2022.7: A stunning performance

yeah, well that can’t be can it, because that specific device gets banned, so we need to delete the ip-bans.yaml, and restart before being able to re-log in.nThat’s why it’s such an annoying bug.

Before, I used the trick to toggle my VPN and thus change ip-address, but somehow that doesnt work anymore. Seems the App is clever enough to realize it’s still the same device :wink:

\\homeassistant\config.storage\core.entity_registry was corrupted twice as a result of an upgrade from 2022.6.7 to 2022.7.x (I think I tried .2 and .3, but can’t remember for sure). Replacing a version from a backup from 2022.6.7 fixed one issue, but I could not figure out from the logs what else might have gone wrong as this only fixed the issue temporarily. I’ve been holding off updates since then reason.

I’m planning to upgrade again to 2022.7.3 today or tonight my partner is not at home, so it’s a good moment for a maintenance window :wink: . I will post here how the update went.

If i switch to 4G or vice versa I am in with a different token on a different ip address and i have a script that deletes the ip_bans file and restarts HA so it’s pretty painless…

After upgrading from 2022.6 i am getting below in configuration check and not able to restart. Any one know how i can resolve this ?

Validate your configuration if you recently made some changes to it and want to make sure that it is all valid.

Configuration invalid!

‘<’ not supported between instances of ‘BinarySensorEntityDescription’ and ‘BinarySensorEntityDescription’

well, first off, Id be interested in that script.:wink:

I d hardly call that painless at all really, more of hacking yourself out of an issue that shouldn’t be there in the first place.
Which is ok-ish if you handle homeassistant all day like we do. The family though doesnt feel it that way.

They simply notice they’re being logged out all the time.

Might not be tied to this release altogether, but it certainly started with it now.

Hi all,

This was a great update, kudos for all the developers and people that helped to get this update come to life.

One of the new features of this update is the History filter and although no one can argue about it’s usefulness, some people like me say that it really would be nice and useful to have the option to see everything history has to offer like before the update.

If you are one of the people that misses the capability of seeing all the available history info please vote here View All Option And even if you are not one of this people and can’t live without the filter, please also vote because you will still have the filter capability and the option of seeing all if you want.

Luis Sismeiro


Well, ALL history … i’m not sure why would be usefull to see hundreds, if not thousands of entities at the same time.
But, what WOULD be useful is use of wildecards. So, if i would enter in entity field, say, “sensor.garage%” i’d get all sensor starting with that. And with wildcards we’d also get those “all” possibility (just by entering %).
Ok, now we have option to select device. But that’s not always as usefull as my suggestion, since same pattern can be on quite many different devices, so adding them all would again result in “mini chaos”.


I found it very useful (before 2022.7) to see all entities on the history page at one glance and I definitely also want to have that feature back! Of course I have configured the history with the recorder.yaml and history.yaml files, so “all” entities does not really mean all existing entities…


On my setup it usually took ~1 minute to show all graphs on History page.
Of course some entities are excluded from Recorder & History.
So, it was not a “look at one glance” ((( (depends on hardware)

But - I do agree that we should have a possibility to show all entities at once (not switched ON by default).

1 Like

does exactly that. Its still not as efficient as the former History panel, but it comes close

Jul-13-2022 17-30-16

Did we ever understand what this is? It takes forever, can’t be disabled?

Command_line sensor does not work anymore.
Reproduced at bash level in homeassistant container:

~ docker exec -it home assistant bash
bash-5.1# ls -al /config/YoctoLib
total 1380
drwxr-xr-x    2 root    root     4096 Jan 15 18:06 .
drwxr-xr-x   15 root    root     4096 Jul 14 00:41 ..
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root    root  1403328 Aug 13  2021 YLightSensor
bash-5.1# /config/YoctoLib/YLightSensor
bash: /config/YoctoLib/YLightSensor: No such file or directory

This seems to be the issue to watch https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/74203


Here is the remove_bans.sh that I have as a command line script. It runs in the ssh addon for HA. It calls ssh-console-ha.sh on the host (probably all you need) Note the ssh & web terminal addon won’t accept the ed25519 private key - only seems to work with the ssh-rsa key (despite the fact that ssh & Web terminal won’t accept ssh-rsa keys anymore for auth)


ssh -i /config/ssh_keys/hassprivate.ppk -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -p 38022 [email protected] sudo ./ssh-console-ha.sh
#ssh -i /config/ssh_keys/hassprivateed25519.ppk -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -p 38022 [email protected] sudo ./ssh-console-ha.sh


Then the ssh-console-ha.sh script on the host


# Checking ip_bans exists

if [[ -e "/usr/share/hassio/homeassistant/ip_bans.yaml" ]]
  sudo rm /usr/share/hassio/homeassistant/ip_bans.yaml
  echo "EXITING. *****No ip_bans.yaml found***** Restart not needed"

# Restart Home Assistant after removing ip_bans.yaml
echo "RESTARTING Home Assistant"
docker exec addon_a0d7b954_ssh ha core restart

shell command in configuration.yaml

# remove bans
  remove_ip_bans: /bin/bash /config/remove_bans.sh

You can track https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/75145 for progress on the fix.

Not interested in converting my db login security. When do they expect to put back the caching_sha2_password package back? I reverted back to 6.7 until it’s confirmed it’s resolved. Why would you pull the db client authentication mechanism package?

Hope that comes back on for you… watching for info on this as I could not live without that integration - holding off on upgrading

By accident I entered a non-existing entity and suddenly it works. Using “friendly-name” in configuration.yaml.

Interesting… after installing 2022.7.4 update today all 3 sensors from “speedtest.net” addon became unavailable. Removing and reinstalling addon helped.

2022.7.4 finally fixed my issue… hope all the reported issues eventually solved.