2023.1: Happy New Year of the voice!

No logs, hard to see an issue.

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2023.1.3, isn’t that the one that didn’t come out?

Looks like 1.4 broke auto entities. Anyone else? Reverting to 1.2 brought it all back.

not here… Auto entities work fine.

2023.1.2, 2023.1.3, and 2023.1.4 all have no change logs or release notes that I can find. The linkt within HA itself for the release notes just goes to the 2023 Happy New Year announcement for 2023.1.1

Yes, that’s where they are. Scroll down and you’ll see a new one added with each point update:

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Could we please see an integration for PetKit Litterboxes? Thank you

You should probably ask in:

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hello everyone, I have this problem: how do I update to 2023.1.X release the sonoff zigbee with ZHA no longer works and I no longer have zigbee available! does this happen to anyone else??

If you are referring to the Sonoff 3.0 dongle, no problem here with ZHA and 2023.1.x. I suggest you re-start and check your logs.

I’m an old fashion HASSIO user and for some configurations I still prefer to do them directly in YAML than using point and click.

Is there a way to create entity aliases in YAML? I used to manage my devices aliases for Google Assistant using the “entity_config” entry of the google_assistant integration, but I guess that these new aliases are not related to those aliases specific to this integration.

Related - yes. From the release notes:

Currently, configured aliases are used by Google Assistant and, of course, can later be used by our own voice assistant.
It was previously possible to configure Google Assistant-specific aliases via YAML as well, and this remains working. You can use either YAML or easily manage them via the UI.

Currently the Google assistant aliases and these new ones are essentially one and the same. But as it notes that may not be case going forward as the UI aliases may be used for other things including other voice assistants. And no, the UI alias is not settable in yaml, only in the UI.

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By “not related” I meant that whatever you set on the UI is not what’s under “entity_config”, although they both serve the same purpose.

Your last statement is what I was looking for: if the alias you can set on the UI can be set on YAML as well.
I guess that’s not possible, then.

Would like to check if the “latency” issues on this HA update has been resolved? I had reverted back to HA ver 2022 because ver 2023 was too laggy and caused my entire smart home devices to work intermittently.

Issues faced with HA ver 2023:-

Buttons were responding 3-4 seconds longer (latency increases rapidly)
HA boot time was increased by 5-6 mins longer (latency increases rapidly)
UI response was very slow. (RAM/CPU always above 20% or more)
Irregardless of reboots, nothing changed.

After Revert to HA ver 2022:-

No more issues. Not a single one. I did not restore any backups, i just downgraded HA.

If the above issues have been resolved, I’d like to upgrade to HA 2023. Please advise. Thank you for the great work always!

Maybe there are general issues with http requests in this release? Since lots of integratons struggle from this, even those which weren’t altered in months (like amcrest). The only thing I found which is maybe related is this PR: Bump httpx to 0.23.2 by bdraco · Pull Request #85023 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

EDIT: Another possibly related issue: Rest sensor - digest issue with the new httpx ¡ Issue #85888 ¡ home-assistant/core ¡ GitHub

Unable to connect to Home Assistant after updating to 2023.1.4. Keeps trying “try now”.
HA is on a vm.Ha os 9.4, state running.
Where do I start troubleshooting ? Ha cli is available.

Does the alias setting suppose to work with Homekit?

Are these ZigBee devices? I ask because I have been seeing strange behavior with my ZigBee buttons as well, ever since I updated to the latest 2023.1 release. I am rolling back to the last 2022.12 version in my backups to see if that addresses the issue as I have not made any changes in my hardware set-up.

There was an issue with UniFi in .0 but that was resolved in later versions

If you still see a problem please open an issue with a callgrind file from the profiler.start service

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Yup, not just Zigbee devices even my normal integrated switches (via Aqara) were malfunctioning.