2022.6: Gaining new insights!

Hello Chris,

Thanks really much, it works…

  #bed weight
  - name: "Bed"
    state_topic: "home/bedroom/bed"
    unit_of_measurement: "kg"

  #bed raw value
  - name: "Bed Raw"
    state_topic: "home/bedroom/bed/raw"

  #Octoprint Display Layer
  - name: "OctoPrint DispalyLayer"
    state_topic: "octoPrint/event/DisplayLayerProgress_layerChanged"
    value_template: "{{ value_json.currentLayer }}"

  #Octoprint Display Layer
  - name: "OctoPrint TotalLayers"
    state_topic: "octoPrint/event/DisplayLayerProgress_layerChanged"
    value_template: "{{ value_json.totalLayer }}"

Conversion successfully done…

thanks also to you Tom did change the file name as well…

again, i don’t understand why remove yaml configuration… imagine filesize, many many files and me want to change files name in the ui… please, mantain both possibilities in these situations…

I had a markdowncard with the latest fired automations that has stopped working after this update…

        **Time     Name**
        {% for state in (states.automation
          | selectattr('attributes.last_triggered')
          | sort(attribute='attributes.last_triggered', reverse=true)) [0:40] -%}
          {% if (now() - state.attributes.last_triggered).total_seconds() < 86400 %}
            {%- set t = (as_timestamp(state.attributes.last_triggered) | timestamp_custom('%H:%M', True)) -%}
            {{t}} &nbsp;&nbsp; _{{state.name}}_
          {% endif -%}
        {% endfor %}

Does this relay to the database optimization? Any clues?

Will the MQTT change affect MQTT Room Presence - Home Assistant ? I use it with Espresense for room presence. It is the only mqtt sensor that I have and I get the warning Manually configured MQTT sensor(s) found under platform key 'sensor', please move to the mqtt integration key, see https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/sensor.mqtt/#new_format

The mqtt_room page doesn’t mention that there is a change and what the new format is supposed to be.

I am using Espresense as well, but these sensors are not affected by the change. I have since converted all the mqtt platform and I do not see the error any longer. You must of miss looked on your file.

I don’t fully understand what you posted. I only use mqtt_room and nothing else for mqtt in my configuration file so I don’t understand why I get the warning if mqtt_room is not affected. If it is not affected why would I have to “convert all the mqtt platform” and what does that really mean? There’s some details that I need explained to understand.

MQTT change is deprecation. Nothing should break yet. It is a warning not an error.

Right. But I want to have everything setup for the new format so that when there is a breaking change it’s already set. I still don’t understand why I get the warning if mqtt_room doesn’t show a new format and mqtt_room is the only mqtt sensor I have in my configuration.

I see now,

Is this correct?

Nothing about .2 in the ‘Release Notes’

You probably need to assign defaults… there has been a warning about it since Sept. and it was fully implemented in this version:

Updating Templates with the new default values in 2021.10.x

Where do you see this?

On https://www.home-assistant.io/

update just came live… :wink:

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I was implying are you sure there is no other platform: mqtt anywhere else you have missed or forgotten to update. Otherwise, try a restart of HA and see if the warning still shows up.

As for me, I thought I got them all, but for got to update the file in my packages folder.

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There is a regression with the frontend caching Fix history charts not auto refreshing with cached history by bdraco · Pull Request #12873 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub

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That was it. I forgot about an mqtt sensor in my packages folder that I had copied and pasted from someones post a few years ago. Thanks.

Completely breaks my MariaDB , it just will not migrate rolled back and tried multiple times now

Open an issue with logs and error messages, otherwise we can’t help. MariaDB is working fine here.