2023.8: Translated services, events, and wildcards!

With the new MQTT rules I got warning for 232 devices. How can I fix this automatically?

I run everything on a rpi4 8gb without any issues.

Yes, can’t seems to toggle anything correctly… Glad it’s not just me

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same. i downgraded back to .7 version as im not at a point where i want to rename 20+ devices, remake the homekit links, update dashboards etc…

4 posts were split to a new topic: Things I would like implemented

Hence the words QOL aka Quality of Life

Hi, is there really nothing to worry about? I have a naming convention for entities which is


In the GUI on the device page the entites are now shown as “_temperature” and the device_name part has been removed from the display. That’s ok for me, but the warning says, that this workaround will be removed in HA 2024.2.0. What does that mean? I don’t want to change my naming convention because all of my automations rely on pyscript. And having source code with entites like “temperature_22” or “occupancy_13” is very error prone. Therefore I want to keep my current naming convention (and it would be a pain in the a** to change it). Do I now have to live forever with those warnings? And what happens after 2024.2 release?

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I had no issues before either.
But, the problem was, de Restore didn’t work and destroyed everything.

Have the same problem with TP-Link Kasa Smart. Checked all the automations an nothing was doing this. They also got renamed.

back-up restore and all working again.

yep same issue here, had to do a back up

Same here. Turning one on/off does the same to the other one but it doesn’t actually do it. So if I turn the top one on, it’ll turn on the bottom one but the bottom one doesn’t actually turn on.

Bluetooth tracker don’t work.

Please see the second post and ask your questions in that thread.

Yes I couldn’t turn them off they just keep getting turn on again. I have 3 power board and a lot of single ones and they would just turn back ON when you turn them OFF. I should of spent some time on it before I restored but I didn’t as it was broken and I needed it back ASAP.

Same issue as well.
Restored 2023.7.3 backup fixed for me

Hi, I handled the deprecation. I’m not sure what is surprising? My intention is that it has been raising a repair issue about this deprecation for the last 3 or 4 releases and saying it goes away in 2023.08. If there was a mistake there, that’s on me, but that was the idea. I’m not sure what you mean about saying a month before or whatever.

The plan was to remove this integration over a year ago well before works with nest was going away anyway. It is unpainted and not supported, and SDM has been out for multiple years at this point. The legacy works with nest removal was just another reason to get this moving.

The intent was to ensure folks aren’t suddenly surprised with no alternatives. You are welcome to continue using the old home assistant version to get another few weeks out of the API, or even port the code to a custom component if the community wants to maintain it.


The links to june and july in the post are incorrect.
june does not exist and july forward to the june post.

The only part that seems surprising to me is that the PR that finally removed it was marked as a deprecation, not a breaking change, so it didn’t show up in the breaking changes section of the release notes.

I would expect that a deletion that comes at the end of a well managed deprecation cycle is still considered a breaking change, and worth calling out as such. You should still do it, just some better labeling would cause fewer surprises.

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+1 to the fact this wasn’t a breaking change on the list.

My surprise came from the fact it’s been removed from home assistant before WWN was killed by Google (scheduled for the end September) so I assumed it would go at the same time in the 2023.9 release.

Obviously I am grateful that it’s been left in so long as you’re right it’s been unsupported etc for a while - just felt a bit off to kill it off earlier than needed.

Either way, the time has come to move off the old API, so I will soon!