2023.6: Network storage, favorite light colors, new integrations dashboard

hmm yeah, I had done that but got an error. Do I need to allow sharing within synology or something?

yup, you need to enable NFS and whitelist the home assistant IP ^^


ok thanks. Wonder why I didnt have to do that for mounting the folders within Windows Explorer?

You also need to use the IP (or hostname) to the server, not the URL to the web page for it.


Windows uses SMB/CIFS, not NFS.

For the server field, you just want the IP address or the FQDN/hostname of your synology, so remove the HTTP:// and the port at the end and just use the IP only.

For the remote share path, if you want to use it the way you do on Windows, use SMB/CIFS instead of NFS. Then add the share you want to access. So in windows if you’re using \\stuff…then the remote share path would be \stuff (possibly /stuff). Then plugin the username/password you have configured that use use in windows.


You can also plan backup and define, how many to keep…

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I’m getting a “not supported” message a
On my pi, too

I believe if you run the updated supervised installer it fixes the network storage feature.

Is there any github issue, or elsewhere, we can follow the Watson TTS non-responses? I use and enjoy this integration. Would love to add more attention to this on the upstream project!

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Did this update break the vlc add-on for anyone? I did OS updates on my supervised install right before updating to 2023.6 so not sure which one broke it. I have no more tts announcements and the add-on is flooded with:
[00007f7e375acd50] vlcpulse audio output error: stream connection failure: No such entity
[00007f7e375acd50] main audio output error: module not functional
[00007f7e32beb720] main decoder error: failed to create audio output

Edit: could have been the supervisor update to 2023.6.1 based on https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/94154

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They are disabled by default, you have to enable them manually.

I don’t get what the difference between datetime helper and the new datetime entity is. Could someone help me out?
Is the new entity simply he exact same thing but as a pre-existing entity rather than one I had to make myself?

Seems odd that the temperature selector for my lights is now a circle just like the color one instead of being a slider since the y values on the circle all seem to have the same value (unless I’m missing something), otherwise happy with the new UI changes.


I’m running HA Supervised on an Intel NUC running the latest Debian 11.
When I go to Settings/System/Storage I see the following message:

The operating system does not support network storage
Network storage is not supported on this host

I do have a Synology NAS which has been configured and is showing up correctly in the Integration and Devices.

Do I need to do anything else to enable the Sinology in the Storage page?


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I need to do some more reading but I would like to have the InfluxDB database stored on my NAS. Is that possible with this change? (HA in Proxmox)

(I recently put InfluxDB into Docker on the Synology NAS but would prefer it inside HA - but it was taking up too much space)

Network Storage is exciting! If I create network storage under the “SHARE” category… I know I can use it as a setting in the add-ons… would I be able to use it as an option in configuration.yaml?

Basically I would like to point ssl_certificate and ssl_key in the configuration.yaml to a NETWORK Mount Point, so I don’t have to copy my SSL certificates over to /ssl/ on my YELLOW every time…

Am I able to access the mount path from the NETWORK SHARE in the configuration.yaml?

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  1. Pretty sure supervised is not supported on debian 10, you should update to debian 11

  2. Install the latest debian-supervised.deb file, it fixes network mounts (although as I say, you’ll probably need debian 11 first.

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Sorry, I had to go back and edit my post… I’m actually running latest Debian 11 version.
In the meantime, I’ve read the posts and understand that this option is not available for the Supervised installs.


Just to add from my experience, I used “stuff” without forward/backslash and it worked. I also found out that if you don’t want to mount everything under “stuff” but instead only want to mount a particular folder under “stuff” say stuff\homeassistant\backups, then for the “Remote Share” entry, enter “stuff/homeassistant/backups”.

Another thing I found is the first time I did this, I did it only using “stuff” (not stuff/homeassistant/backups) and configured for “backup” and the backup did indeed put a tar file under “stuff”. However I changed the configuration for the mount to “stuff/homeassistant/backups” (and kept the configuration for “backup”), however this time the backup did not get saved in that location. What I found as the solution is you have to go to the UI->Settings->Backups click on the 3-dots and select “Change default backup location” and select the mounted drive. Then the backups will get saved on the mounted drive/folder.