2022.5: Streamlining settings

I must be blind then, cuz I can’t find that page under settings.

See post above ^

Up in the top right of the page @TheHolyRoger pointed to, or if your screen is small it may be a three dot overflow menu.

Someone out there does a restart without clicking the button to check their configs first? Those are some brave people…

Regardless, the old Server Controls page is literally the perfect thing to have as the first item on the new System menu, exactly where 100% of people will go to look for it and be confused that it’s glaringly missing. A very well hidden restart button in the overflow menu that doesn’t give you the chance to check configs or to restart just a section of HA isn’t gonna cut it.


It is done automatically before a restart.

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HA automatically does a config check before restarting via that button anyway.

So I can stop obsessively checking my config?

That’s going to be a little stressful to get used to.

…did anyone say OCD?


Checking config and reloading various domains / entities IS a dev function. People need to stop complaining about something which is actually sensible.

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80% of home assistant users set it up just so their lights automatically turn on/off three times before they enter a room


Restarting various parts of the system without having to restart the entire system… that fits under system settings perfectly. Had to figure out how to unhide the Dev Tools just to be able to restart HA after updating HACS. Had Dev Tools hidden since I have never once needed to mess around with it and removing it made it so my sidebar didn’t need to scroll anymore. Admittedly, at that time, I was unaware of the hidden restart button in the overflow menu of settings.

Also, of course people will complain about moving and hiding a critical component of HA and the only mention of this change is buried down at the bottom of the post under breaking changes, which is in a collapsed “spoiler” section, and isn’t mentioned at all in the main part of the post that talks about changes to the Config/Settings menu.

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It’s literally the first listed breaking change… HA users should know to read these before hitting update.

Perhaps you would benefit from watching the release party video on YouTube. They ran through all of this there.


Re the new SONOS sensor - which I have been waiting for to fix my wife’s openHASP radio control:

  • Sonos now has a favorites sensor so that you can access and use your favorites in your automations, scripts, and templates. Thanks @jjlawren!

I can’t seem to find the doco for it, and it doesn’t show up on the developer tools list. I vaguely remember reading something about having to enable it - but if so I don’t see where.

Edit: Found it - go into the Sonos integration, click on Entitites, the sensor is there but disabled. Enable it and all good.

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Awesome release! Is it also possible to combine the new parallel with a repeat, so that every iteration of the repeat is executed in parallel?

Hi! After this upgrade HA does not connect anymore to MQTT. I’m using Mosquitto broker add-on and MQTT is working as I can connect with MQTT Explorer… Does anyone encounter the same issue ?

Logger: homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection
Source: components/websocket_api/connection.py:146
Integration: Home Assistant WebSocket API (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 9:21:35 AM (3 occurrences)
Last logged: 9:23:17 AM

[2959252520] Error handling message: Error talking to MQTT: The client is not currently connected. (unknown_error)

This is a really disappointing and disheartening statement. To think that’s the only “community involvement” is missing a lot of good that has come from this community, as well as from the work that has been put in to user experience. You have been an active participant in this community for a while, and I truly appreciate your involvement, until you make these types of statements. Stop.


Did you also update the mosquitto addon? There were breaking changes if you did. Otherwise, try updating it first?

Hi @moto2000 ,

I’m at version 6.1.1 with auto-update enabled. As I’m with both HA and Mosquitto at the last version, shouldn’t they be compatible ? And I did not see any breaking changes for MQTT here 2022.5: Streamlining settings - Home Assistant

It was actually the change log of the addon that referenced it:

I did not have any config besides the standard one

  - username: abc
    password: def
require_certificate: false
certfile: fullchain.pem
keyfile: privkey.pem
  active: false
  folder: mosquitto

But I see this in the supervisor log. Is there an embedded MQTT now?

22-05-05 09:13:53 INFO (SyncWorker_4) [supervisor.docker.addon] Starting Docker add-on homeassistant/armv7-addon-mosquitto with version 6.1.1
22-05-05 09:14:02 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.services.modules.mqtt] There is already a MQTT service in use from core_mosquitto

I’m not sure and don’t know too much about the details or other parts of your set-up, but I followed the documents about creating an Active Control List (ACL) and setting active to true in customize, then it started working working for me.