2023.7: Responding services

Nothing as it’s a bug currently. I believe it will be fixed in a future .x release. (ignore it for now)

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Fix is made, waiting for next release:


Could the source sensor be the issue and report unexpected values? Maybe it helps to check the statistics in the dev tools around the time of wrong values.

mystrom switch now useless

have a mystrom switch to meassure solar input, but with the recent HA update i cant use the yaml anymore and the real integration only shows me on/off… but i cant get any power readings off it… ?!

Nope, all sensors seem normal:


Just wondering because you have spikes in a total_increasing sensor, means at certain points it decreases which would be wrong I guess

yes, and that’s the weird thing. There are no spikes in the sensors, non at all. The anomaly is only on de energy dashboard.

It might not be the root cause but the anomaly is also in the source sensor:

Just an idea, hope it helps

Don’t think that’s the same spike. Also on the energy dashboard its on completely different times.

Seems like the @allenporter blueprint is broken. I clicked on it to import, and it doesn’t appear in my list of blueprints. Tried this twice without success.

Your post is very devoid of context.


Because I am an idiot and tried to import it before doing the upgrade. It works (the import) now after updating HA core.


Sometimes we are our own worse enemy :rofl:


I followed this discussion on album information as best I could but got a bit lost. Is there any chance please that you could put the complete configuration and automation somewhere (like community guides) so that others of us can emulate it?

Here is is: Getting played album info from OpenAI - Community Guides - Home Assistant Community (home-assistant.io). Quickly created, so might require firther finetuning, but contain everything you might need for start. As there are some issues with implementation (highlighted at the end of post), I’ll update this guide if solution found.


Fantastic, many thanks.

Is something wrong with the 2023.7.2 release?


wdym? Looks like the last 2 components are currently building

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It looks like ^Refactor async_get_hass to rely on threading.local instead of a ContextVar^ in the latest core release did not fix my issue of calling an openai script from a zigbee button press action.
The called script will run fine if executed directly, but will not execute as an action triggered by mqqt from another script .( in my case using zigbee2mqqt). Using any other trigger, the script executes as normal.

Looks like there is a Problem with Custom Cards in the Dashboard, right? Almost all Custom elements are broken and show red.
It is Mushroom Card, Vacuum Card, Mini Temp and Auto-Entities and almost every other…
Or is there a bigger change in configuration which i didn see?