2023.5 Broke Ecowitt?

Wrote a quick thing on this. Hopefully it helps Home Assistant 2023.5 Broke Ecowitt

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Indeed that helped, but now I have “The device is disabled by Config entry.”, on the added integration…
I’ve deleted the old from HACS, I’ve removed the official, and added again, and it’s the same…
Any ideias?

You should edit the pinned comment on the old video.

Finally it’s working. I had 1 integration disable.

Thanks for the suggestion. Comment changed.

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I read through all of this and I ended up finding out that the Ecowitt app on Android was arbitrarily failing the custom server setup. I had to use the gateway’s web interface to get the gateway to take the settings and start sending data to HA.

Just in case anyone else follows all of this and still can’t seem to get it working.

Additional details: No SSL on my HA, gateway is GW1100, Android 13, built-in integration with a brand new Ecowitt setup.

Did you accidentally unpin the comment? It’s not at the top.

Does anyone know if the built-in integration and the HACS integration can be installed/work simultaneously? I have two Ecowitt weather stations, both using the HACS integration and I am tempted to migrate one of them to the built-in integration just for testing, to see how it works before deciding what to do next.

The migration wasn’t too bad and in my opinion it’s necessary because who knows how long the HACS version will be supported. I was afraid I might lose prior data an mess up automations but that wasn’t an issue. All my entities had the exact same names except they were prepended. I just clicked each one and removed the text that the new integration adds. All records were intact and all automation worked except for one entity. For that entity(barometric pressure) I also had to change the unit of measurement.

Just a few notes that may help.
I used the setup url found on the HA support page for the official plug in after I deleted the old plug in.

There is some important info shown during setup. I copied that into a draft email so I could easily copy and paste it into the app later.

    Server IP: ha.your-domain.org
    Path: /api/webhook/random_web_hook_url
    Port: 8123

Instead of the server ip that was shown I used a local IP address. The next tip may save you some headaches later.

Check that you can access Home Assistant without https.
Type the IP address and port into a web browser from a local computer on the same network as Home Assistant. If you don’t get a log in page or you aren’t presented with the dashboard the Ecowitt addon won’t work. Click the browser url and make sure it doesn’t show https:// at the beginning to make sure you didn’t get switched to https automatically. If you can’t access HA without using https the Ecowitt gateway can’t and it does not support https.

Bad. Is there no way to use ecowitt with homeassistant and https? I think most will have https…

I enabled https using traefik. I just set the ip of the HA server and port 8123 in the ecowitt device instead of what the integration told me, and now it’s working for me.
Maybe just give it a try?

That was my problem because I enabled https it in home Assistant. To get around that I enabled it in the “Cloudflared” addon instead. NOTE: “Cloudflare” and “Cloudflared” are entirely different addons with different purposes. You could instead use the nginx addon to handle https. This can leave local http access but only https access from the internet. “cloudflared” also gives the bonus of no open ports to the internet and nice features like filters. For instance I only allow access from within my country. A setting I could easily change if I were on vacation.

There is another way but it isn’t local only. A guy wrote a template for grabbing his own data from Ecowitt’s cloud api.