2022.4: Groups! Groups! Groups!

No one can fix a problem if you provide no real info.

Yes, they are now. After the update, I couldnā€™t check as File editor nor Samba did not work.

Do you not have ssh?

Yes, Iā€™m wondering too, mine still says db upgrade in progress soe 3 hours afterā€¦

I just updated, but if I go to the Helpers and click on Add new I canā€™t see the new helper options. Is there something that I need to do first?

Check what version you updated to.

Follow the link at the bottom of the description in release notes to add each new helper integration.

The Version is 2022.4.0

Thanks! It works now.

For most installs the db upgrade finishes in under a minute. Check the logs if itā€™s taking longer

Iā€™m not able to delete my old groups,
Event after removing them from the groups.yaml file, the group entities are still after a restart of HA.

Did it happen to anyone else?

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Looks like localtuya integration got broken in the 2022.4.0 update. Unable to load the integration

Is it possible to use the new ā€˜hideā€™ functionality on entities created in YAML? I would like to be able to exclude YAML-created entities from Homekit and Google Assistant if possible - thereā€™s lots and Iā€™d rather not have to maintain two enormous, differently-formatted lists to satisfy the YAML formatting for each component

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That is a custom component, no point asking here.

New function of changing the entity unit of measurement isnā€™t populating on any of my sensors.

I guess Iā€™m just looking at it from a continued-use POV. Initial setup for HA is much easier when I can copy paste and do it all in a text editor rather than going through the UI loop a million times, yet once i have it all set up, itā€™d be nice to be able to add incidental additional items through the UI to my existing groups. I just donā€™t know why the two processes are separate. Itā€™s like reinventing the whole wheel to put white wall tires on. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s good reason, Iā€™m just not aware of it.

I also had problem with ZHA and Conbee, lost some actions and everything was working strange.
After restore to 2022.3.8 all was fine again.
Lights and remotes are IKEA using ā€œAwesome HA Blueprintsā€.

Mvh Kent


Have you both not read the blog - It already has been noted and @bdracoresponded on post 70

Issue reported already

The entity needs to have device_class set to temperature and have the attribute unit_of_measurement. Is that the case for your sensor?

Mine has been running the update for +6hrs and still no access to the recorder.

Latest events are:

2022-04-06 18:00:02 WARNING (Recorder) [homeassistant.components.recorder.migration] Adding columns attributes_id to table states. Note: this can take several minutes on large databases and slow computers. Please be patient!
2022-04-06 18:49:34 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.recorder] The recorder queue reached the maximum size of 30000; Events are no longer being recorded

Update took 8 hrs to complete (running on a NUC with SSD). Seems if you have a large DB (according to phpMyAdmin mine is 18GB and 43mio rows) it will take quite some time to get done.