2023.11 To-do: Add release title

After the 2023.11.0 Update, some of my Nibe Heat pump entities are not available anymore (e.g. number.hot_water_demand_mode_40057, sensor.priority_31029, sensor. compressor_status_31101)
Does anyone have the same issue?

No problem. just wanted to get it right for you :slight_smile: Device selector not permitted to be blank since 2023.11

The blueprint thread is 1200 posts of issues anyway

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oh noā€¦ you took over that BP? ouchies

yah itā€™s a big boi

ahumā€¦ I stand corrected, you are right.

      platform: numeric_state
      entity_id: sensor.memory_use_percent
      above: 85

consider my statement above caused by my jetlagā€¦ sorry. Edited that post.

100% wasnt there though, as could be spotted by means of that card I posted. Anyways, letā€™s wait and see for the issue response

Marius are you complaining about your processor use being too low after the recent update :upside_down_face: ?

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Well, discussing not complaining :slight_smile:

hehe, yes! 0% is way too low :wink: (then again, its compensated by the 100% max outā€¦)

I do notice something else too though. Every time I leave my browser window open for some time and come back to it, I need to reload the page.
The Frontend on desktop Safari Mac seems to become slower and slower.

Even more so when clicking the left menu for Browser-mod, it remains there for some time, and can not be navigated elsewhere, the mouse handle remains a pointer and does not turn into a Hand when hovering the other menu items

check this:

In your profile do you have the switch set to automatically close inactive connections?

No, I have that set to off:

did anything change with the private BLE? I canā€™t get either off my 2 devices to show anymore

my proxies are online, and currently about 10 cm distance to my iPhoneā€¦

Is it me, or are the add-on logs not providing any logs anymore? When i now go to an add-on, doesnt mather wich one, i dont see any logging, normally it showed a lot more ? Restarting the addon doesnt help?

as you can see, it doesnt show me any log, while my addons are all runningā€¦

Me too, about 5 Automations of 100 are broken, any ideas?

Look at a different addon, terminal & ssh (and the community one) donā€™t log anything

Possibly related?
Automations referencing non-existing devices do not work after installing 2023.11.0b1 Ā· Issue #102937 Ā· home-assistant/core (github.com)

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Hmm, maybe that one, some log, some dont
For example, the go2rtc addon, provides logs
it was empty there also, if i restart, then i see logging again

see another example:

after restart addon:

Thank you @CChris ā€¦ I upvoted and added a few comments

Why? It will just be ignored. It is the most wanted feature request ever and it is being laughed at. I still do not use the GUI for automations because I cannot navigate in a list of 200 automations. It is horrible that this request is not undestood and rejected by the leader of this project. I am happy to contribute to some pollution to be heard


So, the big news is: a Todo list. For home automationā€¦

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