2023.9: New climate entity dialogs, lots of tile features, and template sensors from the UI!

The AC in ventilation mode is not showing anything :slightly_frowning_face:

That’s just it: it’s in my dev Ui dashboard where I try all core card options …

No yaml for that :wink:

But check this now:


Fingers crossed for closed:


Yes there is… there’s yaml for everything. Just click the “show code editor” button.

Ofc . I know … just that it wasn’t me this time…

type: tile
entity: cover.screen_keuken
  - type: cover-open-close
  - type: cover-position

We need a copy button in that editor…

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Same tabbed-card problem :poop:

That needs to be taken up with the third party card developer, have you opened an issue with them?

Only one WLED and only one light.wled2 entity.

Same for me. Had to go back to previous version too.

Looks like someone did, thanks:


Someone has… so no need for more on it here (hopefully) :grinning:

Edit: x2… sorry Tom :rofl:

That is somewhat “expected”. I will prepare a PR with a fix proposal to get the discussion started.


Thanks Philip, thats exactly what is happening indeed, great you picked its up!

Ugh, that ESPHOME breaking change is going to hurt over the next few months as I upgrade from 8266 to esp32’s, if I can’t just easily swap them out!

Not sure that it will be that dramatic. Just delete the old device and let the system discover the new one.

Hm … Maybe I’m misunderstanding the severity, won’t this result in all the entities potentially having incorrect ids and needing their entities to be re-assigned to areas?

Does the below sound accurate:

Right now, all I’d need to do is update the esphome config, flash it and replace the device and that’s it.

Once I upgrade, I’ll have to do all of that, delete the device from HA but keep track of the entity_id’s, restart (or reload … whichever is needed), add the ‘new’ device and then check the entity_id’s and correct them if necessary, re-assign the area for the device (or individual entities, whichever applies for this specific device since a dozen or so of my devices have multiple sensors in different rooms, so the areas of the individual entities don’t always match the area of the device itself).

I get that this may be a spacebar heating situation, but it doesn’t make it suck any less, lol. I’ve largely been unaffected by breaking changes for the last few years, so I guess I was bound to have something affect me again eventually :-\

If you are using the same config on the new device, I think the entity_ids should be the same. (I based my comment on that assumption, but as I often say to others, assumption is the mother of failure.)

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Oh well, I’ll see what happens, I’ll already be limited in how fast I can deploy these replacements just by how fast I can physically get them swapped out and configured … adding an extra couple steps into the mix won’t inconvenience me too much, but it seems like a lot of extra work I’ve got to do just because some others can’t set their IPs properly (but, to be fair, it’s only a lot of extra work in the quite rare instance where you’re replacing an ESPHOME device with another virtually identical one).

They will be. I always delete my existing ESPHome devices from HA before replacing the ESP board. Never had an issue. You will lose any customisations made via the UI. Fortunately there is little need for this nowadays.


Too bad the Overkiz entities (Rssi/number) that were borked for some time and had finally returned after Pr in 2023.9, now are gone again in 2023.9.1…

Hope this will finally point to why they were borked in the first place

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I’m not sure if this is true of all climate entities, or just an interaction between the Daikin integration and the new More Info display, but it rounds decimal values to a whole number.

See that the Daikin is actually set to 15.5º, but the new interface shows this as 16º.


It also means you can no longer set it to half degree values as you used to.
Are people finding this with other integrations too?

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