2023.6: Network storage, favorite light colors, new integrations dashboard

Amazing new features and improvements (nas backup, performance, color choices etc. etc.), love them very much, thank you :smiley::+1:


Not on my to be honest not supported supervised docker installation. I get the challenges from within a docker installation, but the Changelog reads like it’s a fundamental new feature of HA.

thanks! im gonna check it out! think that will be best awesome upgrade since months for my use of home assistant instead of weird changes in dialogs with smartphone like big ass sliders and buttons on desktop :stuck_out_tongue: (aka windows 8 coool tiles startmenu)

Not really, it explicitly talks about Home Assistant Operating System (HAOS).


Wow! Indeed again packed worh cool stuff!

Please, can it be made possible with the new layout tohave a STOP button on screens. It now can only be controlled fully (0-100). But no open, closeand above all stop 🤷

Wait a minute! Its in now… seeing this for the 1st time :flushed::pray::+1:

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ZHA Zigbee channel changing feature and UI dialog were also added in this release


Zigbee Home Automation integration documentation has not been updated to reflect this new feature:


This new experimental feature that @puddly added now allows users of the ZHA integration to perform Zigbee channel migration directly from the UI for all supported radio types without the need to re-pair all devices or have any entities changed.

ZNP (Texas Instruments) based devices currently has the best implementation of Zigbee channel changing as it allows the Zigbee Coordinator to change Zigbee channels after having a few chances to send out the broadcast to all the devices. Other Zigbee Coordinator adapters (e.g. Silicon Labs EZSP and Dresden Elektronik’s deconz based radios) instead migrate/change the Zigbee channel almost immediately, giving Zigbee End Devices (e.i. battery-powered devices) a smaller window of receiving the channel change request broadcast, however, such devices still have a chance of finding the network again if they detect that they have been orphaned.

Modern mains-powered devices should normally all change channels without any problems. After waiting a while for all devices to change channels automatically the general recommendation is then to perform a power cycle of devices that did not automatically change channels (usually simply by removing and replacing the battery) before just re-pairing those devices in the ZHA integration.










PS: Users should however note that changing the Zigbee channel is not a magic bullet for reception/transceiving-related issues, so users probably want to refer to ZHA integration documentation’s new troubleshooting section on interference and range/coverage optimization tips as well as this related discussion → Guide for Zigbee interference avoidance and network range/coverage optimization


Not sure what’s going on here - debug logging flags on every integration, and then when I click the disable debug logging button on each one it instead downloads the log file for it?

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You’re right. Guess I got too excited for having an option to directly throw my backups on a nas.


I understand and find really usefull the Backup and Media option, but I understand what the Share is for. Do you have any idea?

Do you have debug logging set in logger?


    pychromecast.socket_client: critical
    homeassistant.components.homekit.type_media_players: critical
    homeassistant.helpers.template: error

Ahhh men… network storage here also not supported…
but my supervised hass is supported and healthy


Agreed! Looks nice.


There is no feedback at all if the network share is not available when the offsite backup is started.

You’ll never know you don’t have a backup :open_mouth:

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Because there is no reason for it to? You are running docker, this type of setup has always been possible , you just configure the /media directory to point to whatever mount you want in the docker config.


Anoyone else that also got a lot of:

2023-06-07 22:43:03.282 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.202306070] blob:https://rpi-hassio/9e55a1ed-4db1-4ea0-8af7-5be593d65de7:1:100 Uncaught ReferenceError: t is not defined

2023-06-07 22:43:05.991 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.202306070] blob:https://rpi-hassio/c371700d-4c31-4b96-b005-5e70fc315c4c:1:100 Uncaught ReferenceError: t is not defined

2023-06-07 22:43:06.038 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.202306070] blob:https://rpi-hassio/d19a9045-abca-4bef-b2d2-da1d7d1da54e:1:100 Uncaught ReferenceError: t is not defined


Noticed theres allready an issue: Errors in the logs while moving to a view with a live camera stream · Issue #16776 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub

The breaking change note for the IHC Controller currently links to an incorrect pull request. It should instead be linked to the following pull request: Remove default unit of measurement in IHC sensors by dingusdk · Pull Request #93054 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

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Any chance someone has the link handy to check on Docker image build? I’m still seeing 2023.5.4.

the builds are now done before the release, so the build has been out since the post went up

Amazing work done!!! I had just 3 repairs and that was it. Its ligthing speed faster!!!

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