2022.6: Gaining new insights!

Isn’t that a custom component rather than core…prob best to raise the issue via its GitHub project (though you might get lucky here too)

Edit…there’s one open already #1620

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MQTT breaking changes…its going to take a while (~100 entities)…i’m gonna go get some coffee.


I whole heartedly agree with @MiguelAngelLV for the need to implement “custom date range”. My energy provider DOES NOT bill from 1st to last day of each month. This deficiency makes the energy dashboard practically useless.


Just did that like this :

 certificate: auto
 cover: !include_dir_merge_list mqtt/cover/
 sensor: !include_dir_merge_list mqtt/sensor/
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Does anyone know why my history stat sensors have multiplied since update, im using this template.
Thanks in advance

  • platform: history_stats
    name: Phone On Time
    entity_id: binary_sensor.phone_interactive
    state: ‘on’
    type: time
    start: ‘{{ now().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0) }}’
    end: ‘{{ now() }}’

Please add month start personalisation to energy dashboard, this is more important than compare!

Month start for Energy monitoring - Feature Requests - Home Assistant Community

That is a custom integration. You should look at what changed there. I believe they removed a legacy sign in which maybe you were using

YAY!!! :partying_face:

There really are some Big Ass things added in this release…
Fans, I’m talking about fans…

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Just performed the update. Now history graph is only displaying across 2/3rds of the card.


“Hive” integration broken

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There appears to also be an issue with Google Calendar integration. I have 4 calendar device_ids used to search events for specific words in order to associate events. This feature works with yaml, but does not with the integration.

Hive UK - Yup mine too… Rolled back and all OK.

I have a play tomorrow and hope it’s straight forward to rectify

It works perfectly !

Also upgraded, but when I access the logbook, I don’t see any events anymore? Is this changed?

Are events excluded form the recorder?

No before I saw events like… Light.xxx turned on by Google assistant…

Now logbook is just empty

The Overkiz Somfy integration uses the cloud api .
This will shutdown in a few weeks.
Is there work going on the local api ?
If yes, when will it be released ?

See also my question here:
2022.6 release Somfy switch to Overkiz and local access - what am I missing?

EDIT: Got confirmed through Github that the Overkiz API is not the same as the one being taken down. This one will keep working.

regarding Energy-Dashboard “Self consumed solar energy” is still more or less useless. pls add AUTARKIE / autarchy / self-sufficiency

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