2023.7: Responding services

Do you have solar panels? Do you know your grid consumption? Do you know how much you return to the grid?

Yes. As of today I have one solar panel :sunglasses: :wink:.

You don’t have a return to grid sensor.

Therefore it is impossible to calculate the self sufficiency value (grid import vs export).


You need return to grid

Edit: Tom beat me


Ohhh. That makes sense, I think. Mystery solved then :+1:.

I’ve just switched my HA Container install to the recommended ghcr.io image as noted in the release notes.

Given the release notes

As of this release, we no longer publish our intermediate platform images to DockerHub. This means that if you are using these images, you will no longer receive updates. Please use the above-listed images instead.

it would be useful if the version integration checked ghcr.io rather than DockerHub.
Happy to raise an issue if that’s the appropriate thing to do?

I figured that out on accident and now I’m wondering if I could remove the Energy Section from the sidebar. Permanently, not just from one browser using the “Change the order and hide items from the sidebar” option in the menu of the logged in user.

Any ideas?


Hello, yes you are right, if you use the switch for the LEDs it works, but if you turn it off it then turns on in home assistant again but the hyperion instance does not. The communication is not yet as it was. I restore back to the previous version and I will try after further updates.

I am not happy with the performance yet…

Remove the default configuration integration from your configuration.yaml file and add ALL the ones from this list you do want to keep:

Then restart home assistant.

You will also have to manually add any new default integrations included in future releases that you want to use.

That’s something I won’t keep up with. I’m usually two months behind at least already! Hehehe.
Seems a bit strange to force it in the sidebar since having a solar array is still pretty low adoption for the majority of the populous. I do remove it the way I said above, but each time I clear the cache or similar there it is again. Annoying is all.
Would be nice to have a system wide toggle for things such as this showing in the sidebar.

thanks for the info

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I guess it depends where you live. It is extremely prevalent here (Australia).

I live on the other side of the world with all the clouds. :upside_down_face:

If you actually do the math from the door to door solar salesmen you will lost money going with them. Some of them don’t even sell you the system…you rent it from them, but it is still their property and in some places you can’t sell any energy back to the grid or if you can it is at such a reduced rate (like you pay $0.15/kwh, but they pay you $0.02/kwh) it cost you money to have the panels on your house. Some people don’t realize that and end up going that route, but solar isn’t common at all around me.

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With a smart meter and a (cheap) dongle for the meter you can feed electricity conumption data into Home Assisstant with very little effort. The panel is therefore not only useful for users who produce electricity with pv. I have been using the energy panel for many months like that before I got my small solar installation.


SInce upgrade to 2023.7 my Hyperion integration stopped working. I mean, it works but my led strip does not respond to it. I have to turn them on and off via te Hyperion dasboard.

Hello, thank you for your work!
After this upgrade my HA is lightning fast. It was pretty average previously, taking a couple of seconds to load a page, but now it opens every page in a moment of mouse click.


The very last example automation in the Hyperion documentation should return the functionality you are used to https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/hyperion/#examples

IMHO the Hyperion PR should be reverted. It adds nothing but confusion.

Also, once enabled, the switch.[instance]_component_led_device does nothing for my Hyperion install.

If I turn it on in Home Assistant it instantly turns off.

I can toggle the switch on the Hyperion Dashboard.

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I had the same, I wasn’t sure if it is the update or a firmware upgrade on the envoy. I deleted the integration and installed the custom integration and was able to log in with my email and enphase password. Make sure to restart Home Assistant after deleting the core integration. Somehow it was still in cache or something and it was interfering with the custom integration. Custom integration gave me an entity for the lifetime production with the exact same name so didn’t have to change anything in the energy dashboard.

yes, it is time for the energy dashboard to change!

While I initially got excited about service response, but then realized limitation of implementation :frowning: The only way to consume the response is within the script or automation that called the service. But sometimes it is needed to store the response for further processing. If response is short, we could use for example input_text.set_value to store it as entity state. But this brings a limitation that was many times highlighted in this forum - only 255 characters that entity state can store. While I understand this limitation and that we should store larger chunks of text as entities attributes, but then again we are missing ability to set the value of attribute from script or automation. The only possibility to set attribute is is to use template trigger sensor, but with this implementation we are missing such trigger to use.
Why we do not have set_attribute service available for custom entities (e.g. to have possibility to add custom attribute to input_text)?
Why can’t we define callback_event for called service, that would allow to use template trigger sensor to store such response in attribute?