2023.8: Translated services, events, and wildcards!

Unfortunately, I am not familiar with logs at all and do not know how I can read it for a certain period of time. I did the update four days ago and for the last four days I’ve only had these problems and before that I just installed the backup and thought I’d share my experience with the update. Sorry I can’t provide logs.

Can someone help me understand this? I’d love to upgrade and 2023.9.1 is around the corner, but I am still stuck with this zombie integration that does not have a translation and therefore HA does not start? Thanks so much!

You’ll have to remove the broken integration manually by deleting it from /config/custom_components/mennekes

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thanks @bdraco, I had looked there already, but unfortunately there is no custom integration “mennekes” in config/custom_components and also no directory “mennekes” anywhere in config/.

Where else could I look for this zombie? It must be a place that wasn’t looked at prior to 2023.8.1?

cd /config; grep -R mennekes .

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I use HomeKit to integrate with Bticino Legrand. The new Translated Events are really useful, unfortunately, the Home/Away Remote switch has two buttons and in the automations it’s possible to select only one.

Could you please help on this issue?

As written in the inital post:
I also do not have a custom integration with that name and I also can’t find a file with “mennekes” in its name (with find . -name “mennekes”) or even a file with the string “mennekes” (with fgrep -r “mennekes”) in my HA/config directory? But HA somewhere still seems to remember that an integration with the name “mennekes” existed and now with the new translated services addition HA tries to find it to apply the new translation services and gets stuck if it doesn’t find it?
Unfortunately no meaningful results here. I do have a modbus sensor that connects to a Mennekes wallbox which is called mennekes_amtron_xtr, so that of course shows up, but it is not an Integration and does not correspond to the error message: homeassistant.loader.IntegrationNotFound: Integration 'mennekes' not found.. This must be stored somewhere, but I am really puzeled where HA retrieves this zombie Integration from? And as I said, this is a new fatal error that came with 2023.8.x so something is checked there that causes this problem.

Great, more useless features, and still nothing to address BASIC functionality like: when a condition with "for " fails, there is no indication whatsoever as to whether it failed because insufficient time has passed, how much time is remaining, or whether something else made it fail. Or how about taddressing the inability to test conditions added as part of Actions ? Or how about letting me copy a condition and add it as part of an AND or OR condition, instead of forcing me to create is all over again ? Or how about letting me change and AND condition to an OR condition ? May I suggest the devs work on making Automation editing not be a complete PITA before adding shiny new doodads.

The features in this release may not be useful to you but there are plenty that do want them. It’s not all about you.

And yet you just asked for shiny new doodads to be implemented.


You can’t have it both ways.

Also a friendly piece of advice.


My guess would be that it hides itself in either the config/.storage/core.config_entries
Or in your HACS storage in config/custom_components
Or maybe there is a menneskes: hiding in your configuration.yaml file?

This has been sitting there ignored since May 2022. I have also brought it up on Discord. I have made a couple of other requests - for example, addressing the inability to test conditions in Actions, things that I would consider fundamental for a system designed around a trigger / condition / action model. The other feature request is also pretty basic - I have a sensor, it produces values, why is ther no way to use the average value in an automation ? Just saying, these are basic kind of usability topics, and should be prioritised in favour of adding new features which probably only affect a small fraction of users.

Thanks @KennethLavrsen , unfortunately nothing in config/.storage/core.config_entries, nothing in configuration.yaml and I actually don’t have a HACS storage in config/custom_components since I am running HA in a container.

Where else could this zombie be hiding?

You should really open your own topic for this! I doubt that this problem gets much attention here. :slight_smile:

That must be solveable, otherwise it would be a bug. And that’s rarely happening, that I suspect a bug. When people normally talking about a bug, it’s 99,9% a bug between keyboard and chair… :wink:

This makes no sense. Container installs can still use hacs, and hacs stores integrations in custom_components

okay, I should have correctly said, I did not install HACS in the container.


yes, I will open a new topic. The initial thread was triggered since the issue happened with HA version 2023.8.1 without me changing anything. And I tried every version afterwards, 2023.8.2, 2023.8.3, 2023.9.1 and always the same issue. And by going back to 2023.7.3, everything works again. So it does not feel like a conventional “chair and keyboard” bug…

Google tells me that some mennekes devices are integrated via modbus. Something else to search on!

Just to close this issue also here, I found the bug and it is documented here and here.

tl;dr it is caused by the pyscript custom integration. I had services that had @service decorators with a service_name DOMAIN.SERVICE (which is explicitly allowed by pyscript, see here), but starting with HA 2023.8.1 HA interprets the DOMAIN part in the service_name as an integration and is looking for a translation, that it can’t find and then it fails to start.

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According to step 6 at Setting up Home Assistant Assist as default assistant app on an Android phone:

how to do this on a FireOS powered device (Amazon Fire tablets)?

(edit: think I solved it on my own. seems to be impossible out of the box, so I used a “Button Mapper” app to trigger Home Assistant Assist when long pressing the volume up button. As my Fire tablet - or it’s Android version - lacks the ability to speak the input so I have to type the text, it’s in the end not useful at all unfortunately… :frowning: )