2023.2: How can I Assist?

Database changes have been occurring to optimize the databases, this results in the tables changing. When the tables change, you’ll have to update your SQL queries if you’re using the SQL sensor to look into the database.

The tables in the database are not documented and they shouldn’t be documented. If you happen to use the SQL sensor to look at your own database, that’s an ‘at your own risk’ scenario as it’s not officially supported. If this occurs again in the future (99% sure more changes are coming to optimize the performance next release), you should create a post when your SQL sensors break. Tag the release, and post what’s not working. Someone who has the know-how to look at the database will help you update your Query.

It’s in the docs: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/sql/#database-size

Great, everything still working after the update.
Now, how can I modifiy the colors of the entities of my picture-elements card and ONLY in the picture-elements card ?
I use to type this but it’s not working anymore.

              - type: state-icon
                entity: binary_sensor.house_entry_motion_occupancy
                icon: mdi:account
                  top: 3%
                  left: 22%
                  '--paper-item-icon-color': white
                  '--rgb-state-binary-sensor-color': 255,0,0

I changed to ‘–rgb-state-binary-sensor-color’ because the ‘’–paper-item-icon-active-color’ was not valid anymore after the last update and now again my picture-elements card has wrong colors.
Well, I will create my icons to be free to use my colors for the picture-element cards.

That query is specific to database size, and it still works. All other queries are not documented, nor are the tables.

EDIT: That reminds me, I moved my db to a new database name and I have to update that query to reflect that. Thanks!

Should just be

              - type: state-icon
                entity: binary_sensor.house_entry_motion_occupancy
                icon: mdi:account
                  top: 3%
                  left: 22%
                  state-binary_sensor-off-color: white
                  state-binary_sensor-on-color: red



In case it helps anyone, I had to use the following to get it to work:

...datetime(last_updated_ts,'unixepoch') >= date('now', 'start of day')...

Different db/sql version I guess.

When getting the notification that it updates the database, do not reboot. I closed that notification, but how do I know when its done if I already closed it? I dont want to reboot too early and get db error. Im running an external mysql server

I think it reports it is complete in the log.

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The new helper Groups or “Grouping sensors”, are this a new replacement for normal groups and light groups?
Can then be used in automations? like if sensors in group has motion, or turn lights in group to red?

No. They are just groups that specifically work with sensors. Yes you can use them in automations

I think it should be a must feature.
Most of us are reading “tech” in English, and still would like to use Assist in our native language.

Moreover, and RTL languages all the dashboards that we used to are getting messed up in our language.

Please do consider adding it soon (not sure where to request this feature)

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Yeah, sorry about that, my mistake…

Now i’m wondering which db to choose, or should i say: what’s benefit (or downside) of using mariadb on Synology or sqlite on HA…? To be honest, i mostly went to synology mariadb out of curiosity (wondering if i can do it) and because my regular backups (via samba backup) were too big because db was always included - this could be avoided, though, i guess…

Yes, I have cleared the cache and refreshed the page. It just sits there at the HA icon. Now whether this is java related because that appears the last thing the Safari inspector shows, I have no idea.

Well, I’m in the same boat as you. There’s no harm in keeping the old maria DB version, it’s just slower. That’s what I plan on doing until I can switch to another system outside synology.

I’ve been sitting with this error since beta 8 when it was introduced. I don’t plan on changing this for a few weeks.


@tom_l @silfax also, apparently the database is documented and up to date here:

If you keep the database size < 2GiB, you likely won’t hit any issues as all significant issues are performance problems that result in long query run time and everything backing up while the migration is running. These problems aren’t new, just compounded by the migration happening, so if you haven’t had an issue before (which would present as slow data queries), you aren’t likely to have one now.

While overload risk exists for any system, the best thing you can do is address the known risk factors to minimize that risk. The significant risk is a large database, a slow CPU, and a slow disk, which results in all the queries falling behind and your instance falling over because it can’t keep up. Suppose that risk is acceptable (and that’s a perfectly reasonable position to take), and you choose not to upgrade MariaDB. In that case, you’ll have a good idea of where to start looking if something goes wrong, which is the goal of highlighting the versions in the breaking change/repair issue.

That won’t solve the problem of MariaDB 10.3.x reaching EOL on 25 May 2023 so you’ll still need to figure out a migration path before than.


Hi Petro,
Thanks for the suggestion but it doesn’t work.
It seems it can’t override the default theme :frowning:

probably in the Feature Request Section of this forum :wink:

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I didnt get it either.

Is it possible to use ‘assist’ with an external microphone that is connected to the HA itself, the current reality that the possibility to give commands is only through a browser is very annoying,
If you access through an internal address whose traffic is not secure, the browser does not allow you to activate a microphone,