2023.9: New climate entity dialogs, lots of tile features, and template sensors from the UI!

hehe, no one thinks like you :wink:

better post full and complete templates in the future to prevent confusion

icon: >
  mdi:coffee-maker{{'-check' if is_state(entity,'on')}}

It’s not a problem of understanding. :slight_smile: I’m quite sure, the people you directed your post to, do understand your meaning.

But that’s not the point here:
You are an experienced user with nearly 2000 posts in this forum. Whatever you write will not only be read by the people you direct it to, but by all users, even unexperienced ones.

If they take your example from above, they will get one or more errors. And that’s what’s not good. Like it or not, but you as experienced user have to look out for things, that could get a wrong impression or example.

That’s why context is needed, and an incompletly posted example will not help others in the future, if they find your post via the search.

I for one am quite sure, you mean well with these post, but sometimes they are not suitable without context for unexperienced users. Please don’t get me wrong, I like to read your sometimes chaotic posts, and I’m willing to understand them, but you can’t set that as a standard for all users.
Please don’t take that as criticism, I for one make enough mistakes on my own, so I’m in no position to judge, but I wanted to explain that a little further. :slight_smile:

:slight_smile: No hard feelings! :slight_smile:


Great work HA devs! Another awesome release! With the new thermostat look, it got me thinking… Is there a way to select a different temp sensor to act as the current temp of the thermostat card? The Nest app does a good job of this where is displays all the rooms I have a temperature sensor (including the location of the thermostat). In the evening I can select a kids room (which has a Nest temp sensor) and the thermostat uses the temp in that location as the current temp and will cool or heat the house so that room hits the desired temp. I don’t think the updated card can do this, but just wanted to bring this up.

Respectfully, in the future, you may wish to consider putting as much effort into composing a functional Jinja2 example as you did in sharing your many thoughts about why you think it doesn’t have a mistake.

I agree with you. It’s demonstrated by your inordinately long reply, explaining why you think the (obviously flawed) example is fine.

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is this a bug in the new Tile features?:

considering the color is set to follow status, I would have expected the slider to show the same color as the icon?

I don’t think the tile card shows color there.

guess not.
Ive set them colors to:

    state-cover-closed-color: maroon
    state-cover-closing-color: blue
    state-cover-open-color: gold
    state-cover-opening-color: orange
    state-cover-unknown-color: slategrey

and see the icon use that correctly. It’s just that this bright slider really shows in my darker evening/noght themes… hurt the eye.

maybe Paul can have a look at that. Ill have a look at a FR in the Frontend discussion section

It’s most like just a brightness slider.

If you considered it an “example” , im so sorry , next time i’ll just write

Have you tried using

[quote="boheme61, post:163, topic:611299"]

{% else %}
{% if

 instead of {elif}

When i answer people who are pretty well knowledge in templates

So “maybe” i wont pissing of some people, who can’t find better to do than picking on irrelevant details.

( if aceindy didn’t understand, im sure he would have asked, but apparently i totally misunderstood his question )

The whole icon issue is clear and working, i just wanted to know if the same was possible in the template helper (as i wanted to move it from yaml to helper) :thinking:

(i moved it anyway, the icon is ‘nice’ but not essential :wink: )

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Post a Feature Request. There’s already one to have the Template helper support availability.

For all of those having issues with supervisor not being setup, I tested a suggestion mentioned in the Github issue.
Enter Terminal/SSH and type: ha core rebuild

Home Assistant restarts and after that my supervisor is loaded in the integrations pane again.

I don’t understand how core rebuild could fix Github’s network issue. Have you restarted HA several times and it still works?

I changed my firewall’s DNS server to remap github.com to GitHub’s US server, that fixed the issue.

My curtains show the correct colour for the slider.


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right but that’s a position slider and not a brightness slider. Brightness in HA has always been yellow. Just like on a light without color.

Is that a brightness slider? It looks like a cover entity, so would be position as well (?), but I don’t speak whatever language that is, so I can’t be sure. :slight_smile:

Same :slightly_smiling_face: :man_shrugging:

If it wasn’t clear, my tile card is for a cover entity also …

Seems like it should reflect the colour of the entity then. Not sure why it doesn’t. What’s the YAML for the card?

That’s Dutch btw. :laughing:

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