2023.4: Custom template macros, and many more new entity dialogs!

I have the same - I lost all buttons on 2023.4.3 - looks like 2023.4.x seams to be huge prima aprilis joke :slight_smile:


Do you know the link of the issue on GitHub? I couldn’t find it.

Found: Button card not showing in 2023.4.3 · Issue #16155 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub

Yip - my buttons entities are all gone as well. My dashboard now looks like a half-baked idea. Rolled back to 2023.4.2

speaking about ‘gone buttons’: didn’t we have a sync my devices button in the cloud panel/ Google Assistant? now only see a ‘Manage’ button, but I seem to recall I pressed a quick sync button there when changing something in the cloud config?

Hard to search for button here in this thread, but at least I didn’t find something related to

type: button
entity: light.living_room

is not displayed here at all. Only if I switch a theme, form custom to custom or standard to custom or custom to standard they appear, but disappear after page reload again.

Secondly, even in default theme I have the left/right arrow in top bar

even if there is enough space and no scrolling needed. They directly disappear if I click on any of these arrows but re-appear after page reload.

I noticed several other users mention that, but it is a bit odd. Can’t say I miss any of them, either stand alone, or in footer. they all appear as before.
there’s Button card not showing in 2023.4.3 · Issue #16155 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub

the chevrons in the header is raised in Frontend

migration schemas went fine… vaguely remember 34 and 36 versions succeeded. Then i had a restart of HA and it started ‘fixing column’. That alter table command killed my maria db in the end (running in docker) when it restarted, progress was way too slow and the exclusive lock on the table made it unresponsive.
Maybe just my db instance with millions of records to a tmp table was not sturdy enough. Gonna check more on DB changes in future.

The fixing column is an auto repair unrelated to the migration. It means the schema was created incorrectly at some point and its repairing it to be the correct type.

Not sure why, by after this update, a bunch of my button cards are showing up as big blank spots on my dashboard. I haven’t had a chance to dig in yet because I’m on my way to work, but does anyone know why?

Downgrade to 2023.4.2, it’s an issue that is getting patched ASAP. There’s many threads on the forums about it.

How do I downgrade?

Through the SSH addon

just change the time format in the profile. no need to downgrade.

Could you be more specific. change time format to what?


better like this? :slight_smile:
the issue there is only with Auto set.

I have the same on frigate:
Error in Version 3 on ffmpeg

2023-04-13 12:03:13.892259651 [2023-04-13 14:03:13] watchdog.xxxxx ERROR : Ffmpeg process crashed unexpectedly for xxxxx.
2023-04-13 12:03:13.892281410 [2023-04-13 14:03:13] watchdog.xxxxx ERROR : The following ffmpeg logs include the last 100 lines prior to exit.
2023-04-13 12:03:13.892289780 [2023-04-13 14:03:13] ffmpeg.xxxx.detect ERROR : [rtsp @ 0x5582cf5130] Unable to open RTSP for listening

Hey Thanks for the info. I changed the time and my buttons came back. Then I reset the time to Auto and the buttons remained ‘fixed’. Just in case you’re interested.

try to refresh… after.

Is there already one opened, where I can add my examples as well?


Interesting is, that the ha-drawer and everything up to html is not using the full screen here in some cases, as you can see in the screenshot.

In tests, sometimes the 100% heigh in ha-drawer and sometimes the calculated hight of #view in hui-root as connection to this gap if I tested some of this.

And even on pages without double-scroobars, they stay (until reload) if I come from one with double-scrollbar.