2022.6: Gaining new insights!

And when you realise that the backup HA does doesn’t include the mysql DB :frowning:

and now non working setup :frowning: what a mess

For anyone else that is planning on making these refactor changes to their code, I suggest making a backup copy of your existing config files, and then making these changes once you’ve verified that you’re on the correct version.

This is a hard lesson to learn, but I’m sure that everyone will learn it at least once … looks in mirror shamefully


point your recorder to a new database or remove the configuration for recorder so that it uses the default database. Which will be new.

Or you could just update your database manager beyond 10.3

This release broke the reliability of my History Stats Sensors…sometimes when I reboot HA I get weirds values.
It’s not predictable but happened many times now since the update, and only after a reboot.

MQTT move for the rest of us …


in configuration.yaml I had sensor: !include sensors.yaml
in sensors.yaml I had

- platform: mqtt
  name: "SMLReaderManufacturer"
  state_topic: "homeassistant/sensor/smartmeter/sensor/1/obis/1-0:96.50.1/1/value"


in configuration.yaml I still have sensor: !include sensors.yaml
in sensors.yaml I have NO MORE mqtt stuff
instead add to configuration.yaml

  - name: "SMLReaderManufacturer"
    state_topic: "homeassistant/sensor/smartmeter/sensor/1/obis/1-0:96.50.1/1/value"


If you want you can use includes for the new mqtt integration configuration:

e.g. one way:

  binary_sensor: !include mqtt_binary_sensors.yaml
  sensor: !include mqtt_sensors.yaml

you could also use !include_dir_merge_named for each if you wanted multiple files in a directory.


I’ve just updated from HA 2022.6.0 to 2022.6.1 and I get an error when checking the config before restarting with the new version:

Am I the only one?


Looking at the content of GIT commits in 2022.6.1, it seems the offending one causing the “CONF_DISCOVERY_PREFIX” import issue is:

Move MQTT config schemas and client to separate modules

I’ve raised an issue to address this:

cannot find how to reboot my VM
restored back to 2022-5-5 and it is there?

3 dots in corner

Specifically, in the top right corner of Settings > System > Hardware

Not sure why your code isn’t working, but I discovered this format the other day. A little cleaner.

        [ states('sensor.switch_0_power'), 
          ] | map('float') | sum


 {{ expand('sensor.switch_0_power', 
           'sensor.3_power') | map(attribute='state') | map('float') | sum }}

Please open an issue and provide slow query logs. We will try to optimize it for your use case if we can.

similar to me for binary _sensor, not working under MQTT:

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Thank you, but could you specify how can I get these log?

If you are running MySQL: MySQL :: MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual :: 5.4.5 The Slow Query Log

Let’s continue in the new issue so we don’t create noise here.

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anyone else suddenly experiencing issues with browser_mod entities? all of my media_players except 1 are gone, the devices show either empty in the integration panel, or have ‘hidden’ players (no more sensors either) and I can not enable those…

As I split up all my mqtt configurations for sensors/lights/…, I should create something like:

light: !include new/mqtt-lights.yaml
sensor: !include new/mqtt-sensors.yaml

but I cannot get it evaluated, even for a small test-config file

That isn’t yaml.