2023.1: Happy New Year of the voice!

someone else having this pip error on upgrade homeassistant CORE ?

ERROR: pip’s dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts.
tbm-utils 2.6.0 requires attrs<19.4,>=18.2, but you have attrs 22.1.0 which is incompatible.
audio-metadata 0.11.1 requires attrs<19.4,>=18.2, but you have attrs 22.1.0 which is incompatible.
aiogithubapi 22.3.1 requires backoff<2.0.0,>=1.10.0, but you have backoff 2.2.1 which is incompatible.

Crash and burned - My Z-Wave integration refused to work, OPNsense also “retrying to configure” - reversed back to older full backup, and rebuild everything that was missing. The created backup did for some ugly reason not solve the problems…

Back online.

However I did get something like this a while back, say 3-4 subversions. Z-Wave just refused that time also.

The solution then and now was a restore of a full backup (not partial).

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Is there a way to retrieve an entity’s aliases via Templates?
I couldn’t find anything related to aliases in the attributes.

I’m trying to assemble a dictionary of type <entity_id>: [<alias>] to pass to Rhasspy… Currently, I have the alias defined manually as literal strings in the template sensor config, but ideally, I’d like to retrieve them directly from the new aliases feature.

I was using web. I had tried rebooting the Harmony Hub which did not resolve it. Ultimately, I enabled XMPP and it started working. I then disabled XMPP and it continued working, even after a HA restart the harmony conf file continued to be updated correctly. So I am left perplexed as to what was not working. The logs had some timeouts in them, so I think we will just dismiss this as a network anomaly.

2023-01-04 17:34:21.096 ERROR (MainThread) [aioharmony.hubconnector_websocket] Exception on post: Connection timeout to host
2023-01-04 17:34:22.496 ERROR (MainThread) [aioharmony.hubconnector_websocket] Connection timed out for hub xxxxxxxx
2023-01-04 17:34:31.091 ERROR (MainThread) [aioharmony.harmonyclient] Timeout trying to retrieve discovery info.
2023-01-04 17:34:31.096 ERROR (MainThread) [aioharmony.harmonyclient] Timeout trying to retrieve config.

A possibility to access aliases (which are a list I think - i.e. one entity may have many aliases) in jinjia templates seems to be a reasonable way.

@Horst-Zimmermann @Aerosean @some_noob as Nick has already stated, this has been discussed at length. The depreciation of scan_interval has been deprecated many months ago. Integrations are still catching up.

Here are two generic solutions.

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Picture elements are fixed, this is a very good and important fix for me.
Rest of other changes - have not tested yet.

We know this already. However as you might have noticed by now, not everybody reads all the discussions about all the components in all the various places. Hence the suggestion to mention the reason for the change, either in the changelog, or in the PR.


With it being stuck at 60 minutes without creating an automation of which I notice there is no example in the docs is going to chew through my bandwidth cap

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My whole home assistant is wrecked as well. I installed the new version last night.
After a reboot today home Assistant is so slow its not usable.

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Got it, and since you so clearly called out your exemplar knowledge on the subject, I will not make suggestions to you in future.

You didn’t need to. You only had to keep up with the release notes. My link was just from one other discussion, but this was also discussed under the release notes of that month. But I guess you already know that.

Since you insist.


The exact same for me. I had to do a complete restore to recover. Something is very broken! I saw lots of error messages relating to HA core.

I installed the Reolink integration and my cam streams are added but I cannot find any motion/person/vehicle detection binary sensors. Is this not implemented?

Did it work to restore with 2023.01 or did you have to go back to 2022.12.08?

Same for me as well - I have been trying to hold out for another update to potentially fix it but my whole z-wave network is so delayed it might as well be down. I’m also seeing 10-15 seconds now to load the ZWaveJS UI logs in the add-in where it was almost instantaneous previously, running HA Blue.

Looks like I’m going to have to go the restore route.

All new integrations start with a single platform, right now only the camera platform is implemented

I had to go back to 2022.12.08.

I have zero errors/warnings showing in 2022.12.08.

Yes, not implemented currently. Will be added in a future release, see the description of this PR: https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/84081

Just tried to update to 2023.1.0 and now HA wont start.

pi@PiHome:/etc/systemd/system $ sudo systemctl status [email protected]
[email protected] - Home Assistant
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/[email protected]; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: activating (auto-restart) (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2023-01-05 18:20:44 GMT; 3s ago
Process: 26951 ExecStart=/srv/homeassistant/bin/hass -c /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
Main PID: 26951 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
CPU: 2.321s

searches online return nothing related to a status1 failure with homeassistant. Downgrading to 2022.12.8 which is what i was on before and it starts fine.

Edit: Running on an RPi4, Bullseye & Python 3.10 in a Virtual Environment

Very cool to see the new PurpleAir integration!

I don’t see sensors for Air Quality Index (AQI) and AQI risk level (e.g. Moderate, Unhealthy), which are the primary data points I consume using my REST-fed template sensors today. I think I am not alone?

Yes, we could keep doing the template sensors for AQI, but it seems obvious to just have them built-in to the integration. Should I file a feature request?