my button below to create a new backup right away

In my Core installation of 2022.4.2 I am not seeing anything regarding backups in the Configuration. Following the “my” button results in “404: Not Found”. Is there anything needed to enable this?

If you do not have default_config: in your configuration.yaml, you’ll need to put backup: in there.

 that is an incorrect assumption.

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8.1.0 fails to install. If I just install 9.1.1 the camera doesn’t work and the error still shows up.

Do you have a link to any recent discussions about this. I’m not able to find any discussions on MariaDB not being recommended anymore.

If it’s worth it I’ll revert back to SQLite, although I’m unfamiliar with how to transfer long term statistics, which will take some time to figure out. Do I want to make sure it’s worth doing this.