2022.8: You can fix it!

Where is the best place to help report/test new homekit ble hardware ?

I’m sure the developers don’t have every homekit ble accessory out there, is there a good place to report what works and what doesn’t work?


My home has been running solid on HA for over 2 years now and I’ve also upgraded the office with HA. Super fan of HA. Each release is like an upgrade, always nice to see HA improving and growing! Thank you for everything you all do! :grinning:


One remark on this release; I have been checking on the System Health from time to time, when there is something with Docker for example, but also on core metrics for CPU and mem. It has been moved a couple of times and is now tucked away in the context menu. I like the Repairs concept, but surely miss the System Health overview at my fingertips. Not sure if others have a similar need, but I’d love to have it back in the Settings overview with the Repair option as button or something, following up on System Health issues, not the other way around.


@bdraco I know a few people have already mentioned the range limitation of bluetooth in general it would be great to add support for “remote bluetooth adapters”. I believe this could be implemented with fairly minimal work if you were to leverage usbip which from my understanding is already part of the linux kernel (https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/7ebfc85e2cd7b08f518b526173e9a33b56b3913b/tools/usb/usbip/src/usbip.c).

I would image the only addition that would need to be made to the actual integration is adding the option to setup a “manual remote adapter” and the integration would need to initialize and launch the usbip client with the provided configurations. This would allow someone to use for example a PI Zero 2 W as a fairly cheap remote bluetooth adapter. Of course it would then be great if the hass os guys would add the needed client drivers and package.

Any thoughts on a solution like this?

It is on the radar, however we are focusing on improving the existing stack and performance before we work on the remote ones.


@bdraco understandable, if I was to play around with a proof of concept to implement something like this do you have any suggestions on my approach? Did you have some other approach in mind I could research and play around with? Hoping to contribute something even if its just a POC to save you guys some time.

For anyone else having difficulty with the Bluetooth LE tracker; a link to the Github issue, maybe some more can contribute: Bluetooth LE Tracker no longer scanning or doing anything · Issue #76634 · home-assistant/core (github.com)

Cannot restart for ~30 minutes…

2022-08-12 16:57:22.543 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Waiting on integrations to complete setup: filesize, uptime
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CPU load:

FWIW as of 2022.8.3 (maybe .2), my Broadlink switches work perfectly again.

Thank you!

I have been looking for System Health for the last 24 hours!!!

Your post hinted at where to find it.

Let’s hope it moves somewhere more obvious like “About”




Upgraded from 2022.8 to 2002.8.4 and now my alarmdotcom integration fails to initialize with error:

Attempt to decode JSON with unexpected mimetype: text/html; charset=utf-8’, url=URL(‘https://www.alarm.com/web/api/video/cameras/’)

I just installed a second Pi with an instance of Home Assistant, then pair my Bluetooth devices to it and use the HomeKit integration to repeat them and pair the repeated instance to my main Home Assistant instance, it’s been working well like that so far and gives an answer for other transports with limited range as well.

Nevermind, I downloaded the integration from the new repos and now working fine.

I can’t seem to get 2022.8.4 from Docker Hub. Every time I install from the latest tag I seem to get 2022.8.3, and I don’t see a tag for 2022.8.4 to try and force it. The HA version integration is still reporting 2022.8.3 and saying an upgrade is available.

Anyone else having wierd issues with automations? I have the following very simple automation.

alias: Porch Lights On at Sunset
description: “”

  • platform: sun
    event: sunset
    condition: []
  • service: light.turn_on
    data: {}
    entity_id: light.porch_lights
    mode: single

It always triggers, but sometimes turns the lights on then immediately back off. The entity is a ZWave switch as x setup and I’m starting to think it’s related to that.

I previously just called turn lights on against the device instead of using the service and had the same issue. I have also tried deleting and adding the automation back with the same result.

More interesting, when I manually run actions it works as expected every time, it’s only happening when triggered from the sunset event.

check dockerhub, they haven’t been published yet. There may have been a build issue Docker Hub

So I have the bluetooth integration added via the integration page but when I turn on my Bluetooth speaker in pair mode Home Assistant does not detect it. How long do I wait and where should it show up, any idea ?
Is there a limitation on what speaker brand it can add ?

Speakers are not supported yet, was mentioned already a few times in this thread.


In my experience, the Pi doesn’t do well on Wifi when BT is in use. If i recall right, they share the same antenna.

1 Like

Im not sure if it is related to 2022.08.4 but i have a lot of problems since i updated, with my Shelly integration. It seem that inputs are not working or are very late. Nobody has experience that ?