2022.6: Gaining new insights!

I’d guess you can still use the generic qemux86 one? The NUC is a very commonly used hardware so I don’t imagine they’d break it like this…

Tracing back the PRs that triggered this, no, I don’t believe this is the case.

First, the breaking change that’s listed for 2022.6 (This PR) is specifically about the “Version” integration. IE the integration that will let you know if there is a newer version than the one you are currently running.
If this integration breaks, I don’t suspect that it will brick your system or do anything negative other than not tell you what version you’re currently on or when an update is available, as a worst-case.

The reason that this change was made is due to this PR in the operating system repo. That pull request (as the name says) renamed the “Intel NUC” board type to “Generic x86-64”, with a comment that “The Intel NUC machine has evolved and supports various x86-64 machines today.”
So that makes it obvious that they are not dropping support of it, just renaming it since it has become a more generic type of install that supports more than JUST the NUC.

Additionally, in the HA Operating System readme for the generic x86-64 board type (This link) it says “The main aim is to support Intel NUC mini PCs and similar systems. Hardware it has been tested with is listed below.” and then lists many versions of the NUC.

So I think you’re fine.


I think we can get another 30% out of it, but thats going to take a lot of planning and time :+1:


I believe that should work fine. It’s using a rolling window so as long as home assistant is running it should be ok. It may only detect changes within a 15 minute window. (However if home assistant is down during when the event triggers it won’t notice and queue however)

My history stats sensors does not work after the update. I have someone who counts how many times there has been movement in the last half hour, but they are at zero even though there is movement

All was working, until I left home and I cannot access HA outside my network via Nabucassa :upside_down_face:

So for me, again a great update the way I like it. Hit the button, lean back and wait.

After restart just get rid of Google calendars and Spotify in configuration.yaml, restart again to verify, that nothing went wrong and voila!

No any disturbance until now!

Chapeau, dev’s! A headache free update again! :partying_face:

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I had a powerfailure recently today, and seems like I got junk in some of the files in .storage/. Thank god for git saving the day (or rather night, once I started realizing that it might not be related to the recorder after all).

so how do i need to reconfigure the OAuth2 for NEST?
since the Update i’m gettig ERROR 400: redirect_uri_mismatch

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NO. Read again. It is about the version Integration not HAOS. Your NUC will, of course, still be supported by HAOS. It is just the version integration where intel NUC as a supported board model as been replaced by generic-x86-64

For me this isn’t a smooth update at all. Multiple integrations broke: mqtt, glances, Tuya etc. Almost all important devices are not usable anymore. Will try to return to previous release.

Could someone please assist me? The switch of my RPI fan is not working anymore, so it’s running constantly instead of only above 55 degrees. I read that the GPIO support is removed. Could someone assist me that the fan is working properly again? Thanks in advance…

# Raspberry Pi Cooling Fan
  - platform: command_line
    name: CPU Temperature
    command: "cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp"
    unit_of_measurement: "°C"
    value_template: '{{ value | multiply(0.001) | round(1) }}'
    scan_interval: 10

# Raspberry Pi Cooling Fan
  - platform: rpi_gpio
      14: RPI Cooling Fan

# Raspberry Pi Cooling Fan
  - platform: generic_thermostat
    name: RPI Cooling Fan Controller
    heater: switch.rpi_cooling_fan
    target_sensor: sensor.cpu_temperature
    min_temp: 55
    max_temp: 80
    ac_mode: true
    target_temp: 55
    cold_tolerance: 0.1
    hot_tolerance: 0.1
      seconds: 30
      minutes: 5
    initial_hvac_mode: "cool"

After the update, my current consumption of the lights is no longer available.
Is there a known bug here?


- platform: template
      friendly_name: "Verbrauch Licht W"
      unit_of_measurement: "W"
      device_class: power
      icon_template: mdi:speedometer
      value_template: "{{ (states('sensor.ankleide_verbrauch_w') | float +
        states('sensor.arbeitszimmer_verbrauch_w') | float +
        states('sensor.bad_verbrauch_w') | float +
        states('sensor.bad_spiegel_verbrauch_w') | float +
        states('sensor.bad_wc_verbrauch_w') | float +
        states('sensor.balkon_verbrauch_w') | float +
        states('sensor.dachboden_verbrauch_w') | float +
        states('sensor.diele_verbrauch_w') | float +
        states('sensor.esstisch_verbrauch_w') | float +
        states('sensor.flur_oben_verbrauch_w') | float +
        states('sensor.fluegel_verbrauch_w') | float +
        states('sensor.garage_unten_links_verbrauch_w') | float +
        states('sensor.garage_unten_rechts_verbrauch_w') | float +
        states('sensor.garage_werkstattlicht_verbrauch_w') | float +
        states('sensor.hauseingang_verbrauch_w') | float +
        states('sensor.keller_verbrauch_w') | float +
        states('sensor.kuechenblock_verbrauch_w') | float +
        states('sensor.kuechendecke_verbrauch_w') | float +
        states('sensor.kuechenwand_verbrauch_w') | float +
        states('sensor.kuechenzeile_verbrauch_w') | float +
        states('sensor.lager_verbrauch_w') | float +
        states('sensor.lounge_verbrauch_w') | float +
        states('sensor.schlafen_verbrauch_w') | float +
        states('sensor.schlafen_rechts_verbrauch_w') | float +
        states('sensor.schlafen_links_verbrauch_w') | float +
        states('sensor.schreibtisch_verbrauch_w') | float +
        states('sensor.sportzimmer_verbrauch_w') | float +
        states('sensor.strom_esszimmer_links_verbrauch_w') | float +
        states('sensor.technik_verbrauch_w') | float +
        states('sensor.terrasse_verbrauch_w') | float +
        states('sensor.wc_verbrauch_w') | float +
        states('sensor.wc_spiegel_verbrauch_w') | float +
        states('sensor.wohnzimmer_verbrauch_w') | float +
        states('sensor.wohnzimmerwand_verbrauch_w') | float) | round(2) }}"

Check your log for errors, particularly relating to templates.

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after updating to 2022.6 i had strange behaviour that my sidebar option like add-ons and HACS were not loaded. when trying this by IP, not hostname, everything worked fine. Fixed this, by disabling my external/internal url settings in the configuration.yaml

Don’t know if i missed this in previous breaking changes, but hope to help others with this.

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replace float with float(default=0)

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Install the rpi-gpio integration via HACS.


Yes, thanks. It works!

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I wish every problem was as easy and quick to solve!

theres an issue for that, and it is supposed to be fixed already for the next update of Frontend

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